Specify the core interventions available in Covasim. Other interventions can be
defined by the user by inheriting from these classes.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pylab as pl
import sciris as sc
import inspect
import datetime as dt
from . import misc as cvm
from . import utils as cvu
from . import base as cvb
from . import defaults as cvd
from . import parameters as cvpar
from . import immunity as cvi
#%% Helper functions
def find_day(arr, t=None, interv=None, sim=None, which='first'):
Helper function to find if the current simulation time matches any day in the
intervention. Although usually never more than one index is returned, it is
returned as a list for the sake of easy iteration.
arr (list/function): list of days in the intervention, or a boolean array; or a function that returns these
t (int): current simulation time (can be None if a boolean array is used)
which (str): what to return: 'first', 'last', or 'all' indices
interv (intervention): the intervention object (usually self); only used if arr is callable
sim (sim): the simulation object; only used if arr is callable
inds (list): list of matching days; length zero or one unless which is 'all'
New in version 2.1.2: arr can be a function with arguments interv and sim.
if callable(arr):
arr = arr(interv, sim)
arr = sc.toarray(arr)
all_inds = sc.findinds(arr=arr, val=t)
if len(all_inds) == 0 or which == 'all':
inds = all_inds
elif which == 'first':
inds = [all_inds[0]]
elif which == 'last':
inds = [all_inds[-1]]
else: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Argument "which" must be "first", "last", or "all", not "{which}"'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
return inds
def preprocess_day(day, sim):
Preprocess a day: leave it as-is if it's a function, or try to convert it to
an integer if it's anything else.
if callable(day): # pragma: no cover
return day # If it's callable, leave it as-is
day = sim.day(day) # Otherwise, convert it to an int
return day
def get_day(day, interv=None, sim=None):
Return the day if it's an integer, or call it if it's a function.
if callable(day): # pragma: no cover
return day(interv, sim) # If it's callable, call it
return day # Otherwise, leave it as-is
def process_days(sim, days, return_dates=False):
Ensure lists of days are in consistent format. Used by change_beta, clip_edges,
and some analyzers. If day is 'end' or -1, use the final day of the simulation.
Optionally return dates as well as days. If days is callable, leave unchanged.
if callable(days):
return days
if sc.isstring(days) or not sc.isiterable(days):
days = sc.tolist(days)
for d,day in enumerate(days):
if day in ['end', -1]: # pragma: no cover
day = sim['end_day']
days[d] = preprocess_day(day, sim) # Ensure it's an integer and not a string or something
days = np.sort(sc.toarray(days)) # Ensure they're an array and in order
if return_dates:
dates = [sim.date(day) for day in days] # Store as date strings
return days, dates
return days
def process_changes(sim, changes, days):
Ensure lists of changes are in consistent format. Used by change_beta and clip_edges.
changes = sc.toarray(changes)
if sc.isiterable(days) and len(days) != len(changes): # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Number of days supplied ({len(days)}) does not match number of changes ({len(changes)})'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
return changes
def process_daily_data(daily_data, sim, start_day, as_int=False):
This function performs one of three things: if the daily test data are supplied as
a number, then it converts it to an array of the right length. If the daily
data are supplied as a Pandas series or dataframe with a date index, then it
reindexes it to match the start date of the simulation. If the daily data are
supplied as a string, then it will convert it to a column and try to read from
that. Otherwise, it does nothing.
daily_data (str, number, dataframe, or series): the data to convert to standardized format
sim (Sim): the simulation object
start_day (date): the start day of the simulation, in already-converted datetime.date format
as_int (bool): whether to convert to an integer
# Handle string arguments
if sc.isstring(daily_data):
if daily_data == 'data':
daily_data = sim.data['new_tests'] # Use default name
else: # pragma: no cover
daily_data = sim.data[daily_data]
except Exception as E:
errormsg = f'Tried to load testing data from sim.data["{daily_data}"], but that failed: {str(E)}.\nPlease ensure data are loaded into the sim and the column exists.'
raise ValueError(errormsg) from E
# Handle other arguments
if sc.isnumber(daily_data): # If a number, convert to an array
if as_int: daily_data = int(daily_data) # Make it an integer
daily_data = np.array([daily_data] * sim.npts)
elif isinstance(daily_data, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
start_date = sim['start_day'] + dt.timedelta(days=start_day)
end_date = daily_data.index[-1]
dateindex = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date)
daily_data = daily_data.reindex(dateindex, fill_value=0).to_numpy()
return daily_data
def get_subtargets(subtarget, sim):
A small helper function to see if subtargeting is a list of indices to use,
or a function that needs to be called. If a function, it must take a single
argument, a sim object, and return a list of indices. Also validates the values.
Currently designed for use with testing interventions, but could be generalized
to other interventions. Not typically called directly by the user.
subtarget (dict): dict with keys 'inds' and 'vals'; see test_num() for examples of a valid subtarget dictionary
sim (Sim): the simulation object
# Validation
if callable(subtarget):
subtarget = subtarget(sim)
if 'inds' not in subtarget: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'The subtarget dict must have keys "inds" and "vals", but you supplied {subtarget}'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
# Handle the two options of type
if callable(subtarget['inds']): # A function has been provided
subtarget_inds = subtarget['inds'](sim) # Call the function to get the indices
subtarget_inds = subtarget['inds'] # The indices are supplied directly
# Validate the values
if callable(subtarget['vals']): # A function has been provided
subtarget_vals = subtarget['vals'](sim) # Call the function to get the indices
subtarget_vals = subtarget['vals'] # The indices are supplied directly
if sc.isiterable(subtarget_vals):
if len(subtarget_vals) != len(subtarget_inds): # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Length of subtargeting indices ({len(subtarget_inds)}) does not match length of values ({len(subtarget_vals)})'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
return subtarget_inds, subtarget_vals
def InterventionDict(which, pars):
Generate an intervention from a dictionary. Although a function, it acts
like a class, since it returns a class instance.
interv = cv.InterventionDict(which='change_beta', pars={'days': 30, 'changes': 0.5, 'layers': None})
mapping = dict(
dynamic_pars = dynamic_pars,
sequence = sequence,
change_beta = change_beta,
clip_edges = clip_edges,
test_num = test_num,
test_prob = test_prob,
contact_tracing = contact_tracing,
IntervClass = mapping[which]
available = ', '.join(mapping.keys())
errormsg = f'Only interventions "{available}" are available in dictionary representation, not "{which}"'
raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg)
intervention = IntervClass(**pars)
return intervention
#%% Generic intervention classes
__all__ = ['InterventionDict', 'Intervention', 'dynamic_pars', 'sequence']
class Intervention:
Base class for interventions. By default, interventions are printed using a
dict format, which they can be recreated from. To display all the attributes
of the intervention, use disp() instead.
To retrieve a particular intervention from a sim, use sim.get_intervention().
label (str): a label for the intervention (used for plotting, and for ease of identification)
show_label (bool): whether or not to include the label in the legend
do_plot (bool): whether or not to plot the intervention
line_args (dict): arguments passed to pl.axvline() when plotting
def __init__(self, label=None, show_label=False, do_plot=None, line_args=None):
self._store_args() # Store the input arguments so the intervention can be recreated
if label is None: label = self.__class__.__name__ # Use the class name if no label is supplied
self.label = label # e.g. "Close schools"
self.show_label = show_label # Do not show the label by default
self.do_plot = do_plot if do_plot is not None else True # Plot the intervention, including if None
self.line_args = sc.mergedicts(dict(linestyle='--', c='#aaa', lw=1.0), line_args) # Do not set alpha by default due to the issue of overlapping interventions
self.days = [] # The start and end days of the intervention
self.initialized = False # Whether or not it has been initialized
self.finalized = False # Whether or not it has been initialized
def __repr__(self, jsonify=False):
''' Return a JSON-friendly output if possible, else revert to short repr '''
if self.__class__.__name__ in __all__ or jsonify:
json = self.to_json()
which = json['which']
pars = json['pars']
parstr = ', '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k,v in pars.items()])
output = f"cv.{which}({parstr})"
except Exception as E:
output = f'{type(self)} (error: {str(E)})' # If that fails, print why
return output
return f'{self.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}()'
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Makes Intervention(sim) equivalent to Intervention.apply(sim)
if not self.initialized: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Intervention (label={self.label}, {type(self)}) has not been initialized'
raise RuntimeError(errormsg)
return self.apply(*args, **kwargs)
def disp(self):
''' Print a detailed representation of the intervention '''
return sc.pr(self)
def _store_args(self):
''' Store the user-supplied arguments for later use in to_json '''
self.input_args = {} # Create a place to store the input arguments
f0 = inspect.currentframe() # This "frame", i.e. Intervention.__init__()
f1 = inspect.getouterframes(f0) # The list of outer frames
parent = f1[2].frame # The parent frame, e.g. change_beta.__init__()
arginfo = inspect.getargvalues(parent) # Get the values of the arguments
for arg in arginfo.args:
if arg != 'self': # Don't store this
self.input_args[arg] = arginfo.locals[arg] # Store normal arguments, including defined keyword arguments
if arginfo.keywords is not None:
for key,value in arginfo.locals['kwargs'].items(): # Store additional arguments captured by **kwargs
self.input_args[key] = value
def initialize(self, sim=None):
Initialize intervention -- this is used to make modifications to the intervention
that can't be done until after the sim is created.
self.initialized = True
self.finalized = False
def finalize(self, sim=None):
Finalize intervention
This method is run once as part of `sim.finalize()` enabling the intervention to perform any
final operations after the simulation is complete (e.g. rescaling)
if self.finalized: # pragma: no cover
raise RuntimeError('Intervention already finalized') # Raise an error because finalizing multiple times has a high probability of producing incorrect results e.g. applying rescale factors twice
self.finalized = True
def apply(self, sim):
Apply the intervention. This is the core method which each derived intervention
class must implement. This method gets called at each timestep and can make
arbitrary changes to the Sim object, as well as storing or modifying the
state of the intervention.
sim: the Sim instance
raise NotImplementedError
def shrink(self, in_place=False):
Remove any excess stored data from the intervention; for use with sim.shrink().
in_place (bool): whether to shrink the intervention (else shrink a copy)
if in_place: # pragma: no cover
return self
return sc.dcp(self)
def plot_intervention(self, sim, ax=None, **kwargs):
Plot the intervention
This can be used to do things like add vertical lines on days when
interventions take place. Can be disabled by setting self.do_plot=False.
Note 1: you can modify the plotting style via the ``line_args`` argument when
creating the intervention.
Note 2: By default, the intervention is plotted at the days stored in self.days.
However, if there is a self.plot_days attribute, this will be used instead.
sim: the Sim instance
ax: the axis instance
kwargs: passed to ax.axvline()
line_args = sc.mergedicts(self.line_args, kwargs)
if self.do_plot or self.do_plot is None:
if ax is None:
ax = pl.gca()
if hasattr(self, 'plot_days'):
days = self.plot_days
days = self.days
if sc.isiterable(days):
label_shown = False # Don't show the label more than once
for day in days:
if sc.isnumber(day):
if self.show_label and not label_shown: # Choose whether to include the label in the legend
label = self.label
label_shown = True
label = None
date = sc.date(sim.date(day))
ax.axvline(date, label=label, **line_args)
def to_json(self):
Return JSON-compatible representation
Custom classes can't be directly represented in JSON. This method is a
one-way export to produce a JSON-compatible representation of the
intervention. In the first instance, the object dict will be returned.
However, if an intervention itself contains non-standard variables as
attributes, then its `to_json` method will need to handle those.
Note that simply printing an intervention will usually return a representation
that can be used to recreate it.
JSON-serializable representation (typically a dict, but could be anything else)
which = self.__class__.__name__
pars = sc.jsonify(self.input_args)
output = dict(which=which, pars=pars)
return output
class dynamic_pars(Intervention):
A generic intervention that modifies a set of parameters at specified points
in time.
The intervention takes a single argument, pars, which is a dictionary of which
parameters to change, with following structure: keys are the parameters to change,
then subkeys 'days' and 'vals' are either a scalar or list of when the change(s)
should take effect and what the new value should be, respectively.
You can also pass parameters to change directly as keyword arguments.
pars (dict): described above
kwargs (dict): passed to Intervention()
interv = cv.dynamic_pars(n_imports=dict(days=10, vals=100))
interv = cv.dynamic_pars({'beta':{'days':[14, 28], 'vals':[0.005, 0.015]}, 'rel_death_prob':{'days':30, 'vals':2.0}}) # Change beta, and make diagnosed people stop transmitting
def __init__(self, pars=None, **kwargs):
# Find valid sim parameters and move matching keyword arguments to the pars dict
pars = sc.mergedicts(pars) # Ensure it's a dictionary
sim_par_keys = list(cvpar.make_pars().keys()) # Get valid sim parameters
kwarg_keys = [k for k in kwargs.keys() if k in sim_par_keys]
for kkey in kwarg_keys:
pars[kkey] = kwargs.pop(kkey)
# Do standard initialization
super().__init__(**kwargs) # Initialize the Intervention object
# Handle the rest of the initialization
subkeys = ['days', 'vals']
for parkey in pars.keys():
for subkey in subkeys:
if subkey not in pars[parkey].keys(): # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Parameter {parkey} is missing subkey {subkey}'
raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg)
if sc.isnumber(pars[parkey][subkey]): # Allow scalar values or dicts, but leave everything else unchanged
pars[parkey][subkey] = sc.toarray(pars[parkey][subkey])
days = pars[parkey]['days']
vals = pars[parkey]['vals']
if sc.isiterable(days):
len_days = len(days)
len_vals = len(vals)
if len_days != len_vals: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(f'Length of days ({len_days}) does not match length of values ({len_vals}) for parameter {parkey}')
self.pars = pars
def apply(self, sim):
''' Loop over the parameters, and then loop over the days, applying them if any are found '''
t = sim.t
for parkey,parval in self.pars.items():
for ind in find_day(parval['days'], t, interv=self, sim=sim):
val = parval['vals'][ind]
if isinstance(val, dict):
sim[parkey].update(val) # Set the parameter if a nested dict
sim[parkey] = val # Set the parameter if not a dict
class sequence(Intervention):
This is an example of a meta-intervention which switches between a sequence of interventions.
days (list): the days on which to start applying each intervention
interventions (list): the interventions to apply on those days
kwargs (dict): passed to Intervention()
interv = cv.sequence(days=[10, 51], interventions=[
cv.test_prob(symptomatic_prob=0.2, asymptomatic_prob=0.002),
def __init__(self, days, interventions, **kwargs):
super().__init__(**kwargs) # Initialize the Intervention object
if sc.isiterable(days):
assert len(days) == len(interventions)
self.days = days
self.interventions = interventions
def initialize(self, sim):
''' Fix the dates '''
self.days = [sim.day(day) for day in self.days]
self.days_arr = np.array(self.days + [sim.npts])
for intervention in self.interventions:
def apply(self, sim):
''' Find the matching day, and see which intervention to activate '''
inds = find_day(self.days_arr <= sim.t, which='last')
if len(inds):
return self.interventions[inds[0]].apply(sim)
#%% Beta interventions
__all__+= ['change_beta', 'clip_edges']
class change_beta(Intervention):
The most basic intervention -- change beta (transmission) by a certain amount
on a given day or days. This can be used to represent physical distancing (although
clip_edges() is more appropriate for overall changes in mobility, e.g. school
or workplace closures), as well as hand-washing, masks, and other behavioral
changes that affect transmission rates.
days (int/arr): the day or array of days to apply the interventions
changes (float/arr): the changes in beta (1 = no change, 0 = no transmission)
layers (str/list): the layers in which to change beta (default: all)
kwargs (dict): passed to Intervention()
interv = cv.change_beta(25, 0.3) # On day 25, reduce overall beta by 70% to 0.3
interv = cv.change_beta([14, 28], [0.7, 1], layers='s') # On day 14, reduce beta by 30%, and on day 28, return to 1 for schools
def __init__(self, days, changes, layers=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(**kwargs) # Initialize the Intervention object
self.days = sc.dcp(days)
self.changes = sc.dcp(changes)
self.layers = sc.dcp(layers)
self.orig_betas = None
def initialize(self, sim):
''' Fix days and store beta '''
self.days = process_days(sim, self.days)
self.changes = process_changes(sim, self.changes, self.days)
self.layers = sc.tolist(self.layers, keepnone=True)
self.orig_betas = {}
for lkey in self.layers:
if lkey is None:
self.orig_betas['overall'] = sim['beta']
self.orig_betas[lkey] = sim['beta_layer'][lkey]
def apply(self, sim):
# If this day is found in the list, apply the intervention
for ind in find_day(self.days, sim.t, interv=self, sim=sim):
for lkey,new_beta in self.orig_betas.items():
new_beta = new_beta * self.changes[ind]
if lkey == 'overall':
sim['beta'] = new_beta
sim['beta_layer'][lkey] = new_beta
class clip_edges(Intervention):
Isolate contacts by removing them from the simulation. Contacts are treated as
"edges", and this intervention works by removing them from sim.people.contacts
and storing them internally. When the intervention is over, they are moved back.
This intervention has quite similar effects as change_beta(), but is more appropriate
for modeling the effects of mobility reductions such as school and workplace
closures. The main difference is that since clip_edges() actually removes contacts,
it affects the number of people who would be traced and placed in quarantine
if an individual tests positive. It also alters the structure of the network
-- i.e., compared to a baseline case of 20 contacts and a 2% chance of infecting
each, there are slightly different statistics for a beta reduction (i.e., 20 contacts
and a 1% chance of infecting each) versus an edge clipping (i.e., 10 contacts
and a 2% chance of infecting each).
days (int or array): the day or array of days to isolate contacts
changes (float or array): the changes in the number of contacts (1 = no change, 0 = no contacts)
layers (str or list): the layers in which to isolate contacts (if None, then all layers)
kwargs (dict): passed to Intervention()
interv = cv.clip_edges(25, 0.3) # On day 25, reduce overall contacts by 70% to 0.3
interv = cv.clip_edges([14, 28], [0.7, 1], layers='s') # On day 14, remove 30% of school contacts, and on day 28, restore them
def __init__(self, days, changes, layers=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(**kwargs) # Initialize the Intervention object
self.days = sc.dcp(days)
self.changes = sc.dcp(changes)
self.layers = sc.dcp(layers)
self.contacts = None
def initialize(self, sim):
self.days = process_days(sim, self.days)
self.changes = process_changes(sim, self.changes, self.days)
if self.layers is None:
self.layers = sim.layer_keys()
self.layers = sc.tolist(self.layers)
self.contacts = cvb.Contacts(layer_keys=self.layers)
def apply(self, sim):
# If this day is found in the list, apply the intervention
for ind in find_day(self.days, sim.t, interv=self, sim=sim):
# Do the contact moving
for lkey in self.layers:
s_layer = sim.people.contacts[lkey] # Contact layer in the sim
i_layer = self.contacts[lkey] # Contact layer in the intervention
n_sim = len(s_layer) # Number of contacts in the simulation layer
n_int = len(i_layer) # Number of contacts in the intervention layer
n_contacts = n_sim + n_int # Total number of contacts
if n_contacts:
current_prop = n_sim/n_contacts # Current proportion of contacts in the sim, e.g. 1.0 initially
desired_prop = self.changes[ind] # Desired proportion, e.g. 0.5
prop_to_move = current_prop - desired_prop # Calculate the proportion of contacts to move
n_to_move = int(prop_to_move*n_contacts) # Number of contacts to move
from_sim = (n_to_move>0) # Check if we're moving contacts from the sim
if from_sim: # We're moving from the sim to the intervention
inds = cvu.choose(max_n=n_sim, n=n_to_move)
to_move = s_layer.pop_inds(inds)
else: # We're moving from the intervention back to the sim
inds = cvu.choose(max_n=n_int, n=abs(n_to_move))
to_move = i_layer.pop_inds(inds)
else: # pragma: no cover
warnmsg = f'Warning: clip_edges() was applied to layer "{lkey}", but no edges were found; please check sim.people.contacts["{lkey}"]'
def finalize(self, sim):
''' Ensure the edges get deleted at the end '''
self.contacts = None # Reset to save memory
#%% Testing interventions
__all__+= ['test_num', 'test_prob', 'contact_tracing']
def get_quar_inds(quar_policy, sim):
Helper function to return the appropriate indices for people in quarantine
based on the current quarantine testing "policy". Used by test_num and test_prob.
Not for use by the user.
If quar_policy is a number or a list of numbers, then it is interpreted as
the number of days after the start of quarantine when a test is performed.
It can also be a function that returns the list of indices.
quar_policy (str, int, list, func): 'start', people entering quarantine; 'end', people leaving; 'both', entering and leaving; 'daily', every day in quarantine
sim (Sim): the simulation object
t = sim.t
if quar_policy is None: quar_test_inds = np.array([])
elif quar_policy == 'start': quar_test_inds = cvu.true(sim.people.date_quarantined==t-1) # Actually do the day after since testing usually happens before contact tracing
elif quar_policy == 'end': quar_test_inds = cvu.true(sim.people.date_end_quarantine==t+1) # +1 since they are released on date_end_quarantine, so do the day before
elif quar_policy == 'both': quar_test_inds = np.concatenate([cvu.true(sim.people.date_quarantined==t-1), cvu.true(sim.people.date_end_quarantine==t+1)])
elif quar_policy == 'daily': quar_test_inds = cvu.true(sim.people.quarantined)
elif sc.isnumber(quar_policy) or (sc.isiterable(quar_policy) and not sc.isstring(quar_policy)):
quar_policy = sc.toarray(quar_policy)
quar_test_inds = np.unique(np.concatenate([cvu.true(sim.people.date_quarantined==t-1-q) for q in quar_policy]))
elif callable(quar_policy):
quar_test_inds = quar_policy(sim)
else: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Quarantine policy "{quar_policy}" not recognized: must be a string (start, end, both, daily), int, list, array, set, tuple, or function'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
return quar_test_inds
class test_num(Intervention):
Test the specified number of people per day. Useful for including historical
testing data. The probability of a given person getting a test is dependent
on the total number of tests, population size, and odds ratios. Compare this
intervention with cv.test_prob().
daily_tests (arr) : number of tests per day, can be int, array, or dataframe/series; if integer, use that number every day; if 'data' or another string, use loaded data
symp_test (float) : odds ratio of a symptomatic person testing (default: 100x more likely)
quar_test (float) : probability of a person in quarantine testing (default: no more likely)
quar_policy (str) : policy for testing in quarantine: options are 'start' (default), 'end', 'both' (start and end), 'daily'; can also be a number or a function, see get_quar_inds()
subtarget (dict) : subtarget intervention to people with particular indices (format: {'ind': array of indices, or function to return indices from the sim, 'vals': value(s) to apply}
ili_prev (arr) : prevalence of influenza-like-illness symptoms in the population; can be float, array, or dataframe/series
sensitivity (float) : test sensitivity (default 100%, i.e. no false negatives)
loss_prob (float) : probability of the person being lost-to-follow-up (default 0%, i.e. no one lost to follow-up)
test_delay (int) : days for test result to be known (default 0, i.e. results available instantly)
start_day (int) : day the intervention starts (default: 0, i.e. first day of the simulation)
end_day (int) : day the intervention ends
swab_delay (dict) : distribution for the delay from onset to swab; if this is present, it is used instead of test_delay
kwargs (dict) : passed to Intervention()
interv = cv.test_num(daily_tests=[0.10*n_people]*npts)
interv = cv.test_num(daily_tests=[0.10*n_people]*npts, subtarget={'inds': cv.true(sim.people.age>50), 'vals': 1.2}) # People over 50 are 20% more likely to test
interv = cv.test_num(daily_tests=[0.10*n_people]*npts, subtarget={'inds': lambda sim: cv.true(sim.people.age>50), 'vals': 1.2}) # People over 50 are 20% more likely to test
interv = cv.test_num(daily_tests='data') # Take number of tests from loaded data using default column name (new_tests)
interv = cv.test_num(daily_tests='swabs_per_day') # Take number of tests from loaded data using a custom column name
def __init__(self, daily_tests, symp_test=100.0, quar_test=1.0, quar_policy=None, subtarget=None,
ili_prev=None, sensitivity=1.0, loss_prob=0, test_delay=0,
start_day=0, end_day=None, swab_delay=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(**kwargs) # Initialize the Intervention object
self.daily_tests = daily_tests # Should be a list of length matching time
self.symp_test = symp_test # Set probability of testing symptomatics
self.quar_test = quar_test # Probability of testing people in quarantine
self.quar_policy = quar_policy if quar_policy else 'start'
self.subtarget = subtarget # Set any other testing criteria
self.ili_prev = ili_prev # Should be a list of length matching time or a float or a dataframe
self.sensitivity = sensitivity
self.loss_prob = loss_prob
self.test_delay = test_delay
self.start_day = start_day
self.end_day = end_day
self.pdf = cvu.get_pdf(**sc.mergedicts(swab_delay)) # If provided, get the distribution's pdf -- this returns an empty dict if None is supplied
def initialize(self, sim):
''' Fix the dates and number of tests '''
# Handle days
self.start_day = preprocess_day(self.start_day, sim)
self.end_day = preprocess_day(self.end_day, sim)
self.days = [self.start_day, self.end_day]
# Process daily data
self.daily_tests = process_daily_data(self.daily_tests, sim, self.start_day)
self.ili_prev = process_daily_data(self.ili_prev, sim, self.start_day)
def finalize(self, sim):
''' Ensure variables with large memory footprints get erased '''
self.subtarget = None # Reset to save memory
def apply(self, sim):
t = sim.t
start_day = get_day(self.start_day, self, sim)
end_day = get_day(self.end_day, self, sim)
if t < start_day:
elif end_day is not None and t > end_day:
# Check that there are still tests
rel_t = t - start_day
if rel_t < len(self.daily_tests):
n_tests = sc.randround(self.daily_tests[rel_t]/sim.rescale_vec[t]) # Correct for scaling that may be applied by rounding to the nearest number of tests
if not (n_tests and pl.isfinite(n_tests)): # If there are no tests today, abort early
sim.results['new_tests'][t] += n_tests
test_probs = np.ones(sim.n) # Begin by assigning equal testing weight (converted to a probability) to everyone
# Calculate test probabilities for people with symptoms
symp_inds = cvu.true(sim.people.symptomatic)
symp_test = self.symp_test
if self.pdf: # Handle the onset to swab delay
symp_time = cvd.default_int(t - sim.people.date_symptomatic[symp_inds]) # Find time since symptom onset
inv_count = (np.bincount(symp_time)/len(symp_time)) # Find how many people have had symptoms of a set time and invert
count = np.nan * np.ones(inv_count.shape) # Initialize the count
count[inv_count != 0] = 1/inv_count[inv_count != 0] # Update the counts where defined
symp_test *= self.pdf.pdf(symp_time) * count[symp_time] # Put it all together
test_probs[symp_inds] *= symp_test # Update the test probabilities
# Handle symptomatic testing, taking into account prevalence of ILI symptoms
if self.ili_prev is not None:
if rel_t < len(self.ili_prev):
n_ili = int(self.ili_prev[rel_t] * sim['pop_size']) # Number with ILI symptoms on this day
ili_inds = cvu.choose(sim['pop_size'], n_ili) # Give some people some symptoms. Assuming that this is independent of COVID symptomaticity...
ili_inds = np.setdiff1d(ili_inds, symp_inds)
test_probs[ili_inds] *= self.symp_test
# Handle quarantine testing
quar_test_inds = get_quar_inds(self.quar_policy, sim)
test_probs[quar_test_inds] *= self.quar_test
# Handle any other user-specified testing criteria
if self.subtarget is not None:
subtarget_inds, subtarget_vals = get_subtargets(self.subtarget, sim)
test_probs[subtarget_inds] = test_probs[subtarget_inds]*subtarget_vals
# Don't re-diagnose people
diag_inds = cvu.true(sim.people.diagnosed)
test_probs[diag_inds] = 0.0
# With dynamic rescaling, we have to correct for uninfected people outside of the population who would test
if sim.rescale_vec[t]/sim['pop_scale'] < 1: # We still have rescaling to do
in_pop_tot_prob = test_probs.sum()*sim.rescale_vec[t] # Total "testing weight" of people in the subsampled population
out_pop_tot_prob = sim.scaled_pop_size - sim.rescale_vec[t]*sim['pop_size'] # Find out how many people are missing and assign them each weight 1
in_frac = in_pop_tot_prob/(in_pop_tot_prob + out_pop_tot_prob) # Fraction of tests which should fall in the sample population
n_tests = sc.randround(n_tests*in_frac) # Recompute the number of tests
# Now choose who gets tested and test them
n_tests = min(n_tests, (test_probs!=0).sum()) # Don't try to test more people than have nonzero testing probability
test_inds = cvu.choose_w(probs=test_probs, n=n_tests, unique=True) # Choose who actually tests
sim.people.test(test_inds, test_sensitivity=self.sensitivity, loss_prob=self.loss_prob, test_delay=self.test_delay)
return test_inds
class test_prob(Intervention):
Assign each person a probability of being tested for COVID based on their
symptom state, quarantine state, and other states. Unlike test_num, the
total number of tests not specified, but rather is an output.
symp_prob (float) : probability of testing a symptomatic (unquarantined) person
asymp_prob (float) : probability of testing an asymptomatic (unquarantined) person (default: 0)
symp_quar_prob (float) : probability of testing a symptomatic quarantined person (default: same as symp_prob)
asymp_quar_prob (float) : probability of testing an asymptomatic quarantined person (default: same as asymp_prob)
quar_policy (str) : policy for testing in quarantine: options are 'start' (default), 'end', 'both' (start and end), 'daily'; can also be a number or a function, see get_quar_inds()
subtarget (dict) : subtarget intervention to people with particular indices (see test_num() for details)
ili_prev (float/arr) : prevalence of influenza-like-illness symptoms in the population; can be float, array, or dataframe/series
sensitivity (float) : test sensitivity (default 100%, i.e. no false negatives)
loss_prob (float) : probability of the person being lost-to-follow-up (default 0%, i.e. no one lost to follow-up)
test_delay (int) : days for test result to be known (default 0, i.e. results available instantly)
start_day (int) : day the intervention starts (default: 0, i.e. first day of the simulation)
end_day (int) : day the intervention ends (default: no end)
swab_delay (dict) : distribution for the delay from onset to swab; if this is present, it is used instead of test_delay
kwargs (dict) : passed to Intervention()
interv = cv.test_prob(symp_prob=0.1, asymp_prob=0.01) # Test 10% of symptomatics and 1% of asymptomatics
interv = cv.test_prob(symp_quar_prob=0.4) # Test 40% of those in quarantine with symptoms
def __init__(self, symp_prob, asymp_prob=0.0, symp_quar_prob=None, asymp_quar_prob=None, quar_policy=None, subtarget=None, ili_prev=None,
sensitivity=1.0, loss_prob=0.0, test_delay=0, start_day=0, end_day=None, swab_delay=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(**kwargs) # Initialize the Intervention object
self.symp_prob = symp_prob
self.asymp_prob = asymp_prob
self.symp_quar_prob = symp_quar_prob if symp_quar_prob is not None else symp_prob
self.asymp_quar_prob = asymp_quar_prob if asymp_quar_prob is not None else asymp_prob
self.quar_policy = quar_policy if quar_policy else 'start'
self.subtarget = subtarget
self.ili_prev = ili_prev
self.sensitivity = sensitivity
self.loss_prob = loss_prob
self.test_delay = test_delay
self.start_day = start_day
self.end_day = end_day
self.pdf = cvu.get_pdf(**sc.mergedicts(swab_delay)) # If provided, get the distribution's pdf -- this returns an empty dict if None is supplied
def initialize(self, sim):
''' Fix the dates '''
self.start_day = preprocess_day(self.start_day, sim)
self.end_day = preprocess_day(self.end_day, sim)
self.days = [self.start_day, self.end_day]
self.ili_prev = process_daily_data(self.ili_prev, sim, self.start_day)
def finalize(self, sim):
''' Ensure variables with large memory footprints get erased '''
self.subtarget = None # Reset to save memory
def apply(self, sim):
''' Perform testing '''
t = sim.t
start_day = get_day(self.start_day, self, sim)
end_day = get_day(self.end_day, self, sim)
if t < start_day:
elif end_day is not None and t > end_day:
# Find probablity for symptomatics to be tested
symp_inds = cvu.true(sim.people.symptomatic)
symp_prob = self.symp_prob
if self.pdf:
symp_time = cvd.default_int(t - sim.people.date_symptomatic[symp_inds]) # Find time since symptom onset
inv_count = (np.bincount(symp_time)/len(symp_time)) # Find how many people have had symptoms of a set time and invert
count = np.nan * np.ones(inv_count.shape)
count[inv_count != 0] = 1/inv_count[inv_count != 0]
symp_prob = np.ones(len(symp_time))
inds = 1 > (symp_time*self.symp_prob)
symp_prob[inds] = self.symp_prob/(1-symp_time[inds]*self.symp_prob)
symp_prob = self.pdf.pdf(symp_time) * symp_prob * count[symp_time]
# Define symptomatics, accounting for ILI prevalence
pop_size = sim['pop_size']
ili_inds = []
if self.ili_prev is not None:
rel_t = t - start_day
if rel_t < len(self.ili_prev):
n_ili = int(self.ili_prev[rel_t] * pop_size) # Number with ILI symptoms on this day
ili_inds = cvu.choose(pop_size, n_ili) # Give some people some symptoms, assuming that this is independent of COVID symptomaticity...
ili_inds = np.setdiff1d(ili_inds, symp_inds)
# Define asymptomatics: those who neither have COVID symptoms nor ILI symptoms
asymp_inds = np.setdiff1d(np.setdiff1d(np.arange(pop_size), symp_inds), ili_inds)
# Handle quarantine and other testing criteria
quar_test_inds = get_quar_inds(self.quar_policy, sim)
symp_quar_inds = np.intersect1d(quar_test_inds, symp_inds)
asymp_quar_inds = np.intersect1d(quar_test_inds, asymp_inds)
diag_inds = cvu.true(sim.people.diagnosed)
# Construct the testing probabilities piece by piece -- complicated, since need to do it in the right order
test_probs = np.zeros(sim['pop_size']) # Begin by assigning equal testing probability to everyone
test_probs[symp_inds] = symp_prob # People with symptoms (true positive)
test_probs[ili_inds] = self.symp_prob # People with symptoms (false positive) -- can't use swab delay since no date symptomatic
test_probs[asymp_inds] = self.asymp_prob # People without symptoms
test_probs[symp_quar_inds] = self.symp_quar_prob # People with symptoms in quarantine
test_probs[asymp_quar_inds] = self.asymp_quar_prob # People without symptoms in quarantine
if self.subtarget is not None:
subtarget_inds, subtarget_vals = get_subtargets(self.subtarget, sim)
test_probs[subtarget_inds] = subtarget_vals # People being explicitly subtargeted
test_probs[diag_inds] = 0.0 # People who are diagnosed don't test
test_inds = cvu.true(cvu.binomial_arr(test_probs)) # Finally, calculate who actually tests
# Actually test people
sim.people.test(test_inds, test_sensitivity=self.sensitivity, loss_prob=self.loss_prob, test_delay=self.test_delay) # Actually test people
sim.results['new_tests'][t] += len(test_inds)*sim['pop_scale']/sim.rescale_vec[t] # If we're using dynamic scaling, we have to scale by pop_scale, not rescale_vec
return test_inds
#%% Treatment and prevention interventions
__all__+= ['simple_vaccine', 'BaseVaccination', 'vaccinate', 'vaccinate_prob', 'vaccinate_num']
class simple_vaccine(Intervention):
Apply a simple vaccine to a subset of the population. In addition to changing the
relative susceptibility and the probability of developing symptoms if still
infected, this intervention stores several types of data:
- ``doses``: the number of vaccine doses per person
- ``vaccination_dates``: list of dates per person
- ``orig_rel_sus``: relative susceptibility per person at the beginning of the simulation
- ``orig_symp_prob``: probability of developing symptoms per person at the beginning of the simulation
- ``mod_rel_sus``: modifier on default susceptibility due to the vaccine
- ``mod_symp_prob``: modifier on default symptom probability due to the vaccine
days (int or array): the day or array of days to apply the interventions
prob (float): probability of being vaccinated (i.e., fraction of the population)
rel_sus (float): relative change in susceptibility; 0 = perfect, 1 = no effect
rel_symp (float): relative change in symptom probability for people who still get infected; 0 = perfect, 1 = no effect
subtarget (dict): subtarget intervention to people with particular indices (see test_num() for details)
cumulative (bool): whether cumulative doses have cumulative effects (default false); can also be an array for efficacy per dose, with the last entry used for multiple doses; thus True = [1] and False = [1,0]
kwargs (dict): passed to Intervention()
Note: this intervention is still under development and should be used with caution.
It is intended for use with use_waning=False.
interv = cv.simple_vaccine(days=50, prob=0.3, rel_sus=0.5, rel_symp=0.1)
interv = cv.simple_vaccine(days=[10,20,30,40], prob=0.8, rel_sus=0.5, cumulative=[1, 0.3, 0.1, 0]) # A vaccine with efficacy up to the 3rd dose
def __init__(self, days, prob=1.0, rel_sus=0.0, rel_symp=0.0, subtarget=None, cumulative=False, **kwargs):
super().__init__(**kwargs) # Initialize the Intervention object
self.days = sc.dcp(days)
self.prob = prob
self.rel_sus = rel_sus
self.rel_symp = rel_symp
self.subtarget = subtarget
if cumulative in [0, False]:
cumulative = [1,0] # First dose has full efficacy, second has none
elif cumulative in [1, True]:
cumulative = [1] # All doses have full efficacy
self.cumulative = np.array(cumulative, dtype=cvd.default_float) # Ensure it's an array
def initialize(self, sim):
''' Fix the dates and store the doses '''
self.days = process_days(sim, self.days)
self.doses = np.zeros(sim.n, dtype=cvd.default_int) # Number of doses given per person of this vaccine
self.vaccination_dates = [[]] * sim.n # Store the dates when people are vaccinated
self.orig_rel_sus = sc.dcp(sim.people.rel_sus) # Keep a copy of pre-vaccination susceptibility
self.orig_symp_prob = sc.dcp(sim.people.symp_prob) # ...and symptom probability
self.mod_rel_sus = np.ones(sim.n, dtype=cvd.default_float) # Store the final modifiers
self.mod_symp_prob = np.ones(sim.n, dtype=cvd.default_float) # Store the final modifiers
self.vacc_inds = None
def apply(self, sim):
''' Perform vaccination '''
# If this day is found in the list, apply the intervention
for ind in find_day(self.days, sim.t, interv=self, sim=sim):
# Construct the testing probabilities piece by piece -- complicated, since need to do it in the right order
vacc_probs = np.full(sim.n, self.prob) # Begin by assigning equal vaccination probability to everyone
if self.subtarget is not None:
subtarget_inds, subtarget_vals = get_subtargets(self.subtarget, sim)
vacc_probs[subtarget_inds] = subtarget_vals # People being explicitly subtargeted
vacc_inds = cvu.true(cvu.binomial_arr(vacc_probs)) # Calculate who actually gets vaccinated
# Calculate the effect per person
vacc_doses = self.doses[vacc_inds] # Calculate current doses
eff_doses = np.minimum(vacc_doses, len(self.cumulative)-1) # Convert to a valid index
vacc_eff = self.cumulative[eff_doses] # Pull out corresponding effect sizes
rel_sus_eff = (1.0 - vacc_eff) + vacc_eff*self.rel_sus
rel_symp_eff = (1.0 - vacc_eff) + vacc_eff*self.rel_symp
# Apply the vaccine to people
sim.people.rel_sus[vacc_inds] *= rel_sus_eff
sim.people.symp_prob[vacc_inds] *= rel_symp_eff
# Update counters
self.mod_rel_sus[vacc_inds] *= rel_sus_eff
self.mod_symp_prob[vacc_inds] *= rel_symp_eff
self.doses[vacc_inds] += 1
for v_ind in vacc_inds:
# Update vaccine attributes in sim
sim.people.vaccinated[vacc_inds] = True
sim.people.doses[vacc_inds] += 1
class BaseVaccination(Intervention):
Apply a vaccine to a subset of the population.
This base class implements the mechanism of vaccinating people to modify their immunity.
It does not implement allocation of the vaccines, which is implemented by derived classes
such as `cv.vaccinate`. The idea is that vaccination involves a series of standard operations
to modify `cv.People` and applications will likely need to modify the vaccine parameters and
test potentially complex allocation strategies. These should be accounted for by:
- Custom vaccine parameters being passed in as a dictionary to the vaccine intervention
- Custom vaccine allocations being implemented by a derived class overloading
`BaseVaccination.select_people`. Any additional attributes required to manage the allocation
can be defined in the derived class. Refer to `cv.vaccinate` or `cv.vaccinate_sequential` for
an example of how to implement this.
Some quantities are tracked during execution for reporting after running the simulation.
These are:
- ``doses``: the number of vaccine doses per person
- ``vaccination_dates``: integer; dates of all doses for this vaccine
vaccine (dict/str) : which vaccine to use; see below for dict parameters
label (str) : if vaccine is supplied as a dict, the name of the vaccine
booster (boolean) : whether the vaccine is a booster, i.e. whether vaccinated people are eligible
kwargs (dict) : passed to Intervention()
If ``vaccine`` is supplied as a dictionary, it must have the following parameters:
- ``nab_init``: the initial antibody level (higher = more protection)
- ``nab_boost``: how much of a boost being vaccinated on top of a previous dose or natural infection provides
- ``target_eff``: the target efficacy from which to calculate initial antibody and boosting.
must be supplied as a list, where length of list is equal to number of doses
- ``nab_eff``: the waning efficacy of neutralizing antibodies at preventing infection
- ``doses``: the number of doses required to be fully vaccinated with this vaccine
- ``interval``: the interval between doses (integer)
- entries for efficacy against each of the variants (e.g. ``b117``)
See ``parameters.py`` for additional examples of these parameters.
def __init__(self, vaccine, label=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(**kwargs) # Initialize the Intervention object
self.index = None # Index of the vaccine in the sim; set later
self.label = label # Vaccine label (used as a dict key)
self.p = None # Vaccine parameters
self.doses = None # Record the number of doses given per person *by this intervention*
self.vaccination_dates = None # Store the dates that each person was last vaccinated *by this intervention*
self._parse_vaccine_pars(vaccine=vaccine) # Populate
def _parse_vaccine_pars(self, vaccine=None):
''' Unpack vaccine information, which may be given as a string or dict '''
# Option 1: vaccines can be chosen from a list of pre-defined vaccines
if isinstance(vaccine, str):
choices, mapping = cvpar.get_vaccine_choices()
variant_pars = cvpar.get_vaccine_variant_pars()
dose_pars = cvpar.get_vaccine_dose_pars()
label = vaccine.lower()
for txt in ['.', ' ', '&', '-', 'vaccine']:
label = label.replace(txt, '')
if label in mapping:
label = mapping[label]
vaccine_pars = sc.mergedicts(variant_pars[label], dose_pars[label])
else: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'The selected vaccine "{vaccine}" is not implemented; choices are:\n{sc.pp(choices, doprint=False)}'
raise NotImplementedError(errormsg)
if self.label is None:
self.label = label
# Option 2: variants can be specified as a dict of pars
elif isinstance(vaccine, dict):
# Parse label
vaccine_pars = vaccine
label = vaccine_pars.pop('label', None) # Allow including the label in the parameters
if self.label is None: # pragma: no cover
if label is None:
self.label = 'custom'
self.label = label
else: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Could not understand {type(vaccine)}, please specify as a string indexing a predefined vaccine or a dict.'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
# Set label and parameters
self.p = sc.objdict(vaccine_pars)
def initialize(self, sim):
# Check that the simulation parameters are correct
if not sim['use_waning']: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'The cv.{self.__class__.__name__} intervention requires use_waning=True. Please enable waning, or else use cv.simple_vaccine().'
raise RuntimeError(errormsg)
# Populate any missing keys -- must be here, after variants are initialized
default_variant_pars = cvpar.get_vaccine_variant_pars(default=True)
default_dose_pars = cvpar.get_vaccine_dose_pars(default=True)
variant_labels = list(sim['variant_pars'].keys())
dose_keys = list(default_dose_pars.keys())
# Handle dose keys
for key in dose_keys:
if key not in self.p:
self.p[key] = default_dose_pars[key]
# Handle variants
for key in variant_labels:
if key not in self.p:
if key in default_variant_pars:
val = default_variant_pars[key]
else: # pragma: no cover
val = 1.0
if sim['verbose']: print(f'Note: No cross-immunity specified for vaccine {self.label} and variant {key}, setting to 1.0')
self.p[key] = val
# If an efficacy target was specified, calculate what NAb level it maps onto
if 'target_eff' in self.p.keys():
# check to make sure length is equal to number of doses
if self.p['doses'] == len(self.p['target_eff']):
# determine efficacy of first dose (assume efficacy supplied is against symptomatic disease)
nabs = np.arange(-8, 4, 0.1) # Pick a range of trial NAbs to use
VE_symp = cvi.calc_VE_symp(2**nabs, sim.pars['nab_eff'])
peak_nab = nabs[np.argmax(VE_symp>self.p['target_eff'][0])]
self.p['nab_init'] = dict(dist='normal', par1=peak_nab, par2=2)
if self.p['doses'] == 2:
boosted_nab = nabs[np.argmax(VE_symp>self.p['target_eff'][1])]
boost = (2**boosted_nab)/(2**peak_nab)
self.p['nab_boost'] = boost
else: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = 'Provided mismatching efficacies and doses.'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
self.doses = np.zeros(sim['pop_size'], dtype=cvd.default_int) # Number of doses given per person
self.vaccination_dates = [[] for _ in range(sim.n)] # Store the dates when people are vaccinated
sim['vaccine_pars'][self.label] = self.p # Store the parameters
self.index = list(sim['vaccine_pars'].keys()).index(self.label) # Find where we are in the list
sim['vaccine_map'][self.index] = self.label # Use that to populate the reverse mapping
def finalize(self, sim):
''' Ensure variables with large memory footprints get erased '''
self.subtarget = None # Reset to save memory
def select_people(self, sim):
Return an array of indices of people to vaccinate
Derived classes must implement this function to determine who to vaccinate at each timestep
sim: A cv.Sim instance
Returns: Array of person indices
raise NotImplementedError
def vaccinate(self, sim, vacc_inds, t=None):
Vaccinate people
This method applies the vaccine to the requested people indices. The indices of people vaccinated
is returned. These may be different to the requested indices, because anyone that is dead will be
skipped, as well as anyone already fully vaccinated (if booster=False). This could
occur if a derived class does not filter out such people in its `select_people` method.
sim: A cv.Sim instance
vacc_inds: An array of person indices to vaccinate
t: Optionally override the day on which vaccinations are recorded for historical vaccination
Returns: An array of person indices of people vaccinated
if t is None:
t = sim.t
else: # pragma: no cover
assert t <= sim.t, 'Overriding the vaccination day should only be used for historical vaccination' # High potential for errors to creep in if future vaccines could be scheduled here
# Perform checks
vacc_inds = vacc_inds[~sim.people.dead[vacc_inds]] # Skip anyone that is dead
# Skip anyone that has already had all the doses of *this* vaccine (not counting boosters).
# Otherwise, they will receive the 2nd dose boost cumulatively for every subsequent dose.
# Note, this does not preclude someone from getting additional doses of another vaccine (e.g. a booster)
vacc_inds = vacc_inds[self.doses[vacc_inds] < self.p['doses']]
# Extract indices of already-vaccinated people and get indices of newly-vaccinated
prior_vacc = cvu.true(sim.people.vaccinated)
new_vacc = np.setdiff1d(vacc_inds, prior_vacc)
if len(vacc_inds):
self.doses[vacc_inds] += 1
for v_ind in vacc_inds:
sim.people.vaccinated[vacc_inds] = True
sim.people.vaccine_source[vacc_inds] = self.index
sim.people.doses[vacc_inds] += 1
sim.people.date_vaccinated[vacc_inds] = t
# Update the NAbs, resetting the time for historical vaccination if needed
orig_t = sim.people.t
sim.people.t = t
cvi.update_peak_nab(sim.people, vacc_inds, self.p)
sim.people.t = orig_t
if t >= 0: # Only update the flows if it's *not* a historical dose
factor = sim['pop_scale']/sim.rescale_vec[t] # Scale up by pop_scale, but then down by the current rescale_vec, which gets applied again when results are finalized
sim.people.flows['new_doses'] += len(vacc_inds)*factor # Count number of doses given
sim.people.flows['new_vaccinated'] += len(new_vacc)*factor # Count number of people not already vaccinated given doses
return vacc_inds
def apply(self, sim):
''' Perform vaccination each timestep '''
inds = self.select_people(sim)
if len(inds):
inds = self.vaccinate(sim, inds)
return inds
def shrink(self, in_place=True):
''' Shrink vaccination intervention '''
obj = super().shrink(in_place=in_place)
obj.vaccinated = None
obj.doses = None
obj.vaccination_dates = None
if hasattr(obj, 'second_dose_days'):
obj.second_dose_days = None
return obj
def check_doses(doses, interval):
''' Check that doses and intervals are supplied in correct formats '''
# First check that they're both numbers
if not sc.checktype(doses, int):
raise ValueError(f'Doses must be an integer, not {doses}.')
if interval is not None and not sc.isnumber(interval):
errormsg = f"Can't understand the dosing interval given by '{interval}'. Dosing interval should be a number."
raise ValueError(errormsg)
# Now check that they're compatible
if doses == 1 and interval is not None:
raise ValueError("Can't use dosing intervals for vaccines with only one dose.")
elif doses == 2 and interval is None:
raise ValueError('Must specify a dosing interval if using a vaccine with more than one dose.')
elif doses > 2:
raise NotImplementedError('Scheduling three or more doses not yet supported; use a booster vaccine instead')
def process_doses(num_doses, sim):
''' Handle different types of dose data'''
if sc.isnumber(num_doses):
num_people = num_doses
elif callable(num_doses):
num_people = num_doses(sim)
elif sim.t in num_doses:
num_people = num_doses[sim.t]
num_people = 0
return num_people
def process_sequence(sequence, sim):
''' Handle different types of prioritization sequence for vaccination '''
if callable(sequence):
sequence = sequence(sim.people)
elif sequence == 'age':
sequence = np.argsort(-sim.people.age)
elif sequence is None:
sequence = np.random.permutation(sim.n)
elif sc.checktype(sequence, 'arraylike'):
sequence = sc.toarray(sequence)
errormsg = f'Unable to interpret sequence {type(sequence)}: must be None, "age", callable, or an array'
raise TypeError(errormsg)
return sequence
def vaccinate(*args, **kwargs):
Wrapper function for ``vaccinate_prob()`` and ``vaccinate_num()``. If the ``num_doses``
argument is used, will call ``vaccinate_num()``; else, calls ``vaccinate_prob()``.
vx1 = cv.vaccinate(vaccine='pfizer', days=30, prob=0.7)
vx2 = cv.vaccinate(vaccine='pfizer', num_doses=100)
if 'num_doses' in kwargs:
return vaccinate_num(*args, **kwargs)
return vaccinate_prob(*args, **kwargs)
class vaccinate_prob(BaseVaccination):
Probability-based vaccination
This vaccine intervention allocates vaccines parametrized by the daily probability
of being vaccinated.
vaccine (dict/str): which vaccine to use; see below for dict parameters
label (str): if vaccine is supplied as a dict, the name of the vaccine
days (int/arr): the day or array of days to apply the interventions
prob (float): probability of being vaccinated (i.e., fraction of the population)
booster (bool): whether it's a booster (i.e. targeted to vaccinated people) or not
subtarget (dict): subtarget intervention to people with particular indices (see test_num() for details)
kwargs (dict): passed to Intervention()
If ``vaccine`` is supplied as a dictionary, it must have the following parameters:
- ``nab_eff``: the waning efficacy of neutralizing antibodies at preventing infection
- ``nab_init``: the initial antibody level (higher = more protection)
- ``nab_boost``: how much of a boost being vaccinated on top of a previous dose or natural infection provides
- ``doses``: the number of doses required to be fully vaccinated
- ``interval``: the interval between doses (integer)
- entries for efficacy against each of the strains (e.g. ``b117``)
See ``parameters.py`` for additional examples of these parameters.
pfizer = cv.vaccinate_prob(vaccine='pfizer', days=30, prob=0.7)
cv.Sim(interventions=pfizer, use_waning=True).run().plot()
def __init__(self, vaccine, days, label=None, prob=None, subtarget=None, booster=False, **kwargs):
super().__init__(vaccine,label=label,**kwargs) # Initialize the Intervention object
self.days = sc.dcp(days)
if prob is None: # Populate default value of probability: 1 if no subtargeting, 0 if subtargeting
prob = 1.0 if subtarget is None else 0.0
self.prob = prob
self.booster = booster
self.subtarget = subtarget
self.booster = booster
self.second_dose_days = None # Track scheduled second doses
def initialize(self, sim):
self.days = process_days(sim, self.days) # days that group becomes eligible
self.second_dose_days = [None]*sim.npts # People who get second dose (if relevant)
check_doses(self.p['doses'], self.p['interval'])
def select_people(self, sim):
vacc_inds = np.array([], dtype=int) # Initialize in case no one gets their first dose
if sim.t >= np.min(self.days):
# Vaccinate people with their first dose
for _ in find_day(self.days, sim.t, interv=self, sim=sim):
vacc_probs = np.zeros(sim['pop_size'])
# Find eligible people
vacc_probs[cvu.true(sim.people.dead)] *= 0.0 # Do not vaccinate dead people
# Eligibility depends on whether it's a booster or not
# If this is a booster, exclude unvaccinated people; otherwise, exclude vaccinated people
if self.booster: eligible_inds = sc.findinds(sim.people.vaccinated)
else: eligible_inds = sc.findinds(~sim.people.vaccinated)
vacc_probs[eligible_inds] = self.prob # Assign equal vaccination probability to everyone
# Apply any subtargeting
if self.subtarget is not None:
subtarget_inds, subtarget_vals = get_subtargets(self.subtarget, sim)
vacc_probs[subtarget_inds] = subtarget_vals # People being explicitly subtargeted
vacc_inds = cvu.true(cvu.binomial_arr(vacc_probs)) # Calculate who actually gets vaccinated
if len(vacc_inds):
if self.p.interval is not None:
# Schedule the doses
next_dose_days = sim.t + self.p.interval
if next_dose_days < sim['n_days']:
self.second_dose_days[next_dose_days] = vacc_inds
# Also, if appropriate, vaccinate people with their second dose
vacc_inds_dose2 = self.second_dose_days[sim.t]
if vacc_inds_dose2 is not None:
vacc_inds = np.concatenate((vacc_inds, vacc_inds_dose2), axis=None)
return vacc_inds
class vaccinate_num(BaseVaccination):
This vaccine intervention allocates vaccines in a pre-computed order of
distribution, at a specified rate of doses per day. Second doses are prioritized
each day.
vaccine (dict/str): which vaccine to use; see below for dict parameters
label (str): if vaccine is supplied as a dict, the name of the vaccine
booster (bool): whether it's a booster (i.e. targeted to vaccinated people) or not
subtarget (dict): subtarget intervention to people with particular indices (see test_num() for details)
sequence: Specify the order in which people should get vaccinated. This can be
- An array of person indices in order of vaccination priority
- A callable that takes in `cv.People` and returns an ordered sequence. For example, to
vaccinate people in descending age order, ``def age_sequence(people): return np.argsort(-people.age)``
would be suitable.
- The shortcut 'age', which does prioritization by age (see below for implementation)
If not specified, people will be randomly ordered.
num_doses: Specify the number of doses per day. This can take three forms
- A scalar number of doses per day
- A dict keyed by day/date with the number of doses e.g. ``{2:10000, '2021-05-01':20000}``.
Any dates are converted to simulation days in `initialize()` which will also copy the
dictionary passed in.
- A callable that takes in a ``cv.Sim`` and returns a scalar number of doses. For example,
``def doses(sim): return 100 if sim.t > 10 else 0`` would be suitable
**kwargs: Additional arguments passed to ``cv.BaseVaccination``
pfizer = cv.vaccinate_num(vaccine='pfizer', sequence='age', num_doses=100)
cv.Sim(interventions=pfizer, use_waning=True).run().plot()
def __init__(self, vaccine, num_doses, booster=False, subtarget=None, sequence=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(vaccine,**kwargs) # Initialize the Intervention object
self.sequence = sequence
self.num_doses = num_doses
self.booster = booster
self.subtarget = subtarget
self._scheduled_doses = sc.ddict(set) # Track scheduled second doses, where applicable
def initialize(self, sim):
# Perform checks and process inputs
if isinstance(self.num_doses, dict): # Convert any dates to simulation days
self.num_doses = {sim.day(k):v for k, v in self.num_doses.items()}
self.sequence = process_sequence(self.sequence, sim)
check_doses(self.p['doses'], self.p['interval'])
def select_people(self, sim):
# Work out how many people to vaccinate today
num_people = process_doses(self.num_doses, sim)
if num_people == 0:
self._scheduled_doses[sim.t + 1].update(self._scheduled_doses[sim.t]) # Defer any extras
return np.array([])
num_agents = sc.randround(num_people / sim['pop_scale'])
# First, see how many scheduled second doses we are going to deliver
if self._scheduled_doses[sim.t]:
scheduled = np.fromiter(self._scheduled_doses[sim.t], dtype=cvd.default_int) # Everyone scheduled today
scheduled = scheduled[(self.doses[scheduled] < self.p['doses']) & ~sim.people.dead[scheduled]] # Remove anyone who's already had all doses of this vaccine, also dead people
# If there are more people due for a second dose than there are doses, vaccinate as many second doses
# as possible, and add the remainder to tomorrow's doses. At the moment, they don't get priority
# because the order of the scheduling doesn't matter (so there is a chance someone could go for several days
# before being allocated their second dose) but then there is some flexibility in the dosing schedules anyway
# e.g. Pfizer being 3-6 weeks in some jurisdictions
if len(scheduled) > num_agents:
np.random.shuffle(scheduled) # Randomly pick who to defer
self._scheduled_doses[sim.t+1].update(scheduled[num_agents:]) # Defer any extras
return scheduled[:num_agents]
scheduled = np.array([], dtype=cvd.default_int)
# Next, work out who is eligible for their first dose
vacc_probs = np.ones(sim.n) # Begin by assigning equal weight (converted to a probability) to everyone
vacc_probs[cvu.true(sim.people.dead)] = 0.0 # Dead people are not eligible
# Apply any subtargeting for this vaccination
if self.subtarget is not None:
subtarget_inds, subtarget_vals = get_subtargets(self.subtarget, sim)
vacc_probs[subtarget_inds] = vacc_probs[subtarget_inds]*subtarget_vals
# If this is a booster, exclude unvaccinated people; otherwise, exclude vaccinated people
if self.booster: vacc_probs[cvu.false(sim.people.vaccinated)] = 0.0
else: vacc_probs[cvu.true(sim.people.vaccinated)] = 0.0 # Anyone who's received at least one dose is counted as vaccinated
# All remaining people can be vaccinated, although anyone who has received half of a multi-dose
# vaccine would have had subsequent doses scheduled and therefore should not be selected here
first_dose_eligible = self.sequence[cvu.binomial_arr(vacc_probs[self.sequence])]
if len(first_dose_eligible) == 0:
return scheduled # Just return anyone that is scheduled
elif len(first_dose_eligible) > num_agents:
# Truncate it to the number of agents for performance when checking whether anyone scheduled overlaps with first doses to allocate
first_dose_eligible = first_dose_eligible[:num_agents] # This is the maximum number of people we could vaccinate this timestep, if there are no second doses allocated
# It's *possible* that someone has been *scheduled* for a first dose by some other mechanism externally
# Therefore, we need to check and remove them from the first dose list, otherwise they could be vaccinated
# twice here (which would amount to wasting a dose)
first_dose_eligible = first_dose_eligible[~np.in1d(first_dose_eligible, scheduled)]
if (len(first_dose_eligible)+len(scheduled)) > num_agents:
first_dose_inds = first_dose_eligible[:(num_agents - len(scheduled))]
first_dose_inds = first_dose_eligible
# Schedule subsequent doses
# For vaccines with >2 doses, scheduled doses will also need to be checked
if self.p['doses'] > 1:
vacc_inds = np.concatenate([scheduled, first_dose_inds])
return vacc_inds
#%% Prior/historical immunity interventions
__all__ += ['prior_immunity', 'historical_vaccinate_prob', 'historical_wave']
def prior_immunity(*args, **kwargs):
Wrapper function for ``historical_wave`` and ``historical_vaccinate_prob``. If the ``vaccine`` keyword is
present then ``historical_vaccinate_prob`` will be used. Otherwise ``historical_wave`` is used.
pim1 = cv.prior_immunity(vaccine='pfizer', days=[-30], prob=0.7)
pim2 = cv.prior_immunity(120, 0.05)
New in version 3.1.0.
if 'vaccine' in kwargs:
return historical_vaccinate_prob(*args, **kwargs)
return historical_wave(*args, **kwargs)
class historical_vaccinate_prob(BaseVaccination):
Probability-based historical vaccination
This vaccine intervention allocates vaccines parametrized by the daily probability
of being vaccinated. Unlike cv.vaccinate_prob this function allows vaccination
prior to t=0 (and continuing into the simulation).
If any people are infected at the t=0 timestep (e.g. seed infections), this
finds those people and will re-infect them at the end of the historical vaccination.
Thus you may have breakthrough infections and this might affect other interventions
to initialize a population.
vaccine (dict/str) : which vaccine to use; see below for dict parameters
label (str) : if vaccine is supplied as a dict, the name of the vaccine
days (int/arr) : the day or array of days to apply the interventions
prob (float) : probability of being vaccinated (i.e., fraction of the population)
subtarget (dict) : subtarget intervention to people with particular indices (see test_num() for details)
compliance (float/arr) : compliance of the person to take each dose (if scalar then applied per dose)
kwargs (dict) : passed to Intervention()
If ``vaccine`` is supplied as a dictionary, it must have the following parameters:
- ``nab_eff``: the waning efficacy of neutralizing antibodies at preventing infection
- ``nab_init``: the initial antibody level (higher = more protection)
- ``nab_boost``: how much of a boost being vaccinated on top of a previous dose or natural infection provides
- ``doses``: the number of doses required to be fully vaccinated
- ``interval``: the interval between doses
- entries for efficacy against each of the strains (e.g. ``b117``)
See ``parameters.py`` for additional examples of these parameters.
pfizer = cv.historical_vaccinate_prob(vaccine='pfizer', days=np.arange(-30,0), prob=0.007) # 30-day vaccination campaign
New in version 3.1.0.
def __init__(self, vaccine, days, label=None, prob=1.0, subtarget=None, compliance=1.0, **kwargs):
super().__init__(vaccine, label=label, **kwargs)
self.days = sc.dcp(days)
self.prob = prob
self.subtarget = subtarget
self.compliance = sc.dcp(compliance)
def initialize(self, sim):
if isinstance(self.compliance, (int, float)):
self.compliance = 2*[self.compliance]
if len(self.compliance) != 2:
raise ValueError('compliance must either be a scalar or 2 element vector')
# extend nab profiles
self.extra_days = np.abs(np.min(self.days).astype(cvd.default_int))
new_nab_length = sim.npts + self.extra_days
if new_nab_length > len(sim.pars['nab_kin']):
sim.pars['nab_kin'] = cvi.precompute_waning(length=new_nab_length, pars=sim['nab_decay'])
if sim.people:
sim.people.pars['nab_kin'] = sim['nab_kin']
# handle days
self.days = self.process_days(sim, self.days) # days that group becomes eligible
self.second_dose_days = [None]*new_nab_length # People who get second dose (if relevant)
self.vaccinated = [None]*new_nab_length # Keep track of inds of people vaccinated on each day
# find the seed infections (set during sim.init_people()) and blank them out
seed_inds = cvu.true(sim.people.date_exposed == 0)
# administer vaccines before t=0
times = np.arange(np.min(self.days), 0)
for t in times: # step through time, init flows, including zeroing out the seed infections.
# run daily vaccination
inds = self.select_people(sim, t)
if len(inds):
inds = self.vaccinate(sim, inds, t=t)
sim.results['new_doses'][0] += len(inds)
sim.results['new_vaccinated'][0] += np.count_nonzero(sim.people.doses[inds] == 1)
# we need to update the NAbs as it is a cumulative effect
# this will mess up those who are the seed infections if not reset to naive (see above)
sim.people.t = t
to_update = cvu.true(self.doses > 0) # Update nabs for anyone vaccinated using this intervention
if len(to_update):
cvi.update_nab(sim.people, inds=to_update)
# Re-compute immunity so that seed infection prognoses will reflect the NAb level
sim.people.t = 0
# Re-infect the seed cases so they get updated prognoses
sim.people.infect(seed_inds, layer='seed_infection')
# Restore the time index so that it matches sim.t (noting that these would both usually be 0)
sim.people.t = sim.t
def select_people(self, sim, t=None):
vacc_inds = np.array([], dtype=int) # Initialize in case no one gets their first dose
if t is None:
t = sim.t
# our vaccination arrays are prepended with extra days
rel_t = t + self.extra_days
if t >= np.min(self.days):
# Vaccinate people with their first dose
for _ in find_day(self.days, t, interv=self, sim=sim):
vacc_probs = np.zeros(sim['pop_size'])
unvacc_inds = sc.findinds(~sim.people.vaccinated)
if self.subtarget is not None:
subtarget_inds, subtarget_vals = get_subtargets(self.subtarget, sim)
vacc_probs[subtarget_inds] = subtarget_vals # People being explicitly subtargeted
vacc_probs[unvacc_inds] = self.prob # Assign equal vaccination probability to everyone
vacc_probs[cvu.true(sim.people.dead)] *= 0.0 # Do not vaccinate dead people
vacc_inds = cvu.true(cvu.binomial_arr(vacc_probs)) # Calculate who actually gets vaccinated
# first dose compliance
vacc_inds = cvu.binomial_filter(self.compliance[0], vacc_inds)
if len(vacc_inds):
if self.p.interval is not None:
next_dose_day = rel_t + self.p.interval
if next_dose_day < (sim['n_days'] + self.extra_days):
# second dose compliance
second_dose_vacc_inds = cvu.binomial_filter(self.compliance[1], vacc_inds)
self.second_dose_days[next_dose_day] = second_dose_vacc_inds
# Also, if appropriate, vaccinate people with their second dose
vacc_inds_dose2 = self.second_dose_days[rel_t]
if vacc_inds_dose2 is not None:
vacc_inds = np.concatenate((vacc_inds, vacc_inds_dose2), axis=None)
return vacc_inds
def process_days(sim, days, return_dates=False):
Ensure lists of days are in consistent format. Used by change_beta, clip_edges,
and some analyzers.
Optionally return dates as well as days. If days is callable, leave unchanged.
if callable(days):
return days
if sc.isstring(days) or not sc.isiterable(days):
days = sc.tolist(days)
for d,day in enumerate(days):
days[d] = preprocess_day(day, sim) # Ensure it's an integer and not a string or something
days = np.sort(sc.toarray(days)) # Ensure they're an array and in order
if return_dates:
dates = [sim.date(day) for day in days] # Store as date strings
return days, dates
return days
def estimate_prob(duration, coverage):
Estimate the per-day probability to achieve desired population coverage for a campaign of fixed duration and
fixed per-day probability of a person being vaccinated
duration: length of campign in days
coverage: target coverage of campaign
prob = historical_vaccinate.estimate_prob(duration=180, coverage=0.70)
from scipy import optimize, special # Not used elsewhere, and can't import scipy as sp
def NB_cdf(k, p, r=1):
'''note that the NB distribution shows the fraction '''
return 1 - special.betainc(k + 1, r, p)
# Note that NB distribution is defined as k number of successes *before* r=1 failures (vaccination) occur.
# Mapping onto the vaccination campaign this means we need k+1 days of a campaign (k days to not be
# vaccinated prior) before 1 day of getting the vaccine. p is the probability of *not* being vaccinated
k = duration - 1
# since the probability of not being vaccinated is ~ 1 and newton method is defined without bounds, we'll use the
# inverse logit function to map onto [0,1]
def invlogit(y):
return np.exp(y)/(np.exp(y)+1)
# this method can be finicky
p = optimize.newton(lambda y: NB_cdf(k, invlogit(y)) - coverage, 0, x1=5)
# p is the probability of *not* being vaccinated per day so we return 1-p
return 1 - invlogit(p)
class historical_wave(Intervention):
Imprint a historical (pre t=0) wave of infections in the population NAbs
days_prior (int/str/list) : offset relative to t=0 for the wave (median/par1 value) or median date if a string like "2021-11-15"
prob (float/list) : probability of infection during the wave
dist (dict/list) : passed to covasim.utils.sample to set wave shape (default gaussian with FWHM of 5 weeks)
subtarget (dict/list) : subtarget intervention to people with particular indices (see test_num() for details)
variants (str/list) : name of variant associated with the wave
kwargs (dict) : passed to Intervention()
cv.Sim(interventions=cv.historical_wave(120, 0.30)).run().plot()
New in version 3.1.0.
def __init__(self, days_prior, prob, dist=None, subtarget=None, variant=None, **kwargs):
self.days_prior = sc.dcp(days_prior)
self.dist = {'dist': 'normal', 'par1': 0, 'par2': 5*7/2.355} if dist is None else sc.dcp(dist) # default is FWHM 5 weeks
self.prob = sc.dcp(prob)
self.subtarget = subtarget
self.variants = 'wild' if variant is None else variant
def apply(self, sim):
if sim.t != 0:
# Check that the simulation parameters are correct
if not sim['use_waning']: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = 'cv.historical_wave() requires use_waning=True. Please enable waning.'
raise RuntimeError(errormsg)
if sim['rescale'] and sim['pop_scale'] > 1:
errormsg = 'cv.historical_wave() requires rescale=False, since rescaling assumes non-included agents are naive. Please disable dynamic rescaling.'
raise RuntimeError(errormsg)
# deal with values for multiple waves
if isinstance(self.days_prior, (float, int, str)):
self.days_prior = sc.tolist(self.days_prior)
n_waves = len(self.days_prior)
if not isinstance(self.subtarget, list):
self.subtarget = n_waves*[self.subtarget]
if not isinstance(self.prob, list):
self.prob = n_waves*[self.prob]
if isinstance(self.dist, dict):
self.dist = n_waves*[self.dist]
if isinstance(self.variants, str):
self.variants = n_waves*[self.variants]
# we use the people object often
people = sim.people
# find the seed infections (set during sim.init_people()) and blank them out
seed_inds = cvu.true(sim.people.date_exposed == 0)
# pick variant mapping index (integer value)
variants = []
mapping = {v: k for k, v in sim['variant_map'].items()} # Swap
for variant in self.variants:
if variant in mapping:
variants += [mapping[variant]]
errormsg = f'cv.historical_wave() cannot add the new variant "{variant}", must be added to sim via cv.variant(). Current variants are: {sc.strjoin(mapping.keys())}'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
# pick individuls for each wave
inf_offset_days = []
wave_inds = []
wave_id = []
for wave in range(n_waves):
# per-individual probability to be part of the wave
wave_probs = np.ones(sim['pop_size']) * self.prob[wave]
if self.subtarget[wave] is not None:
subtarget_inds, subtarget_vals = get_subtargets(self.subtarget[wave], sim)
wave_probs[subtarget_inds] = subtarget_vals # People being explicitly subtargeted
# select members of the population to be infected
this_wave_inds = cvu.true(cvu.binomial_arr(wave_probs)) # Finally, calculate who actually was infected
days_prior = self.days_prior[wave]
if isinstance(days_prior, str):
# Interpret as sim day
days_prior = sc.daydiff(days_prior, sim['start_day'])
# select day for those to be infected / exposed
this_inf_offset_days = cvu.sample(**self.dist[wave], size=len(this_wave_inds)) - days_prior
# require that all offsets are before the start of the sim
filtered_wave_inds = cvu.true(this_inf_offset_days <= 0)
if len(filtered_wave_inds) == 0: # pragma: no cover
warnmsg = f'Wave with days_prior of {days_prior} and prob of {self.prob} did not result in any historical infections - skipping this wave'
wave_inds = wave_inds + this_wave_inds[filtered_wave_inds].tolist()
inf_offset_days = inf_offset_days + np.round(this_inf_offset_days[filtered_wave_inds]).astype(cvd.default_int).tolist()
wave_id += len(filtered_wave_inds)*[wave]
if len(wave_id) == 0: # pragma: no cover
warnmsg = 'No waves resulted in any infections prior to the start of the simulation'
wave_id = np.array(wave_id)
wave_inds = np.array(wave_inds)
inf_offset_days = np.array(inf_offset_days)
if len(wave_id) != len(inf_offset_days): # pragma: no cover
raise RuntimeError(f'arrays mismatch: {len(wave_id)} != {len(inf_offset_days)}')
# we will need to extend the nab profiles
new_nab_length = sim.npts - np.floor(np.min(inf_offset_days)).astype(cvd.default_int)
if new_nab_length > len(sim.pars['nab_kin']):
sim.pars['nab_kin'] = cvi.precompute_waning(length=new_nab_length, pars=sim['nab_decay'])
people.pars['nab_kin'] = sim['nab_kin']
# update nab, states, and count flows
flow_keys_to_save = ['new_infections', 'new_reinfections']
flow_variant_keys_to_save = ['new_infections_by_variant', 'new_symptomatic_by_variant', 'new_severe_by_variant']
nv = sim['n_variants']
for t in np.arange(np.min(inf_offset_days), 0):
flows = {fkey:0 for fkey in flow_keys_to_save}
flows_variant = {fkey:[0 for v in range(nv)] for fkey in flow_variant_keys_to_save}
for wave in range(n_waves):
inds = cvu.true(np.logical_and(inf_offset_days == t, wave_id == wave))
# set infection
people.t = t
people.infect(wave_inds[inds], layer='historical', variant=variants[wave])
for fkey in flow_keys_to_save:
flows[fkey] += people.flows[fkey]
for v in range(nv):
for fkey in flow_variant_keys_to_save:
flows_variant[fkey][v] += people.flows_variant[fkey][v]
# this is potentially an issue with multiple waves close together as someone who is technically still
# exposed from the first wave would be re-exposed during the second (assuming they are recovered by t=0)
# Update counts for t=0 step: flows
# Does this count the seed infections twice?
for key,count in people.flows.items():
sim.results[key][0] += count
for key,count in people.flows_variant.items():
for variant in range(nv):
sim.results['variant'][key][variant][0] += count[variant]
for key,count in flows.items():
sim.results[key][0] += count
for key,count in flows_variant.items():
for v in range(nv):
sim.results['variant'][key][v][0] += count[v]
# we need to update the NAbs as it is a cumulative effect
# this will mess up those who are the seed infections if not reset to naive (see above)
sim.people.t = t
has_nabs = cvu.true(sim.people.peak_nab)
if len(has_nabs):
cvi.update_nab(sim.people, inds=has_nabs)
# update states for t=0
# reset the seed infections
sim.people.infect(seed_inds, layer='seed_infection')