Source code for emod_api.config.dtk_pre_process_w5ml


import yaml
import json
import sys
import copy

[docs]def application( filename ): # This is fragile but let's try it. try: ei = json.loads( open( "config.json" ).read() )["parameters"]["Enable_Interventions"] if ei == 0: return except Exception as ex: print( "Attempt to get Enable_Interventions from config.json failed." ) camp_skel = yaml.load( open( filename ).read() ) event_template = json.loads( """ { "Event_Coordinator_Config": { "Demographic_Coverage": 1.0, "Intervention_Config": { "class": "OutbreakIndividual" }, "Target_Demographic": "Everyone", "class": "StandardInterventionDistributionEventCoordinator" }, "Event_Name": "TBD", "Nodeset_Config": { "class": "NodeSetAll" } } """ ) events = [] event_counter = 1 for event_w5 in camp_skel["Events"]: new_event = copy.deepcopy( event_template ) # new_event[ "Event_Name" ] = "Event #" + str( event_counter ) event_counter += 1 who = event_w5["Who"] whos = who.split( ',' ) #if len(whos) != 3: #print( "'Who' should be comma-separated version of 'X%, A-B, Male'." ) #sys.exit() coverage = float(whos[0].rstrip( '%' ))/100 new_event["Event_Coordinator_Config"]["Demographic_Coverage"] = coverage # TBD: if coverage = 1.0, just omit for defaults? ages = whos[1].strip() if ages != "AllAges": age_lims = ages.split( '-' ) min_age = float(age_lims[0]) max_age = float(age_lims[1]) # TBD: Check for valid values new_event["Event_Coordinator_Config"]["Target_Demographic"] = "ExplicitAgeRanges" new_event["Event_Coordinator_Config"]["Target_Age_Min"] = min_age new_event["Event_Coordinator_Config"]["Target_Age_Max"] = max_age sex = whos[2].strip() if sex != "BothSexes": # TBD: Check for valid values new_event["Event_Coordinator_Config"]["Target_Demographic"] = "ExplicitAgeRangesAndGender" new_event["Event_Coordinator_Config"]["Target_Gender"] = sex if len(whos) >= 4: ips = whos[3].strip() new_event["Event_Coordinator_Config"]["Property_Restrictions"] = [] new_event["Event_Coordinator_Config"]["Property_Restrictions"].append( ips ) where = event_w5["Where"] if where != "Everywhere": print( "TBD: Need to implement alternatives to NodeSetAll." ) when = event_w5["When"] # Convert 'when' into Start_Day or Start_Year whens = [ when ] if isinstance( when, str ) and "," in when: whens = when.split( ',' ) start = float(whens[0]) if( start % 1.0 == 0.0 ): # StartTime new_event[ "class" ] = "CampaignEvent" new_event[ "Start_Day" ] = int(start) else: # float # StartYear new_event[ "class" ] = "CampaignEventByYear" new_event[ "Start_Year" ] = start other_whens = [] # now we support two kinds of mutiples: repetitions and 'laundry-list' if len(whens) == 2 and '*' in whens[1]: reps = whens[1].split("*") new_event["Event_Coordinator_Config"]["Timesteps_Between_Repetitions"] = int(reps[0]) new_event["Event_Coordinator_Config"]["Number_Repetitions"] = int(reps[1]) else: other_whens = whens[1:] what = event_w5["What"] iv_class = what["class"] #new_event["Event_Coordinator_Config"]["Intervention_Config"]["class"] = iv_class new_iv = new_event["Event_Coordinator_Config"]["Intervention_Config"] new_iv["class"] = iv_class # maybe just copy 'payload' kvp's verbatim except for nasty special cases. if iv_class == "ScaleLarvalHabitat": habitat = what["Habitat"] level = float(what["Level"]) lhm = {} lhm[ habitat ] = level new_iv["Larval_Habitat_Multiplier"] = lhm else: for key in what.keys(): if key == "Efficacy_Profile": new_iv[ "Waning_Config" ] = {} wanings = what[ "Efficacy_Profile" ].split( ',' ) init = float(wanings[1]) dur = int(wanings[2]) new_iv[ "Waning_Config" ][ "class" ] = "WaningEffect" + wanings[0] new_iv[ "Waning_Config" ][ "Initial_Effect" ] = init if wanings[ 0 ] == "Box": new_iv[ "Waning_Config" ][ "Box_Duration" ] = dur else: new_iv[ key ] = what[key] if iv_class == "SimpleBoosterVaccine": new_iv[ "Duplicate_Policy" ] = "ADD" #why = event_w5["Why"] # for events events.append( new_event ) if len( other_whens ) > 0: for when in other_whens: new_event = copy.deepcopy( new_event ) if "Start_Day" in new_event: new_event["Start_Day"] = float(when) elif "Start_Year" in new_event: new_event["Start_Year"] = float(when) else: print( "Error. Didn't find Start_Day or Start_Year in new_event." ) events.append( new_event ) top_level = {} top_level["Use_Defaults"] = 1 top_level["Events"] = events #print( json.dumps( top_level,sort_keys=True,indent=4 )) with open( "campaign.json", "w" ) as camp_file: #camp_file.write( str( json.dumps( top_level,sort_keys=True,indent=4 ) ) ) json.dump( top_level, camp_file ) config_json = json.loads( open( "config.json" ).read() ) config_json["parameters"]["Campaign_Filename"] = "campaign.json" with open( "config.json", "w" ) as config_file: json.dump( config_json, config_file )
if __name__ == "__main__": application( sys.argv[1] )