Source code for emod_api.config.from_overrides


import sys
import os
import json
from pathlib import Path

def _load_json(filepath, post_process=None, ignore_notfound=True):
    """Load json from a file, with optional post processing of contents prior to parsing"""
    if os.path.exists(filepath):
            with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
                if post_process:
                    return json.loads(post_process(
                    return json.loads(
        except ValueError:
            print("JSON decode error from file {} ".format(filepath))
        except IOError:
            print("Error accessing json file {} ".format(filepath))
        if not ignore_notfound:
            # should this raise an error?
            print("JSON file not found: {}".format(filepath))
            raise ValueError
    return None

def _recursive_json_overrider( ref_json, flat_input_json ):
    Useful function that recursively navigates a pretty arbitrarily structured json config looking 
    for key-value parameters in the leaves.
    special_nodes = [
            "Vector_Species_Params", "Malaria_Drug_Params", "TB_Drug_Params", "HIV_Drug_Params", "STI_Network_Params_By_Property", "TBHIV_Drug_Params"
    if ref_json is None:
        print( "Null ref_json (param1) passed into _recursive_json_overrider." )
        raise ValueError

    for val in ref_json:
        #if not leaf, call recursive_json_leaf_reader
        if isinstance( ref_json[val], dict ) and val not in special_nodes:
            _recursive_json_overrider( ref_json[val], flat_input_json )
        # do VSP and MDP as special case. Sigh sigh sigh. Also TBHIV params now, also sigh.
        elif val in special_nodes:
            # could "genericize" this if we need to... happens to work for now, since both VSP and MDP are 3-levels deep...
            if val not in flat_input_json:
                flat_input_json[val] = { }
            elif val == "STI_Network_Params_By_Property" and not("NONE" in flat_input_json[val].keys()):

            for species in ref_json[val]:
                if species not in flat_input_json[val]:
                    if( isinstance( ref_json[val][species], dict ) ):
                        flat_input_json[val][species] = { }
                for param in ref_json[val][species]:
                    if( isinstance( ref_json[val][species], dict ) ):
                        if param not in flat_input_json[val][species]:
                            flat_input_json[val][species][param] = ref_json[val][species][param]
                        flat_input_json[val][species] = ref_json[val][species]
            if val not in flat_input_json:
                flat_input_json[val] = ref_json[val]

[docs]def flattenConfig( configjson_path, new_config_name="config.json" ): """ Historically called 'flattening' but really a function that takes a parameter override json config that includes a Default_Config_Path and produces a config.json from the two. """ if os.path.exists( configjson_path ) == False: raise configjson_flat = {} #print( "configjson_path = " + configjson_path ) configjson = _load_json(configjson_path) _recursive_json_overrider( configjson, configjson_flat ) # get defaults from config.json and synthesize output from default and overrides if "Default_Config_Path" in configjson_flat: default_config_path = configjson_flat["Default_Config_Path"] stripped_path = default_config_path.strip() if stripped_path != default_config_path: print("Warning: config parameter 'Default_Config_Path' has leading or trailing whitespace in value \"{0}\"." " Trimming whitespace and continuing.".format(default_config_path)) default_config_path = stripped_path try: # This code has always worked by treating the default_configpath as relative the Regression directory. # No longer doing that, but preserving that capability for back-compat. Going forward, relative to the # configjson_path. simdir = Path( configjson_path ).parent default_config_json = None if Path( os.path.join( str( simdir ), default_config_path) ).exists(): default_config_json = _load_json(os.path.join( str(simdir), default_config_path)) else: default_config_json = _load_json(os.path.join( '.', default_config_path)) _recursive_json_overrider( default_config_json, configjson_flat ) except Exception as ex: print( f"Exception opening default config {default_config_path}: {ex}." ) raise ex else: print( "Didn't find 'Default_Config_Path' in '{0}'".format( configjson_path ) ) raise RuntimeError( "Bad Default_Config_Path!!!" ) # still need that parameter top level node configjson = {} configjson["parameters"] = configjson_flat # don't need backslashes in the default config path # messing with anything else downstream now that it is flattened if "Default_Config_Path" in configjson["parameters"]: configjson["parameters"].pop("Default_Config_Path") # let's write out a flat version in case someone wants # to use regression examples as configs for debug mode with open( configjson_path.replace( os.path.basename(configjson_path), new_config_name ), 'w', newline='\r\n') as handle: handle.write( json.dumps(configjson, sort_keys=True, indent=4) ) return configjson
if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1: flattenConfig(sys.argv[1]) else: print ('usage:', sys.argv[0], 'configFile')