Source code for emod_api.config.from_poi_and_binary

import json
import tempfile
import os

import emod_api.schema.get_schema as get_schema
import emod_api.config.default_from_schema as default
import emod_api.schema_to_class as s2c

schema_path = None

def _make_config( eradication_path ):
    This function uses emod_api to produce a guaranteed working config starting with an Eradication binary
    and a parameters-of-interest python file. This is really sample code, not a function you can invoke 
    as there is likely no poi file in the module.
    import poi

    get_schema.dtk_to_schema(eradication_path, "/var/tmp/schema.json")
    config = json.load(open("default_config.json"), object_hook=s2c.ReadOnlyDict)
    config = poi.set_params(config)
    with open("config.json", "w") as config_file:
        json.dump(config, config_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
    return "config.json"

[docs]def schema_to_config( schema_path_in ): """ Purpose: Take a schema.json and return a "smart" config object that can be assigned to with schema-enforcement. Use in conjunction with to_file(). Params: schema_path_in (str/path) Returns: config (smart dict) """ default.write_default_from_schema( schema_path_in ) config = json.load(open("default_config.json"), object_hook=s2c.ReadOnlyDict) os.remove( "default_config.json" ) return config
[docs]def set_schema( schema_path_in ): schema_path = schema_path_in
[docs]def make_config_from_poi_and_config_dict( start_config_dict, poi_set_param_fn ): """ Use this function to create a config.json from an existing param dict (defaults or base) and a function with your parameter overrides or parameters of interest. """ # OK, starting_config_dict is now a ReadOnlyDict that can do schema checks if it has a schema. # This is big TBD especially for config. And depends-on. starting_config_dict.set_schema( schema_path ) # set a path, or a dict? Need a superset config with per-param schema blobs. config = poi_set_param_fn(start_config_dict) with open("config.json", "w") as config_file: json.dump(config, config_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) print( "config.json file written to disk." ) return "config.json"
[docs]def make_config_from_poi_and_config_file( start_config_path, poi_set_param_fn ): """ Use this function to create a config.json from an existing config json file (defaults or base) and a function with your parameter overrides or parameters of interest. """ if not os.path.exists( start_config_path ): print( f"{start_config_path} not found by {__file__}." ) return None config = json.load(open(start_config_path), object_hook=s2c.ReadOnlyDict) return make_config_from_poi_and_config_dict( config, poi_set_param_fn )
[docs]def make_config_from_poi_and_schema( schema_path, poi_set_param_fn ): """ Use this function to create a config.json from an existing schema json file and a function with your parameter overrides or parameters of interest. """ default.write_default_from_schema( schema_path ) return make_config_from_poi_and_config_file( "default_config.json", poi_set_param_fn )
[docs]def make_config_from_poi( eradication_path, poi_set_param_fn ): """ This function uses emod_api to produce a guaranteed working config starting with an Eradication binary and a parameters-of-interest python function. This is a usable and useful function. Parameters: eradication_path (string): Fully-qualified path to Eradication binary that can be invoked to get a schema. poi_set_param_fn (function): User-provided function/callback/hook that looks like: def set_params( config ): config.parameters.<param_name> = <schema valid param_value> <repeat for each param> return config Returns: "config.json" (string): Hardcoded configuration filename written to pwd. """ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() schema_path = os.path.join( tmpdir, "schema.json" ) get_schema.dtk_to_schema(eradication_path, schema_path ) return make_config_from_poi_and_schema( schema_path, poi_set_param_fn )