Source code for emod_api.legacy.plotAllCharts


import argparse
import os
import matplotlib

if os.environ.get("DISPLAY", "") == "":
    print("no display found. Using non-interactive Agg backend")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import json
import sys
import pylab
from math import sqrt, ceil

[docs]def plotOneFromDisk(): with open(sys.argv[1]) as ref_sim: ref_data = json.loads( num_chans = ref_data["Header"]["Channels"] idx = 0 for chan_title in sorted(ref_data["Channels"]): try: subplot = plt.subplot(4, 5, idx) subplot.plot(ref_data["Channels"][chan_title]["Data"], "r-") plt.title(chan_title) except Exception as ex: print( f"{ex}, idx = {idx}" ) if idx == 4 * 5: break
[docs]def plotCompareFromDisk( reference, comparison, label="", savefig=True, headless=False, closefig=True ): with open(reference) as ref_sim: ref_data = json.loads( with open(comparison) as test_sim: test_data = json.loads( num_chans = ref_data["Header"]["Channels"] plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) square_root = ceil(sqrt(num_chans)) n_figures_x = square_root n_figures_y = ceil( float(num_chans) / float(square_root) ) if label == "unspecified": label = sys.argv[1] figure = plt.figure( label.split("/")[-1] ) # label includes the full (relative) path to the scenario, take just the final directory F = pylab.gcf() ref_tstep = 1 if "Simulation_Timestep" in ref_data["Header"]: ref_tstep = ref_data["Header"]["Simulation_Timestep"] tst_tstep = 1 if "Simulation_Timestep" in test_data["Header"]: tst_tstep = test_data["Header"]["Simulation_Timestep"] idx = 1 for chan_title in sorted(ref_data["Channels"]): if chan_title not in test_data["Channels"]: print("title on in test. ignore.") continue try: subplot = plt.subplot(n_figures_x, n_figures_y, idx) ref_x_len = len(ref_data["Channels"][chan_title]["Data"]) tst_x_len = len(test_data["Channels"][chan_title]["Data"]) ref_tstep = 1 tst_tstep = 1 if "Simulation_Timestep" in ref_data["Header"].keys(): ref_tstep = ref_data["Header"]["Simulation_Timestep"] if "Simulation_Timestep" in test_data["Header"].keys(): tst_tstep = test_data["Header"]["Simulation_Timestep"] ref_x_data = np.arange(0, ref_x_len * ref_tstep, ref_tstep) tst_x_data = np.arange(0, tst_x_len * tst_tstep, tst_tstep) subplot.plot( ref_x_data, ref_data["Channels"][chan_title]["Data"], "r-", tst_x_data, test_data["Channels"][chan_title]["Data"], "b-", ) plt.setp(subplot.get_xticklabels(), fontsize="5") plt.title(chan_title, fontsize="6") idx += 1 except Exception as ex: print("Exception: " + str(ex)) if reference == comparison: plt.suptitle(label + " " + reference) else: plt.suptitle( label + " reference(red)=" + reference + " \n test(blue)=" + comparison ) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.05) mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() if savefig: path_dir = "." # dumb but might want to change plotname = "InsetChart" pylab.savefig( os.path.join(path_dir, plotname) + ".png", bbox_inches="tight", orientation="landscape", ) # , dpi=200 ) if not headless: if closefig: plt.close()
[docs]def plotBunch(all_data, plot_name, baseline_data=None, closefig=True): num_chans = all_data[0]["Header"]["Channels"] plt.suptitle(plot_name) plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) square_root = 4 if num_chans > 30: square_root = 6 elif num_chans > 16: square_root = 5 plots = [] labels = [] idx = 0 for chan_title in sorted(all_data[0]["Channels"]): idx_x = idx % square_root idx_y = int(idx / square_root) try: subplot = plt.subplot2grid((square_root, square_root), (idx_y, idx_x)) colors = ["b", "g", "c", "m", "y", "k"] if baseline_data is not None: tstep = 1 if "Simulation_Timestep" in baseline_data["Header"]: tstep = baseline_data["Header"]["Simulation_Timestep"] x_len = len(baseline_data["Channels"][chan_title]["Data"]) x_data = np.arange(0, x_len * tstep, tstep) plots.append( subplot.plot( x_data, baseline_data["Channels"][chan_title]["Data"], "r-", linewidth=2, ) ) for sim_idx in range(0, len(all_data)): labels.append(str(sim_idx)) x_len = len(all_data[sim_idx]["Channels"][chan_title]["Data"]) tstep = 1 if "Simulation_Timestep" in all_data[sim_idx]["Header"]: tstep = all_data[sim_idx]["Header"]["Simulation_Timestep"] x_data = np.arange(0, x_len * tstep, tstep) plots.append( subplot.plot( x_data, all_data[sim_idx]["Channels"][chan_title]["Data"], colors[sim_idx % len(colors)] + "-", ) ) plt.title(chan_title) except Exception as ex: print(str(ex)) if idx == (square_root * square_root) - 1: break idx += 1 plt.subplots_adjust( left=0.04, right=0.99, bottom=0.02, top=0.9, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3 ) pylab.savefig( plot_name.replace(" ", "_") + ".png", bbox_inches="tight", orientation="landscape", ) if closefig: plt.close()
[docs]def main(reference, comparison, label, savefig, headless): if headless: savefig = True plotCompareFromDisk(reference, comparison, label, savefig, headless, closefig=False)
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("reference", help="Reference chart(s) filename") parser.add_argument( "comparison", default=None, nargs="?", help="Comparison chart(s) filename" ) parser.add_argument("label", default="", nargs="?", help="Plot label") parser.add_argument( "--savefig", action="store_true", default=False, help="Write plot image to disk.", ) parser.add_argument( "--headless", action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not display; just save to disk.", ) args = parser.parse_args() main( args.reference, args.comparison if args.comparison else args.reference, args.label, args.savefig, args.headless, )