emod_api.demographics.Demographics module

emod_api.demographics.Demographics.from_template_node(lat=0, lon=0, pop=1000000.0, name='Erewhon', forced_id=1)

Create a single-node Demographics instance from a few params.


Create a Demographics instance from an existing demographics file.


Get a list of node ids from a demographics file.

emod_api.demographics.Demographics.get_node_pops_from_params(tot_pop, num_nodes, frac_rural)

Get a list of node populations from the params used to create a sparsely parameterized multi-node Demographics instance.

emod_api.demographics.Demographics.from_params(tot_pop=1000000.0, num_nodes=100, frac_rural=0.3, id_ref='from_params')

Create an EMOD-compatible Demographics object with the population and number of nodes specified, distributing per a ‘spread’ parameter.

emod_api.demographics.Demographics.from_csv(input_file, res=0.008333333333333333)

Create an EMOD-compatible Demographics instance from a csv population-by-node file.

emod_api.demographics.Demographics.from_pop_csv(pop_filename_in, pop_filename_out='spatial_gridded_pop_dir', site='No_Site')
class emod_api.demographics.Demographics.Demographics(nodes, idref='Gridded world grump2.5arcmin', base_file=None)

Bases: emod_api.demographics.BaseInputFile.BaseInputFile

This class is a container of data necessary to produce a EMOD-valid demographics input file. It can be initialized from an existing valid demographics.joson type file or from an array of valid Nodes.


Write the contents of the instance to an EMOD-compatible (JSON) file.

property node_ids

Return the list of (geographic) node ids.

property node_count

Return the number of (geographic) nodes.


Return the node idendified by nodeid. Search either name or actual id :param nodeid: :return:

SetIndividualAttributesWithFertMort(CrudeBirthRate=0.04, CrudeMortRate=0.02)
AddIndividualPropertyAndHINT(Property, Values, InitialDistribution=None, TransmissionMatrix=None)

Add Individual Properties, including an optional HINT configuration matrix. :param Property: :param Values: :param InitialDistribution: :param TransmissionMatrix:



AddAgeDependentTransmission(Age_Bin_Edges_In_Years=[0, 1, 2, - 1], TransmissionMatrix=[[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]])

NOTE: This is very Measles-ish. We might want to move into MeaslesDemographics


Set Default birth rate to birth_rate. Turn on Vital Dynamics and Births implicitly.


Set constant mortality rate to mort_rate. Turn on Enable_Natural_Mortality implicitly.


Set the default NodeAttributes (Altitude, Airport, Region, Seaport), optionally including birth, which is most important actually.


Initialize Individual Properties to empty.


Set a bunch of defaults (age structure, initial susceptibility and initial prevalencec) to sensible values.

SetDefaultPropertiesFertMort(CrudeBirthRate=0.04, CrudeMortRate=0.02)

Set a bunch of defaults (birth rates, death rates, age structure, initial susceptibility and initial prevalencec) to sensible values.

SetDefaultFromTemplate(template, setter_fn=None)

Add to the default IndividualAttributes using the input template (raw json) and set corresponding config values per the setter_fn. The template should always be constructed by a function in DemographicsTemplates. Eventually this function will be hidden and only accessed via separate application-specific API functions such as the ones below.

SetNodeDefaultFromTemplate(template, setter_fn)

Add to the default NodeAttributes using the input template (raw json) and set corresponding config values per the setter_fn. The template should always be constructed by a function in DemographicsTemplates. Eventually this function will be hidden and only accessed via separate application-specific API functions such as the ones below.

SetEquilibriumAgeDistFromBirthAndMortRates(CrudeBirthRate=0.04, CrudeMortRate=0.02)

Set the inital ages of the population to a sensible equilibrium profile based on the specified input birth and death rates. Note this does not set the fertility and mortality rates.

SetOverdispersion(new_overdispersion_value, nodes=[])

Set the overdispersion value for the specified nodes (all if empty).


Set the initial susceptibilty for each new individual to a constant value of 1.0.

SetHeteroRiskUniformDist(min_risk=0, max_risk=1)

Set the initial risk for each new individual to a value drawn from a uniform distribution.

SetHeteroRiskLognormalDist(mean=1.0, sigma=0)

Set the initial risk for each new individual to a value drawn from a log-normal distribution.


Set the initial risk for each new individual to a value drawn from an exponential distribution.