Source code for emod_api.interventions.outbreak

from .. import schema_to_class as s2c
import emod_api.campaign as camp
import json

[docs]def seed_by_coverage(campaign_builder, timestep, coverage=0.01, ignore_immunity=None, intervention_only=False): """ This simple function provides a very common piece of functionality to seed an infection. A future version will support targeted nodesets. """ schema_path = campaign_builder.schema_path iv_name = "OutbreakIndividual" intervention = s2c.get_class_with_defaults(iv_name, schema_path) if ignore_immunity is not None: # use default value if not defined. intervention.Ignore_Immunity = ignore_immunity if intervention_only: return intervention # Coordinator coordinator = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("StandardEventCoordinator", schema_path) coordinator.Demographic_Coverage = coverage coordinator.Intervention_Config = intervention # Event event = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("CampaignEvent", schema_path) event.Event_Coordinator_Config = coordinator event.Start_Day = float(timestep) return event
[docs]def new_intervention(campaign_builder, timestep, cases=1): """ Create EMOD-ready Outbreak intervention. Parameters: timestep (float): timestep at which outbreak should occur. cases (integer): new parmamter that specifies maximum number of cases. May not be supported. Returns: event (json): event as dict (json) """ iv_name = "OutbreakIndividual" schema_path = campaign_builder.schema_path event = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("CampaignEvent", schema_path) coordinator = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("StandardEventCoordinator", schema_path) if coordinator is None: print("s2c.get_class_with_defaults returned None. Maybe no schema.json was provided.") return "" try: coordinator.Max_Cases_Per_Node = cases except Exception as ex: # This can be fine because this is a new parameter only in some branches. # Obviously this question is more general and needs a better general solution # if at all possible. Max_Cases_Per_Node is an event coordinator optional param. print(str(ex)) print("Using 'Outbreak' intervention instead of OutbreakIndividual and Max_Case_Per_Node.") iv_name = "Outbreak" event.Event_Coordinator_Config = coordinator intervention = s2c.get_class_with_defaults(iv_name, schema_path) if iv_name == "Outbreak": intervention.Number_Cases_Per_Node = cases coordinator.Intervention_Config = intervention event.Start_Day = float(timestep) return event
[docs]def new_intervention_as_file(camp, timestep, cases=1, filename=None): camp.add(new_intervention(camp, timestep, cases), first=True) if filename is None: filename = "outbreak.json" return filename