Source code for emod_api.interventions.import_pressure

from .. import schema_to_class as s2c
import emod_api.campaign as camp
import json

schema_path = None
durations = []
daily_import_pressures = []
nodes = []

[docs]def new_intervention( timestep, durs=durations, dips=daily_import_pressures, nods=nodes ): # These are NOT the module variables event = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "CampaignEvent", schema_path ) coordinator = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "StandardEventCoordinator", schema_path ) if coordinator is None: print( "s2c.get_class_with_defaults returned None. Maybe no schema.json was provided." ) return "" event.Event_Coordinator_Config = coordinator intervention = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "ImportPressure", schema_path ) coordinator.Intervention_Config = intervention event.Start_Day = float(timestep) if len( durs ) == 0: Ex = ValueError() Ex.strerror = "durations not set." raise Ex if len( dips ) == 0: Ex = ValueError() Ex.strerror = "daily_import_pressures not set." raise Ex if len( dips ) != len( durs ): Ex = ValueError() Ex.strerror = "durations and daily_import_pressures neeed to have same number of entries." raise Ex intervention.Durations = durs intervention.Daily_Import_Pressures = dips if len(nods) > 0: nodelist = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "NodeSetNodeList", schema_path ) nodelist.Node_List = nods event.Nodeset_Config = nodelist return event
[docs]def new_intervention_as_file( timestep, filename=None ): camp.schema_path = "schema.json" camp.add( new_intervention( timestep, durations, daily_import_pressures, nodes ), first=True ) if filename is None: filename = "import_pressure.json" filename ) return filename