Source code for emod_api.config.default_from_schema_no_validation


import sys
import json
import os
import warnings
import emod_api.schema_to_class as s2c

[docs]def schema_to_config_subnode( schema_path_in, subnode_list ): """ This is the code from regular schema_to_config: config = json.load(open("default_config.json"), object_hook=s2c.ReadOnlyDict) os.remove( "default_config.json" ) """ # 1) initialize the base config default_config = { "parameters": {} } default_config[ "parameters" ][ "schema" ] = {} # 2) Get the whole schema with open(schema_path_in) as schema_in: schema = json.loads( subnode = schema for subkey in subnode_list: subnode = subnode[subkey] # 3) Get the defaults from a subnode (config) _set_defaults_for_schema_group(default_config, subnode, schema["idmTypes"]) # 4) Convert to schema-backed 'read-only dict' config = json.loads(json.dumps(default_config), object_hook=s2c.ReadOnlyDict) return config
def _set_defaults_for_schema_group( default_config, schema_section, custom_type_schema ): """ By making this part of write_default_from_schema its own function, it becomes reusable for the purposes of Malaria_Drug_params which is a pretty funky part of the schema honestly. """ for param in schema_section: if param == "class": continue if 'default' in schema_section[param]: value = schema_section[param]['default'] default_config[ "parameters" ][ param ] = value default_config[ "parameters" ][ "schema" ][ param ] = schema_section[ param ] # Our vectors don't seem to have defaults but we think an empty array is a valid default based on type alone? elif "type" in schema_section[param] and "Vector" in schema_section[param]["type"]: default_config[ "parameters" ][ param ] = [] default_config[ "parameters" ][ "schema" ][ param ] = schema_section[ param ] else: default_config[ "parameters" ][ param ] = {} # hack for Drug Params.... and for the nested ones. keys = [x for x in schema_section[ param ].keys()] # This is all too "special-casey" if len(keys) == 1: key = keys[0] # HACK default_config[ "parameters" ][ "schema" ][ param ] = schema_section[ param ][key] else: # e.g., Fractional_Dose_xxx map which has comlex type # Want to call this but we need the full json so we can access the idmType section # print( "Don't actually want to do this but just testing the concept." ) default_config[ "parameters" ][ param ] = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( schema_section[ param ][ "type" ], custom_type_schema ) default_config[ "parameters" ][ "schema" ][ param ] = schema_section[ param ] # Does default_config get passed by reference and modified? :/
[docs]def get_default_config_from_schema(path_to_schema, schema_node=True, as_rod=False, output_filename=None): """ This returns a default config object as defined from reading a schema file. Parameters: output_filename (str): if not None, the path to write the loaded config to """ default_config = {"parameters": {}} default_config["parameters"]["schema"] = {} with open(path_to_schema) as raw_json: schema = json.loads( for group in schema["config"]: _set_defaults_for_schema_group(default_config, schema["config"][group], schema["idmTypes"]) if not schema_node: print("Removing schema node.") default_config["parameters"].pop("schema") if as_rod: default_config = json.loads(json.dumps(default_config), object_hook=s2c.ReadOnlyDict) if output_filename is not None: with open(output_filename, "w") as outfile: json.dump(default_config, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4) print(f"Wrote '{output_filename}' file.") return default_config
[docs]def write_default_from_schema(path_to_schema, output_filename='default_config.json', schema_node=True): """ DEPRECATED: This function simply calls get_default_config_from_schema with specific arguments. This function writes out a default config file as defined from reading a schema file. It's as good as the schema it's given. Note that this is designed to work with a schema from a disease-specific build, otherwise it may contain a lot of params from other disease types. """ warnings.warn("Calls to write_default_from_schema() should be updated to use get_default_config_from_schema()", DeprecationWarning) get_default_config_from_schema(path_to_schema=path_to_schema, output_filename=output_filename, schema_node=schema_node) return output_filename
[docs]def load_default_config_as_rod( config ): """ Parameters: config (string/path): path to default or base config.json Returns: config (as ReadOnlyDict) with schema ready for schema-verified param sets. """ if not os.path.exists( config ): print( f"{config} not found." ) return None config_rod = None with open( config ) as conf: config_rod = json.load( conf, object_hook=s2c.ReadOnlyDict ) return config_rod
[docs]def get_config_from_default_and_params(config_path=None, set_fn=None, config=None, verbose=False): """ Use this function to create a valid config.json file from a schema-derived base config, a callback that sets your parameters of interest Parameters: config_path (string/path): Path to valid config.json config: read-only dict configuration object. Pass this XOR the config_path. set_fn (function): Callback that sets params with implicit schema enforcement. Returns: config: read-only dict """ if not ((config_path is None) ^ (config is None)): raise Exception('Must specify either a default config_path or config, not neither or both.') if verbose: print(f"DEBUG: get_config_from_default_and_params invoked with " f"config_path: {config_path}, config: {config is not None}, {set_fn}.") # load default config from file if a path was given if config_path is not None: config = load_default_config_as_rod(config_path) if verbose: print("DEBUG: Calling set_fn.") # now that we have a config (either given or loaded from file), call the (possibly given) callback on it if set_fn is not None: config = set_fn(config) return config
[docs]def write_config_from_default_and_params( config_path, set_fn, config_out_path ): """ Use this function to create a valid config.json file from a schema-derived base config, a callback that sets your parameters of interest, and an output path. Parameters: config_path (string/path): Path to valid config.json set_fn (function): Callback that sets params with implicit schema enforcement. config_out_path: (string/path) Path to write new config.json Returns: Nothing """ print( f"DEBUG: write_config_from_default_and_params invoked with {config_path}, {set_fn}, and {config_out_path}." ) config = get_config_from_default_and_params(config_path=config_path, set_fn=set_fn) print( "DEBUG: Calling finalize." ) config.parameters.finalize() print( "DEBUG: Writing output file." ) with open( config_out_path, "w" ) as outfile: json.dump( config, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4 )
def _write_config_using_schema(): """ This is really a demo function """ config_rod = load_default_config_as_rod( "default_config.json" ) # set some parameters... config_rod.parameters.Enable_Demographics_Builtin = 1 config_rod.parameters.x_Base_Population = 10 config_rod.parameters.Enable_Birth = 1 # purge all params that aren't depends-on-enabled, implicit # purge schema config_rod.parameters.finalize() with open( "my_config.json", "w" ) as outfile: json.dump( config_rod, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4 ) print( "Wrote 'my_config.json'file." ) return config_rod def _do_main(): if len( sys.argv ) == 1: print( "Usage: emod_api.default_from_schema <schema.json>" ) else: write_default_from_schema( sys.argv[1] ) if __name__=="__main__": _do_main()