Source code for emod_api.interventions.ccdl_viz

Early draft of a very handy utility that takes a CCDL file (Concise Campaign Definition Language)
and creates a graph(viz) visualization of it.

import sys
import graphviz # This makes emod-api dependent on graphviz. Might be nice if this was optional?
from emod_api.interventions.ccdl import *

debug = False

[docs]def get_nickname_from_event( event_num, pieces ): """ Allow nodes to get briefer and potentially more helpful nicknames. Default will probably remain a the nasty autogen above. Users can override this function with a callback of their own. """ # If user has manually added an optional 5th 'column', use that, but turns certain characters into newlines. if len(pieces)==5: event_name = pieces[4].strip().replace( " ", "\n" ).replace("->","%%%").replace( "-", "\n" ).replace( "%%%", "->" ) else: event_name = f"[{event_num}]{pieces[WHEN_IDX]}*{pieces[WHERE_IDX]}*{pieces[WHO_IDX]}" return event_name
[docs]def get_colour_from_event( tokens ): """ Allow nodes to get a content-dependent colour. Default to just white. Users can override this function with a callback of their own. Have been using colour to capture IP categories. """ return "white"
[docs]def get_shape_from_event( tokens ): """ Allow nodes to get a content-dependent shape. Default to circle. Users can override this function with a callback of their own. Have been using shape to capture 'epoch' categories. Possible shapes include ellipse, circle, square, and diamond. Full list can be found at: """ return "circle"
[docs]def set_beautifiers( name_cb=None, colour_cb=None, shape_cb=None ): """ Override default no-op callbacks for setting nicknames, colours, and shapes of campaign nodes """ global get_nickname_from_event, get_colour_from_event, get_shape_from_event if name_cb: get_nickname_from_event = name_cb if colour_cb: get_colour_from_event = colour_cb if shape_cb: get_shape_from_event = shape_cb return
[docs]def viz( in_name = "campaign.ccdl", out_name = "", display = True, whitelist = None ): ccdl = open( in_name ).readlines() dot = graphviz.Digraph(out_name, comment='Patient Pathway Design') producers = {} consumers = {} # Don't see how to avoid a specific list here. Not complete, needs more diagnostics. broadcasters = ["BroadcastEvent", "SimpleHealthSeekingBehavior", "DiagnosticTreatNeg" ] event_names = {} event_num = 0 for camp_event in ccdl: if debug: print( f"Processing line {camp_event}." ) # We're going to do a brute force purge of DelayedInterventions for now. pieces = camp_event.strip().split( main_sep ) if len(pieces)<2: event_num += 1 continue if "Outbreak" in pieces[-1]: # It is useful to 'hack' a few lines so that major infection lifecycle events get tied into # our visualization. camp_event = camp_event.replace( pieces[-1], pieces[-1]+"+BroadcastEvent(TBActivation)" ) pieces = camp_event.strip().split( main_sep ) # Color represents IP # Shape represents Epoch node_name = get_nickname_from_event( event_num, pieces ) event_names[event_num] = node_name node_color = get_colour_from_event(pieces) node_shape = get_shape_from_event(pieces) if debug: print( f"Creating node with name {event_names[event_num]}." ) dot.node( name=event_names[event_num], style='filled', fillcolor = node_color, shape=node_shape ) triggered = pieces[WHAT_IDX].split( post_trigger_sep ) if len(triggered)>1: triggers = triggered[0].strip() for trigger in triggers.split( multi_trigger_sep ): if trigger not in consumers: consumers[trigger] = set() consumers[trigger].add( event_num ) triggeree = triggered[-1].split( post_delay_sep )[-1].strip() for broadcaster in broadcasters: sender = (triggeree.split( multi_iv_sep )[-1]).strip() if broadcaster in sender: from parse import parse regex = broadcaster + "({})" #print( f"Looking for {regex} in {sender}" ) tokens = parse( regex, sender ) signals = tokens[0] for signal in signals.split( multi_signal_sep ): #print( f"Found an event broadcasting {signal}" ) if signal not in producers: producers[signal] = set() producers[signal].add( event_num ) event_num += 1 if debug: print( "PRODUCERS\n" ) print( producers ) print( "\nCONSUMERS\n" ) print( consumers ) # This is a list so we can do more than 1 eventually but for now lets just do 1. event_whitelist = [] if whitelist: event_whitelist.append( whitelist ) for event in producers: if event_whitelist and event not in event_whitelist: continue senders = producers[event] if event in consumers: receivers = consumers[event] for from_event in senders: for to_event in receivers: # Reject edges where IPs don't "overlap" ip_from = ccdl[from_event].split( main_sep )[2].split("/")[1] if "/" in ccdl[from_event].split( main_sep )[2] else "*" ip_to = ccdl[to_event].split( main_sep )[2].split("/")[1] if "/" in ccdl[to_event].split( main_sep )[2] else "*" #if ip_to != "*" and ip_from != "*" and ip_from.split(":")[0] == ip_to.split(":")[0] and ip_from.split(":")[1] != ip_to.split(":")[1]: if ip_to != "*" and ip_from != "*": ip_from_key = ip_from.split("=")[0] ip_from_value = ip_from.split("=")[1] ip_to_key = ip_to.split("=")[0] ip_to_value = ip_to.split("=")[1] if ip_from_key == ip_to_key and ip_from_value != ip_to_value: continue # aka do not continue # Reject edges where Times don't "overlap" time_from = ccdl[from_event].split( main_sep )[0] if "(" in time_from: time_from = time_from.split( "(" )[0] time_to = ccdl[to_event].split( main_sep )[0] time_from_start = time_from time_to_start = time_to time_from_end = 1e9 time_to_end = 1e9 if "-" in time_from: time_from_start = float(time_from.split("-")[0]) time_from_end = float(time_from.split("-")[1]) if "-" in time_to: time_to_start = float(time_to.split("-")[0]) time_to_end = float(time_to.split("-")[1]) time_from_start = float(time_from_start) time_to_start = float(time_to_start) if time_from_end <= time_to_start or time_from_start >= time_to_end: if debug: print( f"Discarding edge from {from_event} to {to_event} because not overlapping in time." ) print( time_from_start, time_from_end, time_to_start, time_to_end ) continue if debug: #print( f"Creating edge from {from_event} to {to_event} for {event}." ) #print( f"{from_event} ---{event} ---> {to_event}" ) print( f"{event_names[from_event]} ---{event} ---> {event_names[to_event]}" ) #dot.edge( from_event, to_event, name=event ) dot.edge( str(event_names[from_event]), str(event_names[to_event]), label=event ) # Honestly not sure what the most general-purpose display solution is for graphviz # This seems to generate a pdf and open the registered pdf viewer if there is one. dot.render( view=True )
if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--ccdl', help='Path to existing campaign in CCDL format.', default= "campaign.ccdl" ) parser.add_argument('-w', '--whitelist', help='Optional trigger to limit visualization to.', default=None ) args = parser.parse_args() viz( args.ccdl, args.whitelist )