Source code for emod_api.interventions.node_multiplier

from .. import schema_to_class as s2c
import json
import emod_api.campaign as camp
import emod_api.interventions.utils as utils

    if(camp_obj['Nodeset_Config']['Node_List'][0] == 3):
      xval = np.arange(0,365)
      yval = 1.0+0.2*np.sin(8.0*2*np.pi*xval/365)
      camp_obj['Start_Day'] = 180
      camp_obj[ECC][IC][MBD]['Times']  = xval.tolist()
      camp_obj[ECC][IC][MBD]['Values'] = yval.tolist()

    if(camp_obj['Nodeset_Config']['Node_List'][0] == 2):
      xval = np.array([ 0.0, 50.0, 100.0, 149.5, 150.0, 200.0])
      yval = np.array([ 1.0,  1.3,   1.0,   1.0,   0.7,   0.7])
      camp_obj['Start_Day'] = 10
      camp_obj[ECC][IC][MBD]['Times']  = xval.tolist()
      camp_obj[ECC][IC][MBD]['Values'] = yval.tolist()

    if(camp_obj['Nodeset_Config']['Node_List'][0] == 1):
      xval = np.arange(0,365)
      yval = 1.0-0.8*np.exp(-5.0*xval/365)
      camp_obj['Start_Day'] = 0
      camp_obj[ECC][IC][MBD]['Times']  = xval.tolist()
      camp_obj[ECC][IC][MBD]['Values'] = yval.tolist()
[docs]def new_intervention( camp, new_infectivity=1.0, profile="CONST", **kwargs ): """ Create new NodeInfectivityModifying intervention. Args: profile: multiplier options include: - CONST(ANT) - new_infectivity lasts forever (or until replaced). - TRAP(EZOID) - rise_dur(ation) - peak_dur(ation) - fall_dur(ation) - EXP(ONENTIAL) (not implemented yet) - rise duration - rise rate - SIN(USOIDAL) (not implemented yet) - period To do boxcar, specify 0 rise and fall durations (or omit). To do sawtooth, specify 0 peak duration (or omit). Returns: new NodeInfectivityMult intervention dictionary. """ intervention = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "NodeInfectivityMult", camp.schema_path ) if profile.startswith("CONST"): intervention.Multiplier_By_Duration.Times=[0, 365000] # I'm preferring 1000 years to FLT_MAX intervention.Multiplier_By_Duration.Values=[new_infectivity,new_infectivity] elif profile.startswith("TRAP"): rise_dur = 0 if "rise_dur" in kwargs: rise_dur = float(kwargs["rise_dur"]) peak_dur = 0 if "peak_dur" in kwargs: peak_dur = float(kwargs["peak_dur"]) fall_dur = 0 if "fall_dur" in kwargs: fall_dur = float(kwargs["fall_dur"]) total_durs = rise_dur + peak_dur + fall_dur if total_durs == 0: raise ValueError( "Didn't find any durations." ) elif total_durs >365: raise ValueError( "Total of durations needs to be less than a year." ) rise_dur = max(rise_dur,1) peak_dur = max(peak_dur,1) fall_dur = max(fall_dur,1) total_durs = rise_dur + peak_dur + fall_dur intervention.Multiplier_By_Duration.Times=[0, rise_dur, rise_dur+peak_dur, rise_dur+peak_dur+fall_dur] intervention.Multiplier_By_Duration.Values=[1.0, new_infectivity, new_infectivity, 1.0] else: raise ValueError( f"profile {profile} not supported at this time. Valid profiles are: 'CONST', 'TRAP'." ) return intervention
[docs]def new_scheduled_event( camp, start_day=1, new_infectivity=1.0, profile="CONST", node_ids=None, recurring=True, **kwargs ): """ Create new NodeInfectivityModifying intervention as scheduled campaign event. """ #new_iv = new_intervention( camp=camp, new_infectivity=new_infectivity, profile=profile, kwargs=**kwargs ) new_iv = new_intervention( camp, new_infectivity, profile, **kwargs ) coordinator = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "StandardEventCoordinator", camp.schema_path ) coordinator.Intervention_Config = new_iv if recurring == False: coordinator.Number_Repetitions = 1 else: coordinator.Number_Repetitions = -1 coordinator.Timesteps_Between_Repetitions=365 event = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "CampaignEvent", camp.schema_path ) event.Nodeset_Config = utils.do_nodes( camp.schema_path, node_ids ) event.Event_Coordinator_Config = coordinator event.Start_Day = start_day return event
[docs]def new_intervention_as_file( camp, timestep, filename=None ): """ Create new NodeInfectivityModifying intervention as sole scheduled campaign event inside working campaign json file. """ camp.add( new_scheduled_event( camp, profile="CONSTANT", start_day=timestep, node_ids=[] )) if filename is None: filename = "node_infectivity.json" filename ) return filename