Source code for emod_api.interventions.simple_vaccine

from .. import schema_to_class as s2c
import json
import emod_api.campaign as camp

schema_path = None
vaccine_type = "Generic"  # or AcquisitionBlocking or TransmissionBlocking or MortalityBlocking
iv_name = "Vaccine"
initial_effect = 1.0
box_duration = 100

# timestep = 0
# dupe_policy = "Replace" # or "Add" or "Abort" -- from covid branch
# Note that duration (what we call waning profile) needs to be configurable, but in an intuitive way

[docs]def new_intervention(timestep, v_type=vaccine_type, efficacy=initial_effect, sv_name=iv_name, waning_duration=box_duration, d_a_d=None, cost_to_consumer=None, e_i_r=None, intervention_only=False): """ This is mostly an example but also potentially useful. With this you get a Vaccine with working defaults but 2 configurables: type and efficacy. The duration is fixet at box. You of course must specify the timestep and you can add a vaccine name which is mostly useful if you're managing a duplicate policy. """ intervention = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("Vaccine", schema_path) if s2c.uses_old_waning(): efficacy_profile = "WaningEffectBox" else: efficacy_profile = "WaningEffect" waning = s2c.get_class_with_defaults(efficacy_profile, schema_path) waning.Initial_Effect = efficacy waning.Box_Duration = waning_duration if "Acquire" in v_type: intervention.Acquire_Config = waning elif "Transmit" in v_type: intervention.Transmit_Config = waning else: intervention.Mortality_Config = waning # Third, do the actual settings # intervention.Vaccine_Type = v_type intervention.Intervention_Name = sv_name if cost_to_consumer: intervention.Cost_To_Consumer = cost_to_consumer if d_a_d is not None: intervention.Dont_Allow_Duplicates = d_a_d if e_i_r: # set Enable_Intervention_Replacement only if it's True. We don't want to set it to False, because it's the # same as default and it will turn Dont_Allow_Duplicates to True automatically by emod-api since DAD is the # depends-on parameter for EIR. intervention.Enable_Intervention_Replacement = e_i_r if intervention_only: return intervention coordinator = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("StandardEventCoordinator", schema_path) coordinator.Intervention_Config = intervention event = s2c.get_class_with_defaults("CampaignEvent", schema_path) event.Event_Coordinator_Config = coordinator event.Start_Day = float(timestep) return event
[docs]def new_intervention2(timestep): """ This version lets you invoke the function sans-parameters. You get the module-level params which you can set before calling this. This is designed to support are more data-oriented way of using this API, with everything like "a.b=c", and avoid "churn" on the API itself (constantly changing function signature). TBD: Make sure that if this is called twice, we understand whether we have copies or references going on. """ return new_intervention(timestep=timestep, v_type=vaccine_type, efficacy=initial_effect, sv_name=iv_name, waning_duration=box_duration)
[docs]def new_intervention_as_file(timestep, filename=None): camp.add(new_intervention(timestep, vaccine_type, initial_effect, iv_name, box_duration)) if filename is None: filename = "simple_vaccine.json" return filename