Targeting_Config classes

The following classes can be used to enhance the selection of people when distributing interventions. Most event coordinators and node-level interventions that distribute interventions to people have a parameter called Targeting_Config. This allows you to not only target individuals based on their gender, age, and IndividualProperties (See NodeProperties and IndividualProperties parameters for more information), but also on things such as whether or not they have a particular intervention or are in a relationship.


Parameters are case-sensitive. For Boolean parameters, set to 1 for true or 0 for false. Minimum, maximum, or default values of “NA” indicate that those values are not applicable for that parameter.

EMOD does not use true defaults; that is, if the dependency relationships indicate that a parameter is required, you must supply a value for it. However, many of the tools used to work with EMOD will use the default values provided below.

JSON format does not permit comments, but you can add “dummy” parameters to add contextual information to your files. Any keys that are not EMOD parameter names will be ignored by the model.

Below is a simple example where we want to distribute a vaccine to 20% of the people that do not already have the vaccine on the 100th day of the simulation.

    "class": "CampaignEvent",
    "Start_Day": 100,
    "Nodeset_Config": {
        "class": "NodeSetAll"
    "Event_Coordinator_Config": {
        "class": "StandardInterventionDistributionEventCoordinator",
        "Target_Demographic": "Everyone",
        "Demographic_Coverage": 0.2,
        "Targeting_Config": {
            "class": "HasIntervention",
            "Is_Equal_To": 0,
            "Intervention_Name": "MyVaccine"
        "Intervention_Config": {
            "class": "SimpleVaccine",
            "Intervention_Name" : "MyVaccine",
            "Cost_To_Consumer": 1,
            "Vaccine_Take": 1,
            "Vaccine_Type": "AcquisitionBlocking",
            "Waning_Config": {
                "class": "WaningEffectConstant",
                "Initial_Effect" : 1.0

Below is a slightly more complicated example where we want to distribute a diagnostic to people that are either high risk or have not been vaccinated.

    "class": "CampaignEvent",
    "Start_Day": 100,
    "Nodeset_Config": {
        "class": "NodeSetAll"
    "Event_Coordinator_Config": {
        "class": "StandardInterventionDistributionEventCoordinator",
        "Target_Demographic": "Everyone",
        "Demographic_Coverage": 0.2,
        "Targeting_Config": {
            "class" : "TargetingLogic",
            "Logic" : [
                        "class": "HasIntervention",
                        "Is_Equal_To": 0,
                        "Intervention_Name": "MyVaccine"
                        "class": "HasIP",
                        "Is_Equal_To": 1,
                        "IP_Key_Value": "Risk:HIGH"
        "Intervention_Config": {
            "class": "SimpleDiagnostic",
            "Treatment_Fraction": 1.0,
            "Base_Sensitivity": 1.0,
            "Base_Specificity": 1.0,
            "Event_Or_Config": "Event",
            "Positive_Diagnosis_Event": "TestedPositive"


This determines whether or not the individual has an intervention with the given name. This will only work for interventions that persist like SimpleVaccine and DelayedIntervention. It will not work for interventions like BroadcastEvent since it does not persist.



Data type










This is used to determine if the individual is selected based on the result of the value of the question. For example, if the user wants to select individuals that are NOT circumcised, the user will set this parameter to false (0). If the return value of the question ‘is equal to’ the value of this parameter, the individual is selected.



(no default)

The name of the intervention the person should have. This cannot be an empty string but should be either the name of the class or the name given to the intervention of interest using the parameter Intervention_Name. EMOD does not verify that this name exists.


Select the person if they do NOT have the MyVaccine intervention.

"Targeting_Config": {
    "class": "HasIntervention",
    "Is_Equal_To": 0,
    "Intervention_Name": "MyVaccine"


This determines if the person has a particular value of a particular IndividualProperties (IP). This is especially needed when determining if a partner has a particular IP (see HasRelationship).



Data type










This is used to determine if the individual is selected based on the result of the value of the question. For example, if the user wants to select individuals that are NOT circumcised, the user will set this parameter to false (0). If the return value of the question ‘is equal to’ the value of this parameter, the individual is selected.



(no default)

This is the normal IndividualProperties ‘Key:Value’ pair where the key/property name and one of its values is separated by a colon (‘:’).


Select the person if their Risk property is HIGH.

"Targeting_Config": {
    "class": "HasIP",
    "Is_Equal_To": 1,
    "IP_Key_Value": "Risk:HIGH"


In some cases, the you need to logically combine multiple restrictions. In these situations, you should use the TargetingLogic class where you can “and” and “or” the different questions.

NOTE: Each element is independent and is being asked of the individual in question. For questions that are about a partner of the individual, all of the qualifiers for that partner must be in the element. This will ensure that there is one partner that has all of the qualifications. Otherwise, you could have a situation where one partner satisfies one qualification and another partner satisfies a different one, but no partner has all of the qualifications.



Data type






2D array of JSON objects

(no default)

This is a two-dimensional array of JSON objects. The elements of the inner array will be AND’d together while the arrays themselves will be OR’d. This is similar to Property_Restrictions_Within_Node. This array and the inner arrays cannot be empty.


Select the person if they do not have the MyVaccine intervention OR do not have their Risk property set to HIGH. Notice that Logic 2x1 where the first dimention contains two arrays with one JSON object. These two arrays are OR’d together.

"Targeting_Config": {
    "class" : "TargetingLogic",
    "Logic" : [
                "class": "HasIntervention",
                "Is_Equal_To": 0,
                "Intervention_Name": "MyVaccine"
                "class": "HasIP",
                "Is_Equal_To": 0,
                "IP_Key_Value": "Risk:HIGH"

Select the person if they do not have the MyVaccine intervention AND do not have their Risk property set to HIGH. Notice that Logic is 1x2 where the first dimension contains a single array with two JSON objects. These two objects are AND’d together.

"Targeting_Config": {
    "class" : "TargetingLogic",
    "Logic" : [
                "class": "HasIntervention",
                "Is_Equal_To": 0,
                "Intervention_Name": "MyVaccine"
                "class": "HasIP",
                "Is_Equal_To": 0,
                "IP_Key_Value": "Risk:HIGH"