Output settings¶
The following parameters configure whether or not output reports are created for the simulation, such as reports detailing spatial or demographic data at each time step. By default, the InsetChart is always created.
Parameters are case-sensitive. For Boolean parameters, set to 1 for true or 0 for false. Minimum, maximum, or default values of “NA” indicate that those values are not applicable for that parameter.
EMOD does not use true defaults; that is, if the dependency relationships indicate that a parameter is required, you must supply a value for it. However, many of the tools used to work with EMOD will use the default values provided below.
JSON format does not permit comments, but you can add “dummy” parameters to add contextual information to your files. Any keys that are not EMOD parameter names will be ignored by the model.
Parameter |
Data type |
Minimum |
Maximum |
Default |
Description |
Example |
Custom_Coordinator_Events |
array of strings |
NA |
NA |
NA |
The list of valid, user-defined events for Event Coordinators that will be included in the campaign. Any event used in the campaign must either be one of the built-in events or in this list. Note: This configuration parameter is currently in beta release and has not yet been fully tested. |
"Custom_Coordinator_Events": [
Custom_Individual_Events |
array of strings |
NA |
NA |
NA |
The list of valid, user-defined events that will be included in the campaign. Any event used in the campaign must either be one of the built-in events or in this list. Note This configuration parameter is currently in beta release and has not yet been fully tested. |
"Custom_Individual_Events": [
Custom_Node_Events |
array of strings |
NA |
NA |
NA |
The list of valid, user-defined events for nodes that will be included in the campaign. Any event used in the campaign must either be one of the built-in events or in this list. Note This configuration parameter is currently in beta release and has not yet been fully tested. |
"Custom_Node_Events": [
Custom_Reports_Filename |
string |
NA |
NA |
The name of the file containing custom report configuration parameters. Omitting this parameter or setting it to RunAllCustomReports will load all reporters found that are valid for the given simulation type. The file must be in JSON format. |
"Custom_Reports_Filename": "custom_reports.json"
Enable_Default_Reporting |
boolean |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Controls whether or not the default InsetChart.json report is created. |
"Enable_Default_Reporting": 1
Enable_Demographics_Reporting |
boolean |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Controls whether or not demographic summary data and age-binned reports are outputted to file. |
"Enable_Demographics_Reporting": 1
Enable_Property_Output |
boolean |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Controls whether or not to create property output reports, which detail groups as defined in IndividualProperties in the demographics file (see NodeProperties and IndividualProperties parameters). When there is more than one property type, the report will display the channel information for all combinations of the property type groups. |
"Enable_Property_Output": 1
Enable_Spatial_Output |
boolean |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Controls whether or not spatial output reports are created. If set to true (1), spatial output reports include all channels listed in the parameter Spatial_Output_Channels. Note Spatial output files require significant processing time and disk space. |
"Enable_Spatial_Output": 1,
"Spatial_Output_Channels": [
Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder |
boolean |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Enables or disables the ReportCoordinatorEventRecorder.csv output report for coordinator events. When enabled (set to 1) reports will be generated for the broadcasted valid coordinator events, as specified in Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder_Events. Note: This configuration parameter is currently in beta release and has not yet been fully tested. |
"Custom_Coordinator_Events": [
"Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder_Events": [
Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder_Events |
array of strings |
NA |
NA |
NA |
The list of events to include or exclude in the ReportCoordinatorEventRecorder.csv output report, based on how Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List is set. This list must not be empty and is dependent upon Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder being enabled. In addition, the events must be defined in Customer_Coordinator_Events. Note: This configuration parameter is currently in beta release and has not yet been fully tested. |
"Custom_Coordinator_Events": [
"Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder_Events": [
Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List |
boolean |
0 |
1 |
0 |
If set to false (0), only the events listed in the Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder_Events array will be included in the ReportCoordinatorEventRecorder.csv output report. If set to true (1), only the events listed in the array will be excluded, and all other events will be included. If you want to return all events from the simulation, leave the events array empty. Note: This configuration parameter is currently in beta release and has not yet been fully tested. |
"Custom_Coordinator_Events": [
"Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Coordinator_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Event_Recorder |
boolean |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Set to true (1) to enable or to false (0) to disable the ReportEventRecorder.csv output report that lists individual events in the simulation. See Event list for a list of all possible built-in events that will be recorded in the output when enabled. |
"Report_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Event_Recorder_Events |
array |
NA |
NA |
The list of events to include or exclude in the ReportEventRecorder.csv output report, based on how Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List is set. See Event list for a list of all possible built-in events. You can also define events in Custom_Individual_Events. The list cannot be empty. |
"Report_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List |
boolean |
0 |
1 |
0 |
If set to false (0), only the events listed in the Report_Event_Recorder_Events array will be included in the ReportEventRecorder.csv output report. If set to true (1), only the events listed in the array will be excluded, and all other events will be included. If you want to return all events from the simulation, leave the events array empty.
"Report_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Event_Recorder_Individual_Properties |
array of strings |
NA |
NA |
[] |
Specifies an array of (optional) individual property keys, as defined in IndividualProperties in the demographics file, to be added as additional columns to the output report. Individual’s IP value will be added to the (key) column at the time of the event. |
"Report_Event_Recorder_Individual_Properties": [
Report_Event_Recorder_Start_Day |
float |
0 |
3.40282e+38 |
0 |
The day of the simulation to start collecting data. |
"Report_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Start_Day": 365,
"Report_Event_Recorder_End_Day": 730,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Event_Recorder_End_Day |
float |
0 |
3.40282e+38 |
3.40282e+38 |
The day of the simulation to stop collecting data. |
"Report_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Start_Day": 365,
"Report_Event_Recorder_End_Day": 730,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Event_Recorder_Node_IDs_Of_Interest |
array of integers |
0 |
2.14748e+09 |
[] |
Data will be collected for the nodes in this list. |
"Report_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Start_Day": 365,
"Report_Event_Recorder_End_Day": 730,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Node_IDs_Of_Interest": [ 2, 7 ],
"Report_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Event_Recorder_Min_Age_Years |
float |
0 |
0 |
Minimum age in years of people to collect data on. |
"Report_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Start_Day": 365,
"Report_Event_Recorder_End_Day": 730,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Min_Age_Years": 5,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Max_Age_Years": 10,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Event_Recorder_Max_Age_Years |
float |
0 |
Maximum age in years of people to collect data on. |
"Report_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Start_Day": 365,
"Report_Event_Recorder_End_Day": 730,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Min_Age_Years": 5,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Max_Age_Years": 10,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Event_Recorder_Must_Have_IP_Key_Value |
string |
NA |
NA |
(empty string) |
A Key:Value pair that the individual must have in order to be included. Empty string means to not include IPs in the selection criteria. |
"Report_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Start_Day": 365,
"Report_Event_Recorder_End_Day": 730,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Min_Age_Years": 5,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Max_Age_Years": 10,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Must_Have_IP_Key_Value": "Risk:LOW",
"Report_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Event_Recorder_Must_Have_Intervention |
string |
NA |
NA |
(empty string) |
The name of the intervention that the person must have in order to be included. Empty string means to not include interventions in the selection criteria. |
"Report_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Start_Day": 365,
"Report_Event_Recorder_End_Day": 730,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Min_Age_Years": 5,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Max_Age_Years": 10,
"Report_Event_Recorder_Must_Have_IP_Key_Value": "Risk:LOW",
"Report_Event_Recorder_Must_Have_Intervention": "UsageDependentBednet",
"Report_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Node_Event_Recorder |
boolean |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Enables or disables the ReportNodeEventRecorder.csv output report. When enabled (set to 1) reports will be generated for the broadcasted valid node events, as specified in Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Events. Note: This configuration parameter is currently in beta release and has not yet been fully tested. |
"Custom_Node_Events": [
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Events": [
Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Events |
array of strings |
NA |
NA |
NA |
The list of node events to include or exclude in the ReportNodeEventRecorder.csv output report, based on how Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List is set. Note: This configuration parameter is currently in beta release and has not yet been fully tested. |
"Custom_Node_Events": [
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List |
boolean |
0 |
1 |
0 |
If set to false (0), only the node events listed in the Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Events array will be included in the ReportNodeEventRecorder.csv output report. If set to true (1), only the node events listed in the array will be excluded, and all other node events will be included. If you want to return all node events from the simulation, leave the node events array empty. Note: This configuration parameter is currently in beta release and has not yet been fully tested.
"Custom_Node_Events": [
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Node_Properties |
array of strings |
NA |
NA |
[] |
Specifies an array of (optional) node property keys, as defined in NodeProperties in the demographics file, to be added as additional columns to the ReportNodeEventRecorder.csv output report. |
"Custom_Node_Events": [
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0,
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Node_Properties": [
Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Stats_By_IPs |
array of strings |
NA |
NA |
[] |
Specifies an array of (optional) individual property keys, as defined in IndividualProperties in the demographics file, to be added to the ReportNodeEventRecorder.csv output report. For each key:value pair there will be two additional columns (Key:Value:NumIndividuals, Key:Value:NumInfected) added to the report. For example, with a Risk property key assigned the values of LOW and HIGH there would then be four additional columns (Risk:LOW:NumIndividuals, Risk:LOW:NumInfected, Risk:HIGH:NumIndividuals, Risk:HIGH:NumInfected). An empty array equals no additional columns added. |
"Custom_Node_Events": [
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0,
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Node_Properties": [
"Report_Node_Event_Recorder_Stats_By_IPs": [
Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder |
boolean |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Enables or disables the ReportSurveillanceEventRecorder.csv output report. When enabled (set to 1) reports will be generated for the broadcasted valid coordinator events, as specified in Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder_Events. Note: This configuration parameter is currently in beta release and has not yet been fully tested. |
"Custom_Coordinator_Events": [
"Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder_Events": [
Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder_Events |
array of strings |
NA |
NA |
NA |
The list of events to include or exclude in the ReportSurveillanceEventRecorder.csv output report, based on how Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List is set. This list must not be empty and is dependent upon Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder being enabled. Note: This configuration parameter is currently in beta release and has not yet been fully tested. |
"Custom_Coordinator_Events": [
"Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder_Events": [
Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List |
boolean |
0 |
1 |
0 |
If set to false (0), only the events listed in the Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder_Events array will be included in the ReportSurveillanceEventRecorder.csv output report. If set to true (1), only the events listed in the array will be excluded, and all other events will be included. If you want to return all events from the simulation, leave the events array empty. Note: This configuration parameter is currently in beta release and has not yet been fully tested.
"Custom_Coordinator_Events": [
"Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0
Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder_Stats_By_IPs |
array of strings |
NA |
NA |
[] |
Specifies an array of (optional) individual property keys, as defined in IndividualProperties in the demographics file, to be added to the ReportSurveillanceEventRecorder.csv output report. For each key:value pair there will be two additional columns (Key:Value:NumIndividuals, Key:Value:NumInfected) added to the report. For example, with a Risk property key assigned the values of LOW and HIGH there would then be four additional columns (Risk:LOW:NumIndividuals, Risk:LOW:NumInfected, Risk:HIGH:NumIndividuals, Risk:HIGH:NumInfected). An empty array equals no additional columns added. |
"Custom_Coordinator_Events": [
"Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder": 1,
"Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder_Events": [
"Report_Surveillance_Event_Recorder_Stats_By_IPs": []
Spatial_Output_Channels |
array of strings |
NA |
NA |
[] |
An array of channel names for spatial output by node and time step. The data from each channel will be written to a separate binary file. Enable_Spatial_Output must be set to true (1). Possible values are:
"Spatial_Output_Channels": [