Welcome to IDM tuberculosis modeling

The Institute for Disease Modeling (IDM) develops complex software modeling. The primary software, Epidemiological MODeling software (EMOD), helps determine the combination of health policies and intervention strategies that can lead to disease eradication. We share this modeling software with the research community to advance the understanding of disease dynamics.

Documentation structure

IDM recently separated the documentation into a training set that walks through tutorials that provide an introduction to disease modeling and disease-specific sets that provide guidance for researchers modeling particular diseases. For example, this documentation set includes general installation and usage instructions in addition to content specific to modeling tuberculosis and other airborne diseases.

“Using the model” contains information for researchers who want to create simulations of disease dynamics using EMOD as developed by IDM.

“Advancing the model” contains information for researchers and developers who want to modify the EMOD source code to add more functionality to the model.