Source code for emodpy_generic.interventions.polio_vaccine

from emod_api import schema_to_class as s2c
import json

vaccine_type = "AcquisitionBlocking"
iv_name = "IPV"
schema_path =  None
#dupe_policy = "Replace" # or "Add" or "Abort" -- from covid branch
# Note that duration (what we call waning profile) needs to be configurable, but in an intuitive way

def _SimpleIPV(camp, timestep=1, coverage=1.0, AgeAtVaccInDays=1, mv_name=iv_name ):
    if camp is not None:
        schema_path = camp.schema_path
    # First, get the objects
    event = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "CampaignEvent", schema_path )
    coordinator = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "StandardEventCoordinator", schema_path )
    if coordinator is None:
        print( "s2c.get_class_with_defaults returned None. Maybe no schema.json was provided." )
        return ""

    intervention = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "Vaccine", schema_path )
    efficacy_profile = "WaningEffect"
    waning = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( efficacy_profile, schema_path )
    waning.Initial_Effect = 0.999

    meta_meta_intervention = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "DelayedIntervention", schema_path )
    meta_meta_intervention.Actual_IndividualIntervention_Configs = [ intervention ]

    meta_intervention = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "NodeLevelHealthTriggeredIV", schema_path )
    meta_intervention.Actual_IndividualIntervention_Config = meta_meta_intervention

    # Second, hook them up
    event.Event_Coordinator_Config = coordinator
    coordinator.Intervention_Config = meta_intervention
    intervention.Acquire_Config = waning 
    event.Start_Day = float(timestep+1)

    # Third, do the actual settings
    intervention.Intervention_Name = mv_name 
    #intervention.Duplicate_Policy = dupe_policy

    # Fourth/finally, purge the schema bits
    event["Name"] = "IPV" # ???

    return event

[docs]def SimpleIPV1(camp, timestep=1, coverage=1.0 ): """ IPV (round 1) Campaign Event AgeAtVaccIInDays is hard-coded to 270. :param coverage: WHO? :param timestep: WHEN? Returns: Campaign event that can be added to campaign. """ return _SimpleIPV(camp, timestep, coverage=coverage, AgeAtVaccInDays=270, mv_name="IPV1" )
[docs]def SimpleIPV2(camp, timestep=1, coverage=1.0 ): """ IPV (round 1) Campaign Event AgeAtVaccIInDays is hard-coded to 270. :param coverage: WHO? :param timestep: WHEN? Returns: Campaign event that can be added to campaign. """ return _SimpleIPV(camp, timestep, coverage=coverage, AgeAtVaccInDays=475, mv_name="IPV2" )
[docs]def new_intervention_as_file( timestep, filename=None ): """ This function mostly exists for testing so one can exercise the functionality in a single function call. """ camp.add( SimpleIPV1( timestep, vaccine_type, iv_name ) ) if filename is None: filename = "polio_vaccine.json" filename ) return filename