Source code for emodpy_hiv.demographics.condom_usage_parameters

from typing import Dict

from emod_api.demographics.Updateable import Updateable

[docs]class CondomUsageParameters(Updateable): def __init__(self, min: float = 0, mid: float = 0, max: float = 0, rate: float = 0): """ Parameterizes condom usage over time, a component of EMOD relationship parameters. Args: min: minimum condom usage probability (pre-inflection point) mid: inflection point in condom usage (a year) max: maximum condom usage probability (post-inflection point) rate: slope of condom usage at inflection point """ super().__init__() self.min = min self.mid = mid self.max = max self.rate = rate
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict: usage = { 'Min': self.min, 'Mid': self.mid, 'Max': self.max, 'Rate': self.rate } return usage
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: Dict) -> '__class__': return cls(min=d['Min'], mid=d['Mid'], max=d['Max'], rate=d['Rate'])