Source code for emodpy_hiv.demographics.hiv_node

from typing import Dict

from emod_api.demographics.Node import Node

from emodpy_hiv.demographics.society import Society

[docs]class HIVNode(Node): def __init__(self, society: Society = None, **kwargs): """ An extension of emod-api Node that adds society representation of interpersonal relationships for HIV simulations. HIVNode can be used to represent individual simulation nodes and an EMOD 'Defaults' node. To be used with HIVDemographics objects, which require HIVNodes. Args: society: an initialized Society object to be used with this simulation node. **kwargs: arguments passed along to the Node constructor """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.society = Society() if society is None else society
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict: result = super().to_dict() result['Society'] = self.society.to_dict() return result