emodpy_malaria.interventions.mosquitorelease module

emodpy_malaria.interventions.mosquitorelease.MosquitoRelease(camp, start_day, by_number=True, number=10000, percentage=0.1, infectious=0.0, species='arabiensis', genome=[['X', 'X']], node_ids=None)

Release mosquitoes of a given species and genome into each node

  • start_day – The day to release the vectors.

  • by_number – True if releasing a fixed number of vectors else a percentage of the current population of the gender specified in the genome.

  • number – The number of vectors to release.

  • percentage – The percentage of the current poulation of mosquitoes to release. The ‘population’ will depend on the gender of the mosquitos being released and it will be the population from the previous time step.

  • infectious – The fraction of vectors released that are to be infectious. One can only use this feature when ‘Malaria_Model’!=’MALARIA_MECHANISTIC_MODEL_WITH_PARASITE_GENETICS’ and there are no ‘Genome_Markers’.

  • species – The case sensitive name of the species of vectors to be released.

  • genome – This defines the alleles of the genome of the vectors to be released. It must define all of the alleles including the gender ‘gene’. ‘*’ is not allowed.

  • node_ids – The list of node IDs to receive a release of vectors. The same number of vectors will be released to each node.


new event

emodpy_malaria.interventions.mosquitorelease.new_intervention_as_file(camp, start_day, filename=None)