emodpy_malaria.interventions.bednet module

This module contains functionality for bednet distribution.

emodpy_malaria.interventions.bednet.Bednet(camp, start_day, coverage=1.0, blocking_eff=1, killing_eff=1, repelling_eff=1, usage_eff=1, blocking_decay_rate=0, blocking_predecay_duration=365, killing_decay_rate=0, killing_predecay_duration=365, repelling_decay_rate=0, repelling_predecay_duration=365, usage_decay_rate=0, usage_predecay_duration=365, node_ids=None, insecticide=None)

Add a simple insecticide-treated bednet intervention with configurable efficacy and usage that can decay over time to your campaign. This is equivalent to UsageDependentBednet with exponential waning.

  • camp – The emod_api.campaign object to which the intervention will be added.

  • start_day – The day of the simulation on which the bednets are distributed. We recommend aligning this with the start of the simulation.

  • coverage – The proportion of the population that will receive a bednet.

  • blocking_eff – The efficacy of the bednet at blocking mosquitoes from feeding.

  • killing_eff – The efficacy of the bednet at killing mosquitoes that land on it.

  • repelling_eff – The efficacy of the bednet at repelling mosquitoes.

  • usage_eff – The proportion of time that individuals with a bednet use it. This effectively reduces the other efficacy measures by the amount specified; a value of 0.5 will reduce blocking, killing, and repelling efficacies by half.

  • blocking_decay_rate – The exponential decay length, in days, where the current effect is equal initial efficacy - dt/decay rate.

  • blocking_predecay_duration – The time, in days, before bednet efficacy begins to decay.

  • killing_decay_rate – The exponential decay length, in days, where the current effect is equal initial efficacy - dt/decay rate.

  • killing_predecay_duration – The time, in days, before bednet efficacy begins to decay.

  • repelling_decay_rate – The exponential decay length, in days, where the current effect is equal initial efficacy - dt/decay rate.

  • repelling_predecay_duration – The time, in days, before bednet efficacy begins to decay.

  • usage_decay_rate – The exponential decay length, in days, where the current usage is equal initial efficacy - dt/decay rate.

  • usage_predecay_duration – The time, in days, before bednet usage begins to decay.

  • node_ids – The IDs of the nodes in which to distribute the bednets.

  • insecticide – The name of the insecticide used in the bednet.


The bednet intervention event.

emodpy_malaria.interventions.bednet.BasicBednet(camp, start_day, coverage=1.0, blocking_eff=1, killing_eff=1, repelling_eff=1, usage_eff=1, insecticide=None)

Add a simpler insecticide-treated bednet intervention with constant efficacy and usage to your campaign. This is equivalent to SimpleBednet.

  • camp – The emod_api.campaign object to which the intervention will be added.

  • start_day – The day of the simulation on which the bednets are distributed. We recommend aligning this with the start of the simulation.

  • coverage – The proportion of the population that will receive a bednet.

  • blocking_eff – The efficacy of the bednet at blocking mosquitoes from feeding.

  • killing_eff – The efficacy of the bednet at killing mosquitoes that land on it.

  • repelling_eff – The efficacy of the bednet at repelling mosquitoes.

  • usage_eff – The proportion of individuals with a bednet who use it.

  • insecticide – The insecticide used in the bednet.


The bednet intervention event.

emodpy_malaria.interventions.bednet.new_intervention_as_file(camp, start_day, filename=None)

Write a campaign file to disk with a single bednet event, using defaults. Useful for testing and learning.

  • camp – The emod_api.campaign object to which the intervention will be added.

  • start_day – The day of the simulation on which the bednets are distributed. We recommend aligning this with the start of the simulation.

  • filename – The campaign filename; can be omitted and default will be used and returned to user.


The campaign filename written to disk.