emodpy_malaria.interventions.larvicide module#

emodpy_malaria.interventions.larvicide.add_larvicide(campaign, start_day: int = 1, num_repetitions: int = -1, timesteps_between_reps: int = 365, spray_coverage: float = 1.0, killing_effect: float = 1, habitat_target: str = 'ALL_HABITATS', insecticide: str | None = None, box_duration: int = 100, decay_time_constant: float = 0.0, node_ids: list | None = None)[source]#

Create a new Larvicides scheduled campaign intervention & add to campaign. box_duration = 0 + decay_time_constant > 0 => WaningEffectExponential box_duration > 0 + decay_time_constant = 0 => WaningEffectBox/Constant (depending on duration) box_duration > 0 + decay_time_constant > 0 => WaningEffectBoxExponential

Inspired by: InstituteforDiseaseModeling/dtk-tools.

  • campaign

  • start_day – the day to distribute the Larvicides intervention.

  • num_repetitions – Optional number of repetitions.

  • timesteps_between_reps – Gap between repetitions, if num_reptitions specified.

  • spray_coverage – how much of each node to cover (total portion killed = killing effect * coverage).

  • killing_effect – portion of vectors killed by the intervention (Initial_Effect in WaningEffect).

  • habitat_target – Possible values are: “TEMPORARY_RAINFALL”, “WATER_VEGETATION”, “HUMAN_POPULATION”, “CONSTANT”, “BRACKISH_SWAMP”, “LINEAR_SPLINE”, “ALL_HABITATS”. The latter is the default.

  • insecticide – insecticide name. Must be a value in the config but consistency is not checked at this time.

  • box_duration – Box_Duration of the WaningEffect.

  • decay_time_constant – decay_time_constant of the WaningEffect.

  • node_ids – list of node ids to which distribute the intervention.



emodpy_malaria.interventions.larvicide.new_intervention_as_file(campaign, start_day: int = 1, filename: str | None = None)[source]#

Creates a file with Larvicides intervention :param campaign: :param start_day: the day to distribute the Larvicides intervention :param filename: name of the filename created

Returns: filename of the file created