Source code for emodpy_measles.interventions.measles_vaccine

from emod_api import schema_to_class as s2c
from emod_api.interventions import common, utils

schema_path = None
iv_name = "MCV1"
#dupe_policy = "Replace" # or "Add" or "Abort" -- from covid branch
# Note that duration (what we call waning profile) needs to be configurable, but in an intuitive way

def _SimpleMCV( camp, timestep, coverage=1.0, age_at_vacc_in_days=1, mv_name=iv_name, nodes=None ):
    Create 'type 1' vaccine intervention campaign event at a specified time with a specified coverage
    in the specified nodes.
    Vaccine is distributed to infants 270 days after birth.

        timestep: When? Timestep to distribute vaccine on.
        coverage: Who? The percentage of the population in the nodes who should receive
        the vaccine. Defaults to everyone if omitted.
        age_at_vacc_in_days: Who/When? Delay period constant for intervention. This controls the age at which
            people get the vaccnation.
        mv_name: What? This doesn't matter unless you want to be able to give up multiple vaccines to individuals
            but have them appear to be different, avoid de-duplication issues.
        nodes: Where? The list of node ids where the vaccine should be distribution. Defaults to all if omitted.

        campaign event.

    # First, get the objects
    event = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "CampaignEvent", schema_path )
    coordinator = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "StandardEventCoordinator", schema_path )
    if coordinator is None:
        print( "s2c.get_class_with_defaults returned None. Maybe no schema.json was provided." )
        return ""

    intervention = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "Vaccine", schema_path )
    waning = utils.get_waning_from_params(schema_path, initial=0.999, box_duration=-1)
    intervention.Acquire_Config = waning

    event.Event_Coordinator_Config = coordinator
    coordinator.Intervention_Config = common.NLHTI( camp, ['Births'], [ common.DelayedIntervention( camp, [ intervention ], { "Delay_Period_Constant": age_at_vacc_in_days } ) ], None, coverage )
    event.Start_Day = float(timestep+1)

    # Third, do the actual settings
    intervention.Intervention_Name = mv_name

    if nodes and len(nodes) > 0:
        event.Nodeset_Config = utils.do_nodes( camp.schema_path, nodes )

    event["Name"] = "MCV1" # ???

    return event

[docs]def SimpleMCV1( camp, timestep, coverage=1.0, nodes=None ): """ Create 'type 1' vaccine intervention campaign event at a specified time with a specified coverage in the specified nodes. Vaccine is distributed to infants 270 days after birth. Args: timestep: When? Timestep to distribute vaccine on. coverage: Who? The percentage of the population in the nodes who should receive the vaccine. Defaults to everyone if omitted. nodes: Where? The list of node ids where the vaccine should be distribution. Defaults to all if omitted. Returns: campaign event. """ if camp is not None: global schema_path schema_path = camp.schema_path return _SimpleMCV( camp, timestep, coverage, age_at_vacc_in_days=270, mv_name="MCV1", nodes=nodes )
[docs]def SimpleMCV2( camp, timestep, coverage=1.0, nodes=None): """ Create 'type 2' vaccine intervention campaign event at a specified time with a specified coverage in the specified nodes. Vaccine is distributed to infants 475 days after birth. Args: timestep: When? Timestep to distribute vaccine on. coverage: Who? The percentage of the population in the nodes who should receive the vaccine. Defaults to everyone if omitted. nodes: Where? The list of node ids where the vaccine should be distribution. Defaults to all if omitted. Returns: campaign event. """ if camp is not None: global schema_path schema_path = camp.schema_path return _SimpleMCV( camp, timestep, coverage, age_at_vacc_in_days=475, mv_name="MCV2", nodes=nodes )
[docs]def SingleDoseRI( camp, RI_MCV1, dose_dist=None, nodes=None, waning=1.0, start_day=0, take_by_age_ages=None, take_by_age_values=None): """ Single dose measles vaccine with a dosing delay distribution and take by age. Args: camp (:py:obj:`emod_api.campaign`): The campaign instance RI_MCV1 (float): Demographic coverage of routine immunization in the range [0,1] dose_dist (:obj:`dict`, optional): Dose delay distribution. Defaults to ``{'Delay_Period_Distribution': "GAUSSIAN_DISTRIBUTION", 'Delay_Period_Gaussian_Mean': 300.0, 'Delay_Period_Gaussian_Std_Dev': 90.0}``) nodes (list, optional): Node ids where the vaccine should be distribution. Defaults to all. waning (float, optional): Constant rate of dose efficacy (See :doc:`WaningEffectConstant <emod-generic:parameter-campaign-waningeffects>`). Defaults to 1.0. start_day (int, optional): Day to start the campaign. Defaults to 0. take_by_age_ages (list, optional): List of ages in years for the vaccines take-by-age. take_by_age_values (list, optional): List of take values for the vaccines take-by-age. Default is 0.85 < 9mo and 0.95 after. Returns: A :py:obj:`emod_api.schema_to_class.ReadOnlyDict` intervention """ # Routine immunization for MCV1 camp_event = s2c.get_class_with_defaults('CampaignEvent', schema_path) camp_coord = s2c.get_class_with_defaults('StandardEventCoordinator', schema_path) camp_iv01 = s2c.get_class_with_defaults('NodeLevelHealthTriggeredIV', schema_path) camp_iv02 = s2c.get_class_with_defaults('DelayedIntervention', schema_path) camp_iv03 = s2c.get_class_with_defaults('Vaccine', schema_path) camp_event.Event_Coordinator_Config = camp_coord camp_event.Start_Day = start_day camp_coord.Intervention_Config = camp_iv01 camp_iv01.Actual_IndividualIntervention_Config = camp_iv02 camp_iv01.Demographic_Coverage = RI_MCV1 camp_iv01.Trigger_Condition_List = ['Births'] camp_iv02.Actual_IndividualIntervention_Configs = [camp_iv03] if dose_dist is None: # default dose distribution follows from 2013 DHS in Nigeria camp_iv02.update({'Delay_Period_Distribution': "GAUSSIAN_DISTRIBUTION", 'Delay_Period_Gaussian_Mean': 300.0, 'Delay_Period_Gaussian_Std_Dev': 90.0}) else: camp_iv02.update(dose_dist) # no waning camp_iv03.Acquire_Config = utils.get_waning_from_params(schema_path, initial=waning, box_duration=-1) # take by age multiplier if any( [ take_by_age_ages is None, take_by_age_values is None ] ) and any( [ take_by_age_ages is not None, take_by_age_values is not None ] ): raise ValueError( f"Can't specify only one of take_by_age_ages and take_by_age_values." ) if take_by_age_ages is None and take_by_age_values is None: camp_iv03.Take_By_Age_Multiplier.update({'Times': [0, 9*30, 9*30+1, 1000*365], "Values": [0.85, 0.85, 0.95, 0.95]}) else: # convert ages from years to days. take_by_age_ages_in_days = [] for age in take_by_age_ages: take_by_age_ages_in_days.append( age*365 ) camp_iv03.Take_By_Age_Multiplier.Times = take_by_age_ages_in_days camp_iv03.Take_By_Age_Multiplier.Values = take_by_age_values # check that the schema was good if camp_coord is None: print( "s2c.get_class_with_defaults returned None. Maybe no schema.json was provided." ) return "" # associate the nodes with the intervention if nodes and len(nodes) > 0: camp_event.Nodeset_Config = utils.do_nodes( camp.schema_path, nodes ) camp_event["Name"] = __name__ return camp_event
[docs]def new_intervention_as_file( camp, timestep, filename=None ): """ Create a new 'campaign.json'-type file with a single campaign event containing a Measles Vaccine intervention. This is mostly a test or didactic capability. Args: timestep: When? Timestep to distribute vaccine on. filename: The name of the file to write to disk. Defaults to "measles_vaccine.json". Returns: string with filename of newly created file. """ camp.add( _SimpleMCV( camp, timestep ) ) if filename is None: filename = "measles_vaccine.json" filename ) return filename