Source code for emodpy_typhoid.demographics.TyphoidDemographics

from emod_api.demographics.Demographics import Demographics, Node
import emod_api.demographics.Demographics as Demog

[docs]class TyphoidDemographics(Demographics): """ This class is derived from emod_api.demographics' Demographics class so that we can set certain defaults for Typhoid in construction. As we add other disease types, the generalizations and speicfics will become clearer. """ def __init__(self, nodes, idref="Gridded world grump2.5arcmin", base_file=None): super().__init__( nodes, idref, base_file ) # The following is for back-compat with older versions of the model which looked for these keys unconditionally. self.raw["Defaults"]["IndividualAttributes"]["PrevalenceDistributionFlag"] = 0 self.raw["Defaults"]["IndividualAttributes"]["PrevalenceDistribution1"] = 0 self.raw["Defaults"]["IndividualAttributes"]["PrevalenceDistribution2"] = 0
[docs]def fromBasicNode(lat=0, lon=0, pop=1e6, name=1, forced_id=1): """ This function creates a single-node TyphoidDemographics instance from the params you give it. Args: lat: latitude (not really used) lon: longitude (not really used) pop: population. Defaults to 1 million. name: node name (not really used) forced_id: node id (not really used) Returns: GENERIC_SIM demographics instance which can be customized and/or written to file. """ new_nodes = [ Node(lat=lat, lon=lon, pop=pop, name=name, forced_id=forced_id) ] return TyphoidDemographics(nodes=new_nodes)
[docs]def from_template_node(lat=0, lon=0, pop=1e6, name=1, forced_id=1 ): """ Create a single-node TyphoidDemographics instance from the params you give it. Args: lat: latitude (not really used) lon: longitude (not really used) pop: population. Defaults to 1 million. name: node name (not really used) forced_id: node id (not really used) Returns: GENERIC_SIM demographics instance which can be customized and/or written to file. """ new_nodes = [ Node(lat=lat, lon=lon, pop=pop, name=name, forced_id=forced_id) ] return TyphoidDemographics(nodes=new_nodes)
[docs]def from_params(tot_pop=1e6, num_nodes=100, frac_rural=0.3, id_ref="from_params" ): """ Create a multi-node :py:class:`~emodpy_typhoid.demographics.typhoidDemographics` instance as a synthetic population based on a few parameters. Args: tot_pop: The total human population in the node. num_nodes: The number of nodes to create. frac_rural: The fraction of the population that is rural. id_ref: Method describing how the latitude and longitude values are created for each of the nodes in a simulation. "Gridded world" values use a grid overlaid across the globe at some arcsec resolution. You may also generate the grid using another tool or coordinate system. Returns: A :py:class:`~emodpy_typhoid.demographics.typhoid` instance. """ typhoid_demog = Demog.from_params(tot_pop, num_nodes, frac_rural, id_ref ) nodes = typhoid_demog.nodes return TyphoidDemographics(nodes=nodes, idref=id_ref )
[docs]def from_csv( pop_filename_in, site="No_Site", min_node_pop = 0 ): """ Create a multi-node :py:class:`~emodpy_typhoid.demographics.TyphoidDemographics` instance from a CSV file describing a population. Args: pop_filename_in: The path to the demographics file to ingest. pop_filename_out: The path to the file to output. site: A string to identify the country, village, or trial site. Returns: A :py:class:`~emodpy_typhoid.demographics.MalariaDemographics` instance. """ typhoid_demog = Demog.from_csv( pop_filename_in ) nodes = [] for node in typhoid_demog.nodes: if node.pop >= min_node_pop: nodes.append( node ) else: print( f"Purged node {} coz not enough people ({node.pop} < {min_node_pop})." ) return TyphoidDemographics(nodes=nodes, idref=site)