Source code for emodpy_typhoid.interventions.typhoid_vaccine

from emod_api import schema_to_class as s2c
from emod_api.interventions import utils
from emod_api.interventions import common
import json

[docs]def new_intervention( camp, efficacy=0.82, mode="Shedding", constant_period=0, decay_constant=6935.0 ): """ Create a new TyphoidVaccine intervention with specified parameters. If you use this function directly, you'll need to distribute the intervention with a function like ScheduledCampaignEvent or TriggeredCampaignEvent from emod_api.interventions.common. Args: camp (Camp): The camp to which the intervention is applied. efficacy (float, optional): The efficacy of the Typhoid vaccine. Default is 0.82. mode (str, optional): The mode of the intervention. Default is "Shedding". constant_period (float, optional): The constant period of the waning effect in days. Default is 0. decay_constant (float, optional): The decay time constant for the waning effect. Default is 6935.0. Returns: TyphoidVaccine: A fully configured instance of the TyphoidVaccine intervention with the specified parameters. """ intervention = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "TyphoidVaccine", camp.schema_path ) intervention.Effect = efficacy intervention.Mode = mode intervention.Changing_Effect = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "WaningEffectBoxExponential" ) intervention.Changing_Effect.Initial_Effect = efficacy intervention.Changing_Effect.Box_Duration = constant_period intervention.Changing_Effect.Decay_Time_Constant = decay_constant return intervention
[docs]def new_vax( camp, efficacy=0.82, mode="Acquisition", constant_period=0, decay_constant=6935.0 ): """ Create a new 'SimpleVaccine' intervention with specified parameters. If you use this function directly, you'll need to distribute the intervention with a function like ScheduledCampaignEvent or TriggeredCampaignEvent from emod_api.interventions.common. Args: camp (Camp): The camp to which the intervention is applied. efficacy (float, optional): The efficacy of the Typhoid vaccine. Default is 0.82. mode (str, optional): The mode of the intervention. Default is "Acquisition" Can also be "Transmission" or "All". constant_period (float, optional): The constant period of the waning effect in days. Default is 0. decay_constant (float, optional): The decay time constant for the waning effect. Default is 6935.0. Returns: SimpleVaccine: A fully configured instance of the SimpleVaccine intervention with the specified parameters. """ intervention = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "SimpleVaccine", camp.schema_path ) if mode == "Acquisition": intervention.Vaccine_Type = "AcquisitionBlocking" elif mode == "Transmission": intervention.Vaccine_Type = "TransmissionBlocking" elif mode == "All": intervention.Vaccine_Type = "General" else: raise ValueError( f"mode {mode} not recognized. Options are: 'Acquisition', 'Transmission', or 'All'." ) intervention.Waning_Config = s2c.get_class_with_defaults( "WaningEffectBoxExponential" ) intervention.Waning_Config.Initial_Effect = efficacy intervention.Waning_Config.Box_Duration = constant_period intervention.Waning_Config.Decay_Time_Constant = decay_constant return intervention
[docs]def new_triggered_intervention( camp, efficacy=0.82, mode="Shedding", constant_period=0, decay_constant=6935.0, start_day=1, triggers=[ "Births" ], coverage=1.0, node_ids=None, property_restrictions_list=[], co_event=None # expansion slot ): """ Create a new triggered TyphoidVaccine intervention based on specified parameters. Args: camp (Camp): The camp to which the intervention is applied. efficacy (float, optional): The efficacy of the Typhoid vaccine. Default is 0.82. mode (str, optional): The mode of the intervention. Default is "Shedding". constant_period (float, optional): The constant period of the waning effect in days. Default is 0. decay_constant (float, optional): The decay time constant for the waning effect. Default is 6935.0. start_day (int, optional): The day on which the intervention starts. Default is 1. triggers (list, optional): List of triggers for the intervention. Default is ["Births"]. coverage (float, optional): Demographic coverage of the intervention. Default is 1.0. node_ids (list, optional): List of node IDs where the intervention is applied. Default is None. property_restrictions_list (list, optional): List of property restrictions for the intervention. Default is an empty list. co_event (None, optional): Expansion slot for future use. Returns: TriggeredCampaignEvent: An instance of a triggered campaign event with the TyphoidVaccine intervention. """ iv = new_intervention( camp, efficacy=efficacy, mode=mode, constant_period=constant_period, decay_constant=decay_constant ) event = common.TriggeredCampaignEvent( camp, Start_Day=start_day, Triggers=triggers, Demographic_Coverage=coverage, Intervention_List=[ iv ], Node_Ids=node_ids, Property_Restrictions=property_restrictions_list, Event_Name="Triggered Typhoid Vax" ) return event
[docs]def new_routine_immunization( camp, efficacy=0.82, mode="Acquisition", constant_period=0, decay_constant=6935.0, start_day=1, child_age=9*30, coverage=1.0, node_ids=None, property_restrictions_list=[], co_event=None # expansion slot ): """ Create a new delayed, birth-triggered SimpleVaccine intervention based on specified parameters. Does not add to campaign. Args: camp (Camp): The camp to which the intervention is applied. efficacy (float, optional): The efficacy of the Typhoid vaccine. Default is 0.82. mode (str, optional): The mode of the intervention. Default is "Shedding". constant_period (float, optional): The constant period of the waning effect in days. Default is 0. decay_constant (float, optional): The decay time constant for the waning effect. Default is 6935.0. start_day (int, optional): The day on which the intervention starts. Default is 1. child_age (int, optional): The age of the person when they get the vaccine. Defaults to 9 months. Vaccines are actually distribute +/- 7 days. coverage (float, optional): Demographic coverage of the intervention. Default is 1.0. node_ids (list, optional): List of node IDs where the intervention is applied. Default is None. property_restrictions_list (list, optional): List of property restrictions for the intervention. Default is an empty list. co_event (None, optional): Expansion slot for future use. Returns: TriggeredCampaignEvent: An instance of a triggered campaign event with the TyphoidVaccine intervention. """ iv = new_vax( camp, efficacy=efficacy, mode=mode, constant_period=constant_period, decay_constant=decay_constant ) age_min = max(0,child_age-7) delay = { "Delay_Period_Min": age_min, "Delay_Period_Max": child_age+7 } event = common.triggered_campaign_delay_event( camp, start_day=start_day, trigger="Births", delay=delay, intervention=iv, ip_targeting=property_restrictions_list, coverage=coverage ) return event
[docs]def new_scheduled_intervention( camp, efficacy=0.82, mode="Shedding", constant_period=0, decay_constant=6935.0, start_day=1, coverage=1.0, node_ids=None, property_restrictions_list=[], co_event=None # expansion slot ): """ Create a new scheduled TyphoidVaccine intervention based on specified parameters. Args: camp (Camp): The camp to which the intervention is applied. efficacy (float, optional): The efficacy of the Typhoid vaccine. Default is 0.82. mode (str, optional): The mode of the intervention. Default is "Shedding". constant_period (float, optional): The constant period of the waning effect in days. Default is 0. decay_constant (float, optional): The decay time constant for the waning effect. Default is 6935.0. start_day (int, optional): The day on which the intervention starts. Default is 1. coverage (float, optional): Demographic coverage of the intervention. Default is 1.0. node_ids (list, optional): List of node IDs where the intervention is applied. Default is None. property_restrictions_list (list, optional): List of property restrictions for the intervention. Default is an empty list. co_event (None, optional): Expansion slot for future use. Returns: ScheduledCampaignEvent: An instance of a scheduled campaign event with the TyphoidVaccine intervention. """ iv = new_intervention( camp, efficacy=efficacy, mode=mode, constant_period=constant_period, decay_constant=decay_constant ) #event = common.ScheduledCampaignEvent( camp, Start_Day=start_day, Demographic_Coverage=coverage, Intervention_List=[ act_intervention, bcast_intervention ], Node_Ids=nodeIDs, Property_Restrictions=property_restrictions_list ) event = common.ScheduledCampaignEvent( camp, Start_Day=start_day, Demographic_Coverage=coverage, Intervention_List=[ iv ], Node_Ids=node_ids, Property_Restrictions=property_restrictions_list ) return event
[docs]def new_intervention_as_file( camp, start_day, filename=None ): import emod_api.campaign as camp camp.add( new_triggered_intervention( camp, start_day=start_day ), first=True ) if filename is None: filename = "TyphoidVaccine.json" filename ) return filename