Specify the core analyzers available in FPsim. Other analyzers can be
defined by the user by inheriting from these classes.
import numpy as np
import sciris as sc
import pylab as pl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
#%% Generic intervention classes
__all__ = ['Analyzer', 'snapshot', 'age_pyramids', 'empowerment_recorder', 'education_recorder']
class Analyzer(sc.prettyobj):
Base class for analyzers. Based on the Intervention class. Analyzers are used
to provide more detailed information about a simulation than is available by
default -- for example, pulling states out of sim.people on a particular timestep
before it gets updated in the next timestep.
To retrieve a particular analyzer from a sim, use sim.get_analyzer().
label (str): a label for the Analyzer (used for ease of identification)
def __init__(self, label=None):
if label is None:
label = self.__class__.__name__ # Use the class name if no label is supplied
self.label = label # e.g. "Record ages"
self.initialized = False
self.finalized = False
def initialize(self, sim=None):
Initialize the analyzer, e.g. convert date strings to integers.
self.initialized = True
self.finalized = False
def finalize(self, sim=None):
Finalize analyzer
This method is run once as part of `sim.finalize()` enabling the analyzer to perform any
final operations after the simulation is complete (e.g. rescaling)
if self.finalized:
raise RuntimeError('Analyzer already finalized') # Raise an error because finalizing multiple times has a high probability of producing incorrect results e.g. applying rescale factors twice
self.finalized = True
def apply(self, sim):
Apply analyzer at each time point. The analyzer has full access to the
sim object, and typically stores data/results in itself. This is the core
method which each analyzer object needs to implement.
sim: the Sim instance
def to_json(self):
Return JSON-compatible representation
Custom classes can't be directly represented in JSON. This method is a
one-way export to produce a JSON-compatible representation of the
intervention. This method will attempt to JSONify each attribute of the
intervention, skipping any that fail.
JSON-serializable representation
# Set the name
json = {}
json['analyzer_name'] = self.label if hasattr(self, 'label') else None
json['analyzer_class'] = self.__class__.__name__
# Loop over the attributes and try to process
attrs = self.__dict__.keys()
for attr in attrs:
data = getattr(self, attr)
attjson = sc.jsonify(data)
json[attr] = attjson
except Exception as E:
json[attr] = f'Could not jsonify "{attr}" ({type(data)}): "{str(E)}"'
except Exception as E2:
json[attr] = f'Could not jsonify "{attr}": "{str(E2)}"'
return json
class snapshot(Analyzer):
Analyzer that takes a "snapshot" of the sim.people array at specified points
in time, and saves them to itself.
timesteps (list): list of timesteps on which to take the snapshot
args (list): additional timestep(s)
die (bool): whether or not to raise an exception if a date is not found (default true)
kwargs (dict): passed to Analyzer()
sim = fp.Sim(analyzers=fps.snapshot('2020-04-04', '2020-04-14'))
snapshot = sim.pars['analyzers'][0]
people = snapshot.snapshots[0]
def __init__(self, timesteps, *args, die=True, **kwargs):
super().__init__(**kwargs) # Initialize the Analyzer object
timesteps = sc.promotetolist(timesteps) # Combine multiple days
timesteps.extend(args) # Include additional arguments, if present
self.die = die # Whether or not to raise an exception
self.timesteps = timesteps # String representations
self.snapshots = sc.odict() # Store the actual snapshots
def apply(self, sim):
Apply snapshot at each timestep listed in timesteps and
save result at snapshot[str(timestep)]
for t in self.timesteps:
if np.isclose(sim.i, t):
self.snapshots[str(sim.i)] = sc.dcp(sim.people) # Take snapshot!
class education_recorder(Analyzer):
Analyzer records all education attributes of females + pregnancy + living status
for all timesteps. Made for debugging purposes.
args (list): additional timestep(s)
kwargs (dict): passed to Analyzer()
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super().__init__(**kwargs) # Initialize the Analyzer object
self.snapshots = sc.odict() # Store the actual snapshots
self.keys = ['edu_objective', 'edu_attainment', 'edu_completed',
'edu_dropout', 'edu_interrupted',
'pregnant', 'alive', 'age']
self.max_agents = 0 # maximum number of agents this analyzer tracks
self.time = []
self.trajectories = {} # Store education trajectories
def apply(self, sim):
Apply snapshot at each timestep listed in timesteps and
save result at snapshot[str(timestep)]
females = sim.people.filter(sim.people.is_female)
self.snapshots[str(sim.i)] = {}
for key in self.keys:
self.snapshots[str(sim.i)][key] = sc.dcp(females[key]) # Take snapshot!
self.max_agents = max(self.max_agents, len(females))
def finalize(self, sim=None):
Process data in snapshots so we can plot it easily
if self.finalized:
raise RuntimeError('Analyzer already finalized')
self.finalized = True
# Process data so we can plot it easily
self.time = np.array([key for key in self.snapshots.keys()], dtype=int)
for state in self.keys:
self.trajectories[state] = np.full((len(self.time), self.max_agents), np.nan)
for ti, t in enumerate(self.time):
stop_idx = len(self.snapshots[t][state])
self.trajectories[state][ti, 0:stop_idx] = self.snapshots[t][state]
def plot(self, index=0, fig_args=None, pl_args=None):
Plots time series of each state as a line graph
index: index of the female individual, must be less the analyzer's max_pop_size
fig_args = sc.mergedicts(fig_args, {'figsize': (5, 7)})
pl_args = sc.mergedicts(pl_args)
rows, cols = sc.get_rows_cols(2)
fig = pl.figure(**fig_args)
keys2 = ['edu_completed', 'edu_interrupted', 'edu_dropout']
keys3 = ['pregnant', 'alive']
k = 0
pl.subplot(rows, cols, k + 1)
age_data = self.trajectories["age"]
state = "edu_attainment"
data = self.trajectories[state]
pl.step(self.time, data[:, index], color="black", label=f"{state}", where='mid', **pl_args)
state = "edu_objective"
data = self.trajectories[state]
pl.step(self.time, data[:, index], color="red", ls="--", label=f"{state}", where='mid', **pl_args)
pl.ylim([0, 24])
pl.ylabel('Education (years)')
k += 1
for state in sc.mergelists(keys2, keys3):
pl.subplot(rows, cols, k + 1)
data = self.trajectories[state]
if state in keys2:
if state == 'edu_interrupted':
pl.step(self.time, 3*data[:, index], color=[0.7, 0.7, 0.7], label=f"{state}", ls=":", where='mid', **pl_args)
elif state == "edu_dropout":
pl.step(self.time, 3*data[:, index], color="black", label=f"{state}", ls=":", where='mid', **pl_args)
pl.step(self.time, 3*data[:, index], color="#2ca25f", label=f"{state}", where='mid', **pl_args)
elif state == 'pregnant':
pl.step(self.time, data[:, index], color="#dd1c77", label=f"{state}", where='mid', **pl_args)
elif state == 'alive':
plt.step(self.time, 4*data[:, index], color="black", ls="--", label=f"{state}", where='mid', **pl_args)
pl.title(f"Education trajectories - Start age: {int(age_data[0, index])}; final age {int(age_data[-1, index])}.")
return fig
def plot_waterfall(self, max_timepoints=30, min_age=18, max_age=40, fig_args=None, pl_args=None):
Plot a waterfall plot showing the evolution of education objective and attainment over time
for a specified age group.
max_timepoints (int, optional): The maximum number of timepoints to plot, defaults to 30.
min_age (int, optional): The minimum age for the age group, defaults to 18.
max_age (int, optional): The maximum age for the age group, defaults to 20.
figure handle
The function generates uses kernel density estimation to visualize the data. If there's not data for the
min max age specified, for a specific time step (ie, there are no agents in that age group), it adds a
textbox. This is an edge case that can happen for a simulation with very few agents, and a very narrow
age group.
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
data_att = self.trajectories["edu_attainment"]
data_obj = self.trajectories["edu_objective"]
data_age = self.trajectories["age"]
mask = (data_age < min_age) | (data_age > max_age) | np.isnan(data_age)
data_att = np.ma.array(data_att, mask=mask)
data_obj = np.ma.array(data_obj, mask=mask)
n_tpts = data_att.shape[0]
if n_tpts <= max_timepoints:
tpts_to_plot = np.arange(n_tpts)
tpts_to_plot = np.linspace(0, n_tpts - 1, max_timepoints, dtype=int)
fig_args = sc.mergedicts(fig_args, {'figsize': (3, 10)})
pl_args = sc.mergedicts(pl_args, {'y_scaling': 0.9})
fig = plt.figure(**fig_args)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
edu_min, edu_max = 0, 25
edu_mid = (edu_max-edu_min)/2 + edu_min
edu_years = np.linspace(edu_min, edu_max, 50)
y_scaling = pl_args['y_scaling']
# Set the y-axis (time) labels
# Initialize legend labels
edu_att_label = None
edu_obj_label = None
# Loop through the selected time points and create kernel density estimates
for idx, ti in enumerate(tpts_to_plot):
data_att_ti = np.sort(data_att[ti, :][~data_att[ti, :].mask].data)
data_obj_ti = np.sort(data_obj[ti, :][~data_obj[ti, :].mask].data)
kde_att = gaussian_kde(data_att_ti)
kde_obj = gaussian_kde(data_obj_ti)
y_att = kde_att(edu_years)
y_obj = kde_obj(edu_years)
if idx == len(tpts_to_plot) - 1:
edu_obj_label = 'Distribution of education objectives'
edu_att_label = 'Current distribution of education attainment'
ax.fill_between(edu_years, y_scaling*idx, y_obj / y_obj.max() + y_scaling*idx,
color='#2f72de', alpha=0.3, label=edu_obj_label)
ax.plot(edu_years, y_att / y_att.max() + y_scaling*idx,
color='black', alpha=0.7, label=edu_att_label)
# No data available for this age group or age range,
ax.plot(edu_years, (y_scaling * idx) * np.ones_like(edu_years),
color='black', alpha=0.2, label=edu_att_label)
ax.annotate('No data available ', xy=(edu_mid, y_scaling*idx), xycoords='data', fontsize=8,
ha='center', va='center', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.4', fc='none', ec="none"))
# Labels and annotations
ax.set_xlim([edu_min, edu_max])
ax.set_xlabel('Education years')
ax.set_title(f"Evolution of education \n objective and attainment for age group:\n{min_age}-{max_age}.")
# Show the plot
return fig
class empowerment_recorder(Analyzer):
Records timeseries of empowerment attributes for different age groups.
- For boolean attributes it computes the percentage returns percentage.
- For float attributes it computes the median of the attribute from the population of interes
self.bins: A list of ages, default is a sequence from 0 to max_age + 1.
self.keys: A list of people's empowerment attributes.
self.data: A dictionary where self.data[attribute] is a a matrix of shape (number of timesteps, number of bins - 1) containing age pyramid data.
def __init__(self, bins=None):
Initializes self.i/t/y as empty lists and self.data as empty dictionary
self.bins = bins
self.data = sc.objdict()
self.keys = ['partnered', 'urban', 'paid_employment', 'decision_wages', 'decision_health', 'sexual_autonomy', 'age']
self.nbins = None
def initialize(self, sim):
Initializes self.keys from sim.people
if self.bins is None:
self.bins = np.arange(0, sim.pars['max_age']+2)
self.nbins = len(self.bins)-1
for key in self.keys:
self.data[key] = np.full((self.nbins, sim.npts), np.nan)
def apply(self, sim):
Records histogram of empowerment attribute of all **alive female** individuals
# Alive and female
living_females = sc.findinds(sim.people.alive, sim.people.is_female)
ages = sim.people.age[living_females]
age_group = np.digitize(ages, self.bins) - 1
for key in self.keys:
data = sim.people[key][living_females]
if key == 'age':
# Count how many living females we have in this age group
temp = np.histogram(ages, self.bins)[0]
vals = temp / temp.sum() # Transform to density
elif key in ['partnered', 'urban', 'paid_employment']:
vals = [np.mean(data[age_group == group_idx]) for group_idx in range(1, len(self.bins))]
else: # assume float
vals = [np.median(data[age_group == group_idx]) for group_idx in range(1, len(self.bins))]
self.data[key][:, sim.i] = vals
def plot(self, to_plot=None, fig_args=None, pl_args=None):
Plot all keys in self.keys or in to_plot as a heatmaps
fig_args = sc.mergedicts(fig_args)
pl_args = sc.mergedicts(pl_args)
fig = pl.figure(**fig_args)
if to_plot is None:
to_plot = self.keys
nkeys = len(to_plot)
rows, cols = sc.get_rows_cols(nkeys)
axs = []
for k, key in enumerate(to_plot):
axs.append(fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, k+1))
data = np.array(self.data[key], dtype=float)
label = f'metric: {key}'
if key in ['partnered', 'urban', 'paid_employment']:
clabel = f"proportion of {key}"
cmap = 'RdPu'
vmin, vmax = 0, 1
if key in ['urban']:
cmap = 'RdYlBu_r'
elif key in ['age']:
clabel = "proportion of agents"
cmap = 'Blues'
vmin, vmax = 0, np.nanmax(data[:])
clabel = "average (median)"
cmap = 'coolwarm'
vmin, vmax = 0, 1
pcm = axs[k].pcolormesh(data, label=label, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **pl_args)
# Add colorbar to the right of the subplot
divider = make_axes_locatable(axs[k])
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="2.5%", pad=0.05)
# Add colorbar to the right of the subplot
plt.colorbar(pcm, cax=cax, label=clabel)
# Generate age group labels and tick positions
ytick_labels = [f"{self.bins[i]:.0f}-{self.bins[i+1]-1:.0f}" for i in range(self.nbins)]
ytick_positions = np.arange(0.5, self.nbins + 0.5) # Center positions for ticks
# Reduce the number of labels if we have too many bins
max_labels = 10
if len(ytick_labels) > max_labels:
step_size = len(ytick_labels) // max_labels
ytick_labels = ytick_labels[::step_size]
ytick_positions = ytick_positions[::step_size]
# Label plots
axs[k].set_ylabel('Age (years)')
pl.title(f'Could not plot {key}')
return fig
class age_pyramids(Analyzer):
Records age pyramids for each timestep.
self.bins: A list of ages, default is a sequence from 0 to max_age + 1.
self.data: A matrix of shape (number of timesteps, number of bins - 1) containing age pyramid data.
def __init__(self, bins=None):
Initializes bins and data variables
self.bins = bins
self.data = None
def initialize(self, sim):
Initializes bins and data with proper shapes
if self.bins is None:
self.bins = np.arange(0, sim.pars['max_age']+2)
nbins = len(self.bins)-1
self.data = np.full((sim.npts, nbins), np.nan)
self._raw = sc.dcp(self.data)
def apply(self, sim):
Records histogram of ages of all alive individuals at a timestep such that
self.data[timestep] = list of proportions where index signifies age
ages = sim.people.age[sc.findinds(sim.people.alive)]
self._raw[sim.i, :] = np.histogram(ages, self.bins)[0]
self.data[sim.i, :] = self._raw[sim.i, :]/self._raw[sim.i, :].sum()
def plot(self):
Plots self.data as 2D pyramid plot
fig = pl.figure()
pl.ylabel('Age (years)')
return fig
def plot3d(self):
Plots self.data as 3D pyramid plot
print('Warning, very slow...')
fig = pl.figure()
pl.ylabel('Age (years)')
return fig