Source code for fpsim.calibration

Define the Calibration class

import os
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import pandas as pd
import sciris as sc
import seaborn as sns
import optuna as op
from . import experiment as fpe

__all__ = ['Calibration']

[docs] class Calibration(sc.prettyobj): ''' A class to handle calibration of FPsim objects. Uses the Optuna hyperparameter optimization library ( Note: running a calibration does not guarantee a good fit! You must ensure that you run for a sufficient number of iterations, have enough free parameters, and that the parameters have wide enough bounds. Please see the tutorial on calibration for more information. Args: sim (Sim) : the simulation to calibrate calib_pars (dict) : a dictionary of the parameters to calibrate of the format dict(key1=[best, low, high]) weights (dict) : a custom dictionary of weights for each output n_trials (int) : the number of trials per worker n_workers (int) : the number of parallel workers (default: maximum) total_trials (int) : if n_trials is not supplied, calculate by dividing this number by n_workers name (str) : the name of the database (default: 'fpsim_calibration') db_name (str) : the name of the database file (default: 'fpsim_calibration.db') keep_db (bool) : whether to keep the database after calibration (default: false) storage (str) : the location of the database (default: sqlite) label (str) : a label for this calibration object verbose (bool) : whether to print details of the calibration kwargs (dict) : passed to cv.Calibration() Returns: A Calibration object ''' def __init__(self, pars, calib_pars=None, weights=None, verbose=True, keep_db=False, **kwargs): = pars self.calib_pars = calib_pars self.weights = weights self.verbose = verbose self.keep_db = keep_db # Configure Optuna self.set_optuna_defaults() self.configure_optuna(**kwargs) return
[docs] def set_optuna_defaults(self): ''' Create a (mutable) dictionary with default global settings ''' ''' Set defaults for Optuna ''' g = sc.objdict() = 'fpsim_calibration' g.db_name = f'{}.db' = f'sqlite:///{g.db_name}' g.n_trials = 20 # Define the number of trials, i.e. sim runs, per worker g.n_workers = sc.cpu_count() self.g = g return
[docs] def configure_optuna(self, **kwargs): ''' Update Optuna configuration, if required ''' total_trials = kwargs.pop('total_trials', None) for key in self.g.keys(): self.g[key] = kwargs.pop(key, self.g[key]) if total_trials is not None: self.g.n_trials = int(np.ceil(total_trials/self.g.n_workers)) if len(kwargs): errormsg = f'Did not recognize key(s) "{sc.strjoin(kwargs.keys())}", valid arguments are: {sc.strjoin(self.g.keys())}' raise ValueError(errormsg) return
[docs] def validate_pars(self): ''' Ensure parameters are in the correct format. Two formats are permitted: either a dict of arrays or lists in order best-low-high, e.g.:: calib_pars = dict( exposure_factor = [1.0, 0.5, 1.5], maternal_mortality_factor = [1, 0.75, 3.0], ) Or the same thing, as a dict of dicts:: calib_pars = dict( exposure_factor = dict(best=1.0, low=0.5, high=1.5), maternal_mortality_factor = dict(best=1, low=0.75, high=3.0), ) ''' # First, we check that it's a dict if not isinstance(self.calib_pars, dict): errormsg = f'Calibration parameters must be supplied as a dict, not {type(self.calib_pars)}' raise TypeError(errormsg) # It's a dict! Now we iterate for key,val in self.calib_pars.items(): # Check that the key is a valid parameter par_keys = if key not in par_keys: errormsg = f'Key "{key}" is not present the available parameter keys: {sc.newlinejoin(par_keys)}' raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg) # If each entry of calib_pars is a dict, convert to array if isinstance(val, dict): val_keys = set(val.keys()) expected = set(['best', 'high', 'low']) if val_keys != expected: # Check that keys match errormsg = f'If supply parameter limits as a dict, keys must be {expected}, not {val_keys}' raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg) else: # If they do, convert to list/array form self.calib_pars[key] = [val['best'], val['low'], val['high']] # Check that values are numeric try: self.calib_pars[key] = np.array(self.calib_pars[key]) except Exception as E: errormsg = f'Calibration parameters must be supplied as an array of values [best, low, high], not "{self.calib_pars[key]}"' raise ValueError(errormsg) from E # Check that the values are in the right order try: v = self.calib_pars[key] assert v[1] <= v[0] <= v[2] except AssertionError as E: errormsg = f'Values must be in monotonic increasing order [best, low, high], but you have: {v}' raise ValueError(errormsg) from E return
[docs] def run_exp(self, pars, return_exp=False, **kwargs): ''' Create and run an experiment ''' pars = sc.mergedicts(sc.dcp(, pars) exp = fpe.Experiment(pars=pars, **kwargs) if return_exp: return exp else: return
[docs] def run_trial(self, trial): ''' Define the objective for Optuna ''' pars = {} for key, (best,low,high) in self.calib_pars.items(): pars[key] = trial.suggest_float(key, low, high) # Sample from beta values within this range mismatch = self.run_exp(pars) return mismatch
[docs] def worker(self): ''' Run a single worker ''' study = op.load_study(, output = study.optimize(self.run_trial, n_trials=self.g.n_trials) return output
[docs] def run_workers(self): ''' Run multiple workers in parallel ''' output = sc.parallelize(self.worker, self.g.n_workers) return output
[docs] def remove_db(self): ''' Remove the database file if keep_db is false and the path exists. ''' if os.path.exists(self.g.db_name): os.remove(self.g.db_name) if self.verbose: print(f'Removed existing calibration {self.g.db_name}') return
[docs] def make_study(self): ''' Make a study, deleting one if it already exists ''' if not self.keep_db: self.remove_db() output = op.create_study(, return output
[docs] def calibrate(self, calib_pars=None, weights=None, verbose=None, **kwargs): ''' Actually perform calibration ''' # Load and validate calibration parameters if calib_pars is not None: self.calib_pars = calib_pars if weights is not None: self.weights = weights if verbose is not None: self.verbose = verbose if self.calib_pars is None: errormsg = 'You must supply calibration parameters either when creating the calibration object or when calling calibrate().' raise ValueError(errormsg) self.validate_pars() self.configure_optuna(**kwargs) # Update optuna settings # Run the optimization if self.verbose: sc.heading('Starting calibration') print('Settings:') print(self.g) t0 = sc.tic() self.make_study() self.run_workers() = op.load_study(, self.best_pars = T = sc.toc(t0, output=True) print(f'Output: {self.best_pars}, time: {T}') # Process the results self.initial_pars = {k:v[0] for k,v in self.calib_pars.items()} self.par_bounds = {k:np.array([v[1], v[2]]) for k,v in self.calib_pars.items()} self.before = self.run_exp(pars=self.initial_pars, label='Before calibration', return_exp=True) self.after = self.run_exp(pars=self.best_pars, label='After calibration', return_exp=True) self.parse_study() # Tidy up if not self.keep_db: self.remove_db() if verbose: self.summarize() return
def summarize(self): try: before = after = print('Initial parameter values:') print(self.initial_pars) print('Best parameter values:') print(self.best_pars) print(f'Mismatch before calibration: {before:n}') print(f'Mismatch after calibration: {after:n}') print(f'Percent improvement: {(before-after)/before*100:0.1f}%') return before, after except Exception as E: errormsg = 'Could not get summary, have you run the calibration?' raise RuntimeError(errormsg) from E
[docs] def parse_study(self): ''' Parse the study into a data frame ''' best = self.best_pars print('Making results structure...') results = [] n_trials = len( failed_trials = [] for trial in data = {'index':trial.number, 'mismatch': trial.value} for key,val in trial.params.items(): data[key] = val if data['mismatch'] is None: failed_trials.append(data['index']) else: results.append(data) print(f'Processed {n_trials} trials; {len(failed_trials)} failed') keys = ['index', 'mismatch'] + list(best.keys()) data = sc.objdict().make(keys=keys, vals=[]) for i,r in enumerate(results): for key in keys: if key not in r: print(f'Warning! Key {key} is missing from trial {i}, replacing with default') r[key] = best[key] data[key].append(r[key]) = data self.df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) return
[docs] def to_json(self, filename=None): ''' Convert the data to JSON ''' order = np.argsort(self.df['mismatch']) json = [] for o in order: row = self.df.iloc[o,:].to_dict() rowdict = dict(index=row.pop('index'), mismatch=row.pop('mismatch'), pars={}) for key,val in row.items(): rowdict['pars'][key] = val json.append(rowdict) if filename: sc.savejson(filename, json, indent=2) else: return json
[docs] def plot_trend(self, best_thresh=2): ''' Plot the trend in best mismatch over time ''' mismatch = sc.dcp(self.df['mismatch'].values) best_mismatch = np.zeros(len(mismatch)) for i in range(len(mismatch)): best_mismatch[i] = mismatch[:i+1].min() smoothed_mismatch = sc.smooth(mismatch) fig = pl.figure(figsize=(16,12), dpi=120) ax1 = pl.subplot(2,1,1) pl.plot(mismatch, alpha=0.2, label='Original') pl.plot(smoothed_mismatch, lw=3, label='Smoothed') pl.plot(best_mismatch, lw=3, label='Best') ax2 = pl.subplot(2,1,2) max_mismatch = mismatch.min()*best_thresh inds = sc.findinds(mismatch<=max_mismatch) pl.plot(best_mismatch, lw=3, label='Best') pl.scatter(inds, mismatch[inds], c=mismatch[inds], label='Usable indices') for ax in [ax1, ax2]: pl.grid(True) pl.legend() sc.setylim() sc.setxlim() pl.xlabel('Trial number') pl.ylabel('Mismatch') return fig
[docs] def plot_all(self): ''' Plot every point: warning, very slow! ''' g = pairplotpars(, color_column='mismatch', bounds=self.par_bounds) return g
[docs] def plot_best(self, best_thresh=2): ''' Plot only the points with lowest mismatch ''' max_mismatch = self.df['mismatch'].min()*best_thresh inds = sc.findinds(self.df['mismatch'].values <= max_mismatch) g = pairplotpars(, inds=inds, color_column='mismatch', bounds=self.par_bounds) return g
[docs] def plot_stride(self, npts=200): '''Plot a fixed number of points in order across the results ''' inds = np.linspace(0, len(self.df)-1, npts).round() g = pairplotpars(, inds=inds, color_column='mismatch', bounds=self.par_bounds) return g
def pairplotpars(data, inds=None, color_column=None, bounds=None, cmap='parula', bins=None, edgecolor='w', facecolor='#F8A493', figsize=(20,16)): ''' Plot scatterplots, histograms, and kernel densities ''' data = sc.odict(sc.dcp(data)) # Create the dataframe df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) if inds is not None: df = df.iloc[inds,:].copy() # Choose the colors if color_column: colors = sc.vectocolor(df[color_column].values, cmap=cmap) else: colors = [facecolor for i in range(len(df))] df['color_column'] = [sc.rgb2hex(rgba[:-1]) for rgba in colors] # Make the plot grid = sns.PairGrid(df) grid = grid.map_lower(pl.scatter, **{'facecolors':df['color_column']}) grid = grid.map_diag(pl.hist, bins=bins, edgecolor=edgecolor, facecolor=facecolor) grid = grid.map_upper(sns.kdeplot) grid.fig.set_size_inches(figsize) grid.fig.tight_layout() # Set bounds if bounds: for ax in grid.axes.flatten(): xlabel = ax.get_xlabel() ylabel = ax.get_ylabel() if xlabel in bounds: ax.set_xlim(bounds[xlabel]) if ylabel in bounds: ax.set_ylim(bounds[ylabel]) return grid