Class to define and run scenarios
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sciris as sc
from . import defaults as fpd
from . import parameters as fpp
from . import sim as fps
from . import interventions as fpi
__all__ = ['make_scen', 'Scenario', 'Scenarios']
#%% Validation functions -- for internal use only
def check_not_none(obj, *args):
''' Check that all needed inputs are supplied '''
for key in args:
if obj[key] is None:
errormsg = f'Entry "{key}" is not allowed to be None for the following scenario spec:\n{obj}'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
def check_ages(ages):
''' Check that age keys are all valid '''
valid_keys = list(fpd.method_age_map.keys()) + fpd.none_all_keys
ages = sc.tolist(ages, keepnone=True)
for age in ages:
if age not in valid_keys:
errormsg = f'Age "{age}" is not valid; choices are:\n{sc.newlinejoin(valid_keys)}'
raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg)
def check_method(methods):
''' Check that methods are valid '''
valid_methods = list(fpd.method_map.keys()) + [None]
for method in methods:
if method not in valid_methods:
errormsg = f'Method "{method}" is not valid; choices are:\n{sc.newlinejoin(valid_methods)}'
raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg)
#%% Scenario classes
class Scenario(sc.prettyobj, sc.dictobj):
Store the specification for a single scenario (which may consist of multiple interventions).
This function is intended to be as flexible as possible; as a result, it may
be somewhat confusing. There are five different ways to call it -- method efficacy,
method probability, method initiation/discontinuation, parameter, and custom intervention.
Args (shared):
spec (dict): a pre-made specification of a scenario; see keyword explanations below (optional)
args (list): additional specifications (optional)
label (str): the sim label to use for this scenario
pars (dict): optionally supply additional sim parameters to use with this scenario (that take effect at the beginning of the sim, not at the point of intervention)
year (float): the year at which to activate efficacy and probability scenarios
matrix (str): which set of probabilities to modify for probability scenarios (e.g. annual or postpartum)
ages (str/list): the age groups to modify the probabilities for
Args (efficacy):
year (float): as above
eff (dict): a dictionary of method names and new efficacy values
Args (probablity):
year (float): as above
matrix (str): as above
ages (str): as above
source (str): the method to switch from
dest (str): the method to switch to
factor (float): if supplied, multiply the [source, dest] probability by this amount
value (float): if supplied, instead of factor, replace the [source, dest] probability by this value
copy_from (str): if supplied, copy probabilities from a different method
Args (initiation/discontinuation):
year (float): as above
matrix (str): as above
ages (str): as above
method (str): the method for initiation/discontinuation
init_factor (float): as with "factor" above, for initiation (None → method)
discont_factor (float): as with "factor" above, for discontinuation (method → None)
init_value (float): as with "value" above, for initiation (None → method)
discont_value (float): as with "value" above, for discontinuation (method → None)
Args (parameter):
par (str): the parameter to modify
par_years (float/list): the year(s) at which to apply the modifications
par_vals (float/list): the value(s) of the parameter for each year
Args (custom):
interventions (Intervention/list): any custom intervention(s) to be applied to the scenario
Congratulations on making it this far.
# Basic efficacy scenario
s1 = fp.make_scen(eff={'Injectables':0.99}, year=2020)
# Double rate of injectables initiation
s2 = fp.make_scen(source='None', dest='Injectables', factor=2)
# Double rate of injectables initiation -- alternate approach
s3 = fp.make_scen(method='Injectables', init_factor=2)
# More complex example: change condoms to injectables transition probability for 18-25 postpartum women
s4 = fp.make_scen(source='Condoms', dest='Injectables', value=0.5, ages='18-25', matrix='pp1to6')
# Parameter scenario: halve exposure
s5 = fp.make_scen(par='exposure_factor', years=2010, vals=0.5)
# Custom scenario
def update_sim(sim): sim.updated = True
s6 = fp.make_scen(interventions=update_sim)
# Combining multiple scenarios: change probabilities and exposure factor
s7 = fp.make_scen(
dict(method='Injectables', init_value=0.1, discont_value=0.02, create=True),
dict(par='exposure_factor', years=2010, vals=0.5)
# Scenarios can be combined
s8 = s1 + s2
def __init__(self, spec=None, label=None, pars=None, year=None, matrix=None, ages=None, # Basic settings
eff=None, probs=None, # Option 1
source=None, dest=None, factor=None, value=None, copy_from=None, # Option 2
method=None, init_factor=None, discont_factor=None, init_value=None, discont_value=None, # Option 3
par=None, par_years=None, par_vals=None, # Option 4
interventions=None, # Option 5
# Handle input specification
if isinstance(spec, str) and not isinstance(label, str): # Swap order if types don't match
label,spec = spec,label
self.specs = sc.mergelists(*[Scenario(**s).specs for s in sc.tolist(spec)]) # Sorry
self.label = label
self.pars = sc.mergedicts(pars)
if not isinstance(label, (str, type(None))):
errormsg = f'Unexpected label type {type(label)}'
raise TypeError(errormsg)
# Handle other keyword inputs
eff_spec = None
prob_spec = None
par_spec = None
intv_specs = None
# It's an efficacy scenario
if eff is not None:
eff_spec = sc.objdict(
which = 'eff',
eff = eff,
year = year,
check_not_none(eff_spec, 'year')
# It's a method switching probability scenario
prob_args = [probs, factor, value, init_factor, discont_factor, init_value, discont_value]
if len(sc.mergelists(*prob_args)): # Check if any are non-None
prob_spec = sc.objdict(
which = 'prob',
year = year,
probs = probs if probs else dict(
matrix = matrix,
ages = ages,
source = source,
dest = dest,
factor = factor,
value = value,
method = method,
init_factor = init_factor,
discont_factor = discont_factor,
init_value = init_value,
discont_value = discont_value,
copy_from = copy_from,
check_not_none(prob_spec, 'year')
check_method([source, dest, method])
# It's a parameter change scenario
if par is not None:
par_spec = sc.objdict(
which = 'par',
par = par,
par_years = par_years,
par_vals = par_vals,
check_not_none(par_spec, 'par_years', 'par_vals')
# It's a custom scenario(s)
if interventions is not None:
intv_specs = []
for intv in sc.tolist(interventions):
which = 'intv',
intervention = intv,
# Merge these different scenarios into the list, skipping None entries
self.specs.extend(sc.mergelists(eff_spec, prob_spec, par_spec, intv_specs))
# Finally, ensure all have a consistent label if supplied
def __add__(self, scen2):
''' Combine two scenario spec lists '''
scen3 = sc.dcp(self)
return scen3
def __radd__(self, scen2):
''' Allows sum() to work correctly '''
if not scen2: return self
else: return self.__add__(scen2)
def update_label(self, label=None):
''' Ensure all specs have the correct label '''
# Option 1: update the label based on the spec
if label is None:
label = self.label
for spec in self.specs:
if 'label' in spec and spec['label'] is not None:
label = spec['label']
# Option 2: update the spec based on the label
for spec in self.specs:
spec['label'] = label
self.label = label
def run(self, run_args=None, **kwargs):
Shortcut for creating and running a Scenarios object based on the current scenario.
run_args (dict): passed to scens.run()
kwargs (dict): passed to Scenarios()
scens = Scenarios(**kwargs)
return scens
def make_scen(*args, **kwargs):
''' Alias for ``fp.Scenario()``. '''
return Scenario(*args, **kwargs)
# Ensure the function ahs the same docstring as the class
make_scen.__doc__ += '\n\n' + Scenario.__doc__
class Scenarios(sc.prettyobj):
Run different intervention scenarios.
A "scenario" can be thought of as a list of sims, all with the same parameters
except for the random seed. Usually, scenarios differ from each other only
in terms of the interventions run (to compare other differences between sims,
it's preferable to use a MultiSim object).
pars (dict): parameters to pass to the sim
repeats (int): how many repeats of each scenario to run (default: 1)
scens (list): the list of scenarios to run; see also ``fp.make_scen()`` and ``Scenarios.add_scen()``
kwargs (dict): optional additional parameters to pass to the sim
scen1 = fp.make_scen(label='Baseline')
scen2 = fp.make_scen(year=2002, eff={'Injectables':0.99}) # Basic efficacy scenario
scens = fp.Scenarios(location='test', repeats=2, scens=[scen1, scen2])
def __init__(self, pars=None, repeats=None, scens=None, **kwargs):
self.pars = sc.mergedicts(pars, kwargs)
self.repeats = repeats if repeats is not None else 1
self.scens = sc.dcp(sc.tolist(scens))
self.simslist = []
self.msims = []
self.msim = None
self.already_run = False
def add_scen(self, scen=None, label=None):
''' Add a scenario or scenarios to the Scenarios object '''
if isinstance(scen, Scenario):
self.scens.append(Scenario(label=label, spec=scen))
def make_sims(self, scenlabel, **kwargs):
''' Create a list of sims that are all identical except for the random seed '''
if scenlabel is None:
errormsg = 'Scenario label must be defined'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
sims = sc.autolist()
for i in range(self.repeats):
pars = sc.mergedicts(fpp.pars(self.pars.get('location')), self.pars, _copy=True)
pars['seed'] += i
sim = fps.Sim(pars=pars)
sim.scenlabel = scenlabel # Special label for scenarios objects
if sim.label is None:
sim.label = scenlabel # Include here if no other label
sims += sim
return sims
def make_scens(self):
''' Convert a scenario specification into a list of sims '''
for i,scen in enumerate(self.scens):
simlabel = scen.label
interventions = sc.autolist()
for spec in sc.tolist(scen.specs):
# Figure ou what type of spec this is
spec = sc.dcp(spec)
if 'which' not in spec:
errormsg = f'Invalid scenario spec: key "which" not found among: {sc.strjoin(spec.keys())}'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
which = spec.pop('which')
# Handle interventions
if which == 'eff':
eff = spec.pop('eff')
year = spec.pop('year')
interventions += fpi.update_methods(eff=eff, year=year)
elif which == 'prob':
probs = spec.pop('probs')
year = spec.pop('year')
interventions += fpi.update_methods(probs=probs, year=year)
elif which == 'par':
par = spec.pop('par')
years = spec.pop('par_years')
vals = spec.pop('par_vals')
interventions += fpi.change_par(par=par, years=years, vals=vals)
elif which == 'intv':
intv = spec.pop('intervention')
interventions += intv
errormsg = f'Could not understand intervention type "{which}"'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
# Handle label
label = spec.pop('label', scen.label)
assert len(spec)==0, f'Unrecognized scenario key(s) {sc.strjoin(spec.keys())}'
if simlabel is None:
simlabel = label
if label != simlabel:
print('Warning, new sim label {label} does not match existing sim label {simlabel}')
if simlabel is None:
simlabel = f'Scenario {i}'
sims = self.make_sims(scenlabel=simlabel, interventions=interventions, **scen.pars)
def run(self, recompute=True, *args, **kwargs):
''' Actually run a list of sims '''
# Check that it's set up
if not self.scens:
errormsg = 'No scenarios are defined'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
if not self.simslist:
# Create msim
msims = sc.autolist()
for sims in self.simslist:
msims += fps.MultiSim(sims)
self.msim = fps.MultiSim.merge(*msims)
# Run
self.already_run = True
# Process
self.msim_merged =self.msim.remerge(recompute=recompute)
def check_run(self):
''' Give a meaningful error message if the scenarios haven't been run '''
if not self.already_run:
errormsg = 'Scenarios have not yet been run; please run first via scens.run()'
raise RuntimeError(errormsg)
def plot(self, to_plot=None, plot_sims=True, **kwargs):
''' Plot the scenarios with bands -- see ``sim.plot()`` for args '''
if to_plot == 'method':
return self.msim.plot(to_plot=to_plot, plot_sims=plot_sims, **kwargs)
return self.msim_merged.plot(to_plot=to_plot, plot_sims=plot_sims, **kwargs)
def plot_sims(self, to_plot=None, plot_sims=True, **kwargs):
''' Plot each sim as a separate line across all senarios -- see ``sim.plot()`` for args '''
return self.msim.plot(to_plot=to_plot, plot_sims=plot_sims, **kwargs)
def analyze_sims(self, start=None, end=None):
''' Take a list of sims that have different labels and extrapolate statistics from each '''
# Pull out first sim and parameters
sim0 = self.msim.sims[0]
if start is None: start = sim0.pars['start_year']
if end is None: end = sim0.pars['end_year']
def analyze_sim(sim):
def aggregate_channel(channel, is_sum=True, is_t=False):
if is_t:
year = sim.results['t']
year = sim.results['tfr_years']
channel_results = sim.results[channel]
inds = sc.findinds((year >= start), year <= end)
if is_sum:
return channel_results[inds].sum()
return channel_results[inds].mean()
# Defines how we calculate each channel, first number is is_sum: 1 = aggregate as sum, 0 = aggregate as mean
# The second parameter defines whether to aggregate by year or by timestep where 1 = use sim.t (timestep), 0 = use sim.tfr_years (years)
agg_param_dict = {'method_failures_over_year': (1, 0), 'pop_size': (1, 0), 'tfr_rates': (0, 0), 'maternal_deaths_over_year': (1, 0),
'infant_deaths_over_year': (1, 0), 'mcpr': (0, 1), 'births': (1, 1)}
results_dict = {}
for channel in agg_param_dict:
parameters = agg_param_dict[channel]
results_dict[channel] = aggregate_channel(channel, parameters[0], parameters[1])
return results_dict
# Split the sims up by scenario
results = sc.objdict()
results.sims = sc.objdict(defaultdict=sc.autolist)
for sim in self.msim.sims:
label = sim.scenlabel
errormsg = f'Warning, could not extract scenlabel from sim {sim.label}; using default...'
label = sim.label
results.sims[label] += sim
# Count the births across the scenarios
raw = sc.ddict(list)
for key,sims in results.sims.items():
for sim in sims:
results_dict = analyze_sim(sim)
raw['scenario'] += [key] # Append scenario key
raw['births'] += [results_dict['births']] # Append births
raw['fails'] += [results_dict['method_failures_over_year']] # Append failures
raw['popsize'] += [results_dict['pop_size']] # Append population size
raw['tfr'] += [results_dict['tfr_rates']] # Append mean tfr rates
raw['infant_deaths'] += [results_dict['infant_deaths_over_year']]
raw['maternal_deaths'] += [results_dict['maternal_deaths_over_year']]
raw['mcpr'] += [results_dict['mcpr']]
# Calculate basic stats
results.stats = sc.objdict()
for statkey in ['mean', 'median', 'std', 'min', 'max']:
results.stats[statkey] = sc.objdict()
for k,vals in raw.items():
if k != 'scenario':
results.stats[statkey][k] = getattr(np, statkey)(vals)
# Also save as pandas
results.df = pd.DataFrame(raw)
self.results = results