Source code for hpvsim.plotting

Core plotting functions for simulations, multisims, and scenarios.

import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import sciris as sc
import pandas as pd
from . import misc as hpm
from . import defaults as hpd
from .settings import options as hpo

__all__ = ['plot_sim', 'plot_scens', 'plot_scen_age_results', 'plot_result', 'plot_people']

#%% Plotting helper functions

def handle_args(fig_args=None, plot_args=None, scatter_args=None, axis_args=None, fill_args=None,
                bar_args=None, legend_args=None, date_args=None, show_args=None, style_args=None, contour_args=None, **kwargs):
    ''' Handle input arguments -- merge user input with defaults; see sim.plot for documentation '''

    # Set defaults
    defaults = sc.objdict()
    defaults.fig        = sc.objdict(figsize=(10, 8), num=None)
    defaults.plot       = sc.objdict(lw=1.5, alpha= 0.7)
    defaults.scatter    = sc.objdict(s=20, marker='s', alpha=0.7, zorder=1.75, datastride=1) # NB: 1.75 is above grid lines but below plots
    defaults.axis       = sc.objdict(left=0.10, bottom=0.08, right=0.95, top=0.95, wspace=0.30, hspace=0.30)
    defaults.fill       = sc.objdict(alpha=0.2)        = sc.objdict(width=0.15)
    defaults.contours   = sc.objdict(levels=7, linewidths=0.5, colors='k')
    defaults.legend     = sc.objdict(loc='best', frameon=False)       = sc.objdict(as_dates=True, dateformat=None, rotation=None, start=None, end=None)       = sc.objdict(data=True, ticks=True, interventions=True, legend=True, outer=False, tight=True, maximize=False)      = sc.objdict(style=None, dpi=None, font=None, fontsize=None, grid=None, facecolor=None) # Use HPVsim global defaults

    # Handle directly supplied kwargs
    for dkey,default in defaults.items():
        keys = list(kwargs.keys())
        for kw in keys:
            if kw in default.keys():
                default[kw] = kwargs.pop(kw)

    # Handle what to show
    show_keys = ['data', 'ticks', 'interventions', 'legend']
    if show_args in [True, False]: # Handle all on or all off
        show_bool = show_args
        show_args = dict()
        for k in show_keys:
            show_args[k] = show_bool

    # Merge arguments together
    args = sc.objdict()
    args.fig        = sc.mergedicts(defaults.fig,       fig_args)
    args.plot       = sc.mergedicts(defaults.plot,      plot_args)
    args.scatter    = sc.mergedicts(defaults.scatter,   scatter_args)
    args.axis       = sc.mergedicts(defaults.axis,      axis_args)
    args.fill       = sc.mergedicts(defaults.fill,      fill_args)        = sc.mergedicts(,       bar_args)
    args.contours   = sc.mergedicts(defaults.contours, contour_args)
    args.legend     = sc.mergedicts(defaults.legend,    legend_args)       = sc.mergedicts(,      date_args)       = sc.mergedicts(,      show_args)      = sc.mergedicts(,     style_args)

    # Handle potential rcParams keys
    keys = list(kwargs.keys())
    for key in keys:
        if key in pl.rcParams:
  [key] = kwargs.pop(key)

    # If unused keyword arguments remain, parse or raise an error
    if len(kwargs):

        # Everything remaining is not found
        notfound = sc.strjoin(kwargs.keys())
        valid = sc.strjoin(sorted(set([k for d in defaults.values() for k in d.keys()]))) # Remove duplicates and order
        errormsg = f'The following keywords could not be processed:\n{notfound}\n\n'
        errormsg += f'Valid keywords are:\n{valid}\n\n'
        errormsg += 'For more precise plotting control, use fig_args, plot_args, etc.'
        raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg)

    # Handle what to show
    show_keys = ['data', 'ticks', 'interventions', 'legend']
    if show_args in [True, False]: # Handle all on or all off
        for k in show_keys:
  [k] = show_args

    return args

def handle_show(do_show):
    ''' Helper function to handle the slightly complex logic of show -- not for users '''
    backend = pl.get_backend()
    if do_show is None:  # If not supplied, reset to global value
        do_show =
    if backend == 'agg': # Cannot show plots for a non-interactive backend
        do_show = False
    if do_show: # Now check whether to show, and atually do it
    return do_show

def handle_show_return(do_show=None, fig=None, figs=None):
    ''' Helper function to handle both show and what to return -- a nothing if Jupyter, else a figure '''

    figlist = sc.mergelists(fig, figs) # Usually just one figure, but here for completeness

    # Show the figure, or close it
    do_show = handle_show(do_show)
    if hpo.close and not do_show:
        for f in figlist:

    # Return the figure or figures unless we're in Jupyter
    if not hpo.returnfig:
        if figs is not None:
            return figlist
            return fig

def handle_to_plot(kind, to_plot, n_cols, sim, check_ready=True):
    ''' Handle which quantities to plot '''

    # Allow default kind to be overwritten by to_plot -- used by msim.plot()
    if isinstance(to_plot, tuple):
        kind, to_plot = to_plot # Split the tuple

    # Check that results are ready
    if check_ready and not sim.results_ready:
        errormsg = 'Cannot plot since results are not ready yet -- did you run the sim?'
        raise RuntimeError(errormsg)

    # Define allowable choices for plotting - default plot type depends on result type
    allkeys = sim.result_keys('all')
    time_series_keys = sim.result_keys('total')+sim.result_keys('genotype')+sim.result_keys('sex')+sim.result_keys('type_dist')
    age_dist_keys = sim.result_keys('age')
    type_dist_keys = ['type_dist']
    valid_keys = allkeys+type_dist_keys
    def check_plot_type(which):
        if which in time_series_keys: return 'time_series'
        elif which in age_dist_keys: return 'age_dist'
        elif which in type_dist_keys: return 'type_dist'
            raise ValueError(f'Plot type of {which} not understood.')

    # analyzer_keys = [a.label for a in sim.get_analyzers()] # Defaults = whatever analyzer.plot() gives
    n_extra_plots = 0 # Keep track of the number of extra plots from analyzers

    # If to_plot is a single valid key, turn it into a list
    if to_plot in valid_keys: to_plot = sc.tolist(to_plot)
    if isinstance(to_plot, hpd.plot_args): to_plot = sc.tolist(to_plot)

    # If not specified or specified as another string, load defaults
    if to_plot is None or isinstance(to_plot, str):
        to_plot = hpd.get_default_plots(which=to_plot, kind=kind, sim=sim)

    # If it's a dictionary, translate it to a list but store the names
    names = None
    if isinstance(to_plot, dict):
        to_plot_orig = to_plot # Hold onto original
        names = [k for k in to_plot.keys()]
        to_plot = [k for k in to_plot.values()]

    # Validate list
    if isinstance(to_plot, list):
        to_plot_orig = to_plot[:] # Hold onto original for the moment
        to_plot = sc.autolist()
        invalid = sc.autolist()

        # Loop over items in list and validate them
        for rn,reskey in enumerate(to_plot_orig):

            # If it's a string, we construct default plot args by checking what kind of result it is
            if isinstance(reskey, str):
                if reskey in valid_keys:
                    if names is not None: name = names[rn]
                        if reskey in allkeys:
                            name = sim.results[reskey].name
                        elif reskey == 'type_dist':
                            name = 'HPV type distribution'
                    if reskey in time_series_keys:
                        to_plot += hpd.plot_args(reskey, name=name, plot_type='time_series')
                    elif reskey in age_dist_keys:
                        to_plot += hpd.plot_args(reskey, name=name, plot_type='age_dist', year=sim.results['year'][-1])
                    elif reskey in type_dist_keys:
                        to_plot += hpd.plot_args(reskey, name=name, plot_type='type_dist', year=sim.results['year'][-1])
                    invalid += reskey

            # If it's plot args, we validate the years and set defaults
            elif isinstance(reskey, hpd.plot_args):
                if reskey.year == 'last': reskey.year = sim.results['year'][-1]
                if reskey.plot_type is None: # Add sensible defaults if not supplied
                    if reskey.keys[0] in age_dist_keys:
                        reskey.plot_type = 'age_dist'
                    elif reskey.keys[0] in type_dist_keys:
                        reskey.plot_type = 'type_dist'
                to_plot += reskey

            # If it's a list, we ned to choose a single plot type
            elif isinstance(reskey, list):
                if names is not None: name = names[rn]
                else: name = sim.results[reskey[0]].name # Use the name of the first result
                plot_types = [check_plot_type(rkey) for rkey in reskey]
                if 'time_series' in plot_types: # If no other info is provided, assume we want to plot them all as time series
                    plot_type = 'time_series'
                elif 'age_dist' in plot_types:
                    plot_type = 'age_dist'
                    year = sim.results['year'][-1]
                    plot_type = 'type_dist'
                    year = sim.results['year'][-1]
                to_plot += hpd.plot_args(reskey, name=name, plot_type=plot_type, year=year)

        # Raise an error if there are any invalid keys
        if len(invalid):
            errormsg = f'The following key(s) are invalid:\n{sc.strjoin(invalid)}\n\nValid keys are:\n{sc.strjoin(valid_keys)}.'
            raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg)

    # Get total number of plots and calculate rows and columns
    n_plots = len(to_plot) + n_extra_plots
    if n_cols is None:
        max_rows = 5 # Assumption -- if desired, the user can override this by setting n_cols manually
        n_cols = int((n_plots-1)//max_rows + 1) # This gives 1 column for 1-4, 2 for 5-8, etc.
    n_rows,n_cols = sc.get_rows_cols(n_plots, ncols=n_cols) # Inconsistent naming due to HPVsim/Matplotlib conventions

    return to_plot, n_cols, n_rows

def create_figs(args, sep_figs, fig=None, ax=None):
    Create the figures and set overall figure properties. If a figure is supplied,
    reset the axes labels for automatic use by other plotting functions (i.e. ax1, ax2, etc.)
    if sep_figs:
        fig = None
        figs = []
        if fig is None:
            if ax is None:
                fig = pl.figure(**args.fig) # Create the figure if none is supplied
                fig = ax.figure
            for i,fax in enumerate(fig.axes):
        figs = None
    return fig, figs

def create_subplots(figs, fig, shareax, n_rows, n_cols, pnum, fig_args, sep_figs, log_scale, title=None):
    ''' Create subplots and set logarithmic scale '''

    # Try to find axes by label, if they've already been defined -- this is to avoid the deprecation warning of reusing axes
    label = f'ax{pnum+1}'
    ax = None
        for fig_ax in fig.axes:
            if fig_ax.get_label() == label:
                ax = fig_ax

    # Handle separate figs
    if sep_figs:
        if ax is None:
            ax = pl.subplot(111, label=label)
        if ax is None:
            ax = pl.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, pnum+1, sharex=shareax, label=label)

    # Handle log scale
    if log_scale:
        if isinstance(log_scale, list):
            if title in log_scale:

    return ax

def plot_data(sim, ax, key, scatter_args, color=None):
    ''' Add data to the plot '''
    if is not None and key in and len([key]):
        if color is None:
            color = sim.results[key].color
        datastride = scatter_args.pop('datastride', 1) # Temporarily pop so other arguments pass correctly to ax.scatter()
        x = np.array([::datastride]
        y = np.array([key])[::datastride]
        ax.scatter(x, y, c=[color], label='Data', **scatter_args)
        scatter_args['datastride'] = datastride # Restore

def plot_interventions(sim, ax):
    ''' Add interventions to the plot '''
    for intervention in sim['interventions']:
        if hasattr(intervention, 'plot_intervention'): # Don't plot e.g. functions
            intervention.plot_intervention(sim, ax)

def title_grid_legend(ax, title, grid, commaticks, setylim, legend_args, show_args, show_legend=True):
    ''' Plot styling -- set the plot title, add a legend, and optionally add gridlines'''

    # Handle show_legend being in the legend args, since in some cases this is the only way it can get passed
    if 'show_legend' in legend_args:
        show_legend = legend_args.pop('show_legend')
        popped = True
        popped = False

    # Show the legend
    if show_legend and show_args['legend']: # It's pretty ugly, but there are multiple ways of controlling whether the legend shows

        # Remove duplicate entries
        handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
        unique_inds = np.sort(np.unique(labels, return_index=True)[1])
        handles = [handles[u] for u in unique_inds]
        labels  = [labels[u]  for u in unique_inds]

        # Actually make legend
        ax.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, **legend_args)

    # If we removed it from the legend_args dict, put it back now
    if popped:
        legend_args['show_legend'] = show_legend

    # Set the title, gridlines, and color

    # Set the y axis style
    if setylim and ax.yaxis.get_scale() != 'log':
    if commaticks:
        ylims = ax.get_ylim()
        if ylims[1] >= 1000:

    # Optionally remove x-axis labels except on bottom plots -- don't use ax.label_outer() since we need to keep the y-labels
    if show_args['outer']:
        lastrow = ax.get_subplotspec().is_last_row()
        if not lastrow:
            for label in ax.get_xticklabels(which="both"):


def tidy_up(fig, figs=None, do_save=False, fig_path=None, do_show=False, args=None):
    ''' Handle saving, figure showing, and what value to return '''

    figlist = sc.mergelists(fig, figs) # Usually just one figure, but here for completeness

    # Optionally maximize -- does not work on all systems
    if args is not None and hasattr(args, 'show') and['maximize']:
        for f in figlist:
        pl.pause(0.01) # Force refresh

    # Use tight layout for all figures
    if args is not None and hasattr(args, 'show') and['tight']:
        for f in figlist:

    # Handle saving
    if do_save:
        if isinstance(fig_path, str): # No figpath provided - see whether do_save is a figpath
            fig_path = sc.makefilepath(fig_path) # Ensure it's valid, including creating the folder
        hpm.savefig(fig=figlist, filename=fig_path) # Save the figure

    return handle_show_return(do_show, fig=fig, figs=figs)

def set_line_options(input_args, reskey, resnum, default):
    '''From the supplied line argument, usually a color or label, decide what to use '''
    if input_args is not None:
        if isinstance(input_args, dict): # If it's a dict, pull out this value
            output = input_args[reskey]
        elif isinstance(input_args, list): # If it's a list, ditto
            output = input_args[resnum]
        else: # Otherwise, assume it's the same value for all
            output = input_args
        output = default # Default value
    return output

#%% Individual plotting functions to create particular plots
def plot_time_series(ax, sim, reskey, resnum, args, colors=None, labels=None, plot_burnin=False):
    ''' Plot time series data, i.e. the usual contents of sim.results '''

    # Initialize some variables
    bi = 0 if plot_burnin else int(sim['burnin'])
    total_keys = sim.result_keys('total')
    sex_keys = sim.result_keys('sex')
    genotype_keys = sim.result_keys('genotype')
    res_t = sim.results['year'][bi:]
    res = sim.results[reskey]

    # The exact plotting call depends on what kind of core result key we're dealing with
    # Simplest case: it's a total result, i.e. not disagreggated by genotype or sex
    if reskey in total_keys:
        color = set_line_options(colors, reskey, resnum, res.color)  # Choose the color
        label = set_line_options(labels, reskey, resnum,  # Choose the label
        ax.plot(res_t, res.values[bi:], label=label, **args.plot, c=color)  # Plot result

    elif reskey in sex_keys:
        n_sexes = 2
        sex_colors = ['#4679A2', '#A24679']
        sex_labels = ['males', 'females']
        for sex in range(n_sexes):
            # Colors and labels
            v_color = sex_colors[sex]
            v_label = sex_labels[sex]  # TODO this should also come from the sim
            color = set_line_options(colors, reskey, resnum, v_color)  # Choose the color
            label = set_line_options(labels, reskey, resnum,  # Choose the label
            if label:   label += f' - {v_label}'
            else:       label = v_label
            ax.plot(res_t, res.values[sex, bi:], label=label, **args.plot, c=color)  # Plot result

    elif reskey in genotype_keys:
        ng = sim['n_genotypes']
        g_colors = sc.gridcolors(ng)
        for genotype in range(ng):
            # Colors and labels
            g_color = g_colors[genotype]
            geno_obj = sim['genotypes'][genotype]
            if sc.isnumber(geno_obj):  # TODO: figure out why this is sometimes an int and sometimes an obj
                v_label = str(geno_obj)
            elif sc.isstring(geno_obj):
                v_label = geno_obj
                v_label = geno_obj.label
            color = set_line_options(colors, reskey, resnum, g_color)  # Choose the color
            label = set_line_options(labels, reskey, resnum,  # Choose the label
            if label:
                label += f' - {v_label}'
                label = v_label
            ax.plot(res_t, res.values[genotype, bi:], label=label, **args.plot, c=color)  # Plot result

        raise ValueError(f'Result {reskey} not understood.')

    return ax, color

def plot_type_bars(sim, ax, date, args):
    Plot HPV types by cytology

    idx = sc.findinds(sim.res_yearvec, date)[0]
    labels = sc.autolist()
    resdict = sc.objdict()
    for rkey in sim.result_keys('type_dist'):
        labels += sim.results[rkey].name
        resdict[rkey] = sim.results[rkey][:,idx]
    g_labels = sim['genotypes']

    # Grouped bar plot with n_groups bars (one for each state) and ng bars per group
    n_bars_per_group = sim['n_genotypes']
    n_groups = len(resdict)
    x = np.arange(n_groups)
    width =

    # Set position of bar on x axis
    xpositions = [x]
    for group_no in range(1, n_bars_per_group):
        xpositions.append([xi + width for xi in xpositions[-1]])

    # Plot bars
    for bar_no in range(n_bars_per_group):
        ydata = [resdict[k][bar_no] for k in range(n_groups)]  # Have to rearrange[bar_no], ydata, **, label=g_labels[bar_no])

    # Add xticks on the middle of the group bars
    ax.set_xticks([r + width for r in range(len(x))], labels)
    ax.set_xlabel('Health state')
    return ax

def plot_age_dist(sim, ax, reskey, date, args):
    Function to plot a single age result for a single date. Requires an axis as
    input and will generally be called by a helper function rather than directly.
    idx = sc.findinds(sim.res_yearvec, date)[0]
    res = sim.results[reskey]
    label ='by age', '')
    x = sim['age_bin_edges'][:-1]
    ax.plot(x, res.values[:,idx], color=res.color, **args.plot, label=label)
    return ax

#%% Core plotting functions that unite the individual plotting functions to create figures for sims, scenarios, multisims, etc

[docs]def plot_sim(to_plot=None, sim=None, fig=None, ax=None, do_save=None, fig_path=None, fig_args=None, plot_args=None, scatter_args=None, axis_args=None, fill_args=None, legend_args=None, date_args=None, show_args=None, style_args=None, n_cols=None, grid=True, commaticks=True, setylim=True, log_scale=False, colors=None, labels=None, do_show=None, sep_figs=False, plot_burnin=False, **kwargs): ''' Plot the results of a single simulation -- see Sim.plot() for documentation ''' # Handle inputs args = handle_args(fig_args=fig_args, plot_args=plot_args, scatter_args=scatter_args, axis_args=axis_args, fill_args=fill_args, legend_args=legend_args, show_args=show_args, date_args=date_args, style_args=style_args, **kwargs) to_plot, n_cols, n_rows = handle_to_plot('sim', to_plot, n_cols, sim) # Do the plotting with hpo.with_style( # Create the figures fig, figs = create_figs(args, sep_figs, fig, ax) # Determine whether to share x axis do_sharex = False plot_types = [tp.plot_type for tp in to_plot] if len(set(plot_types))==1: do_sharex = True # Iterate through to_plot to figure out what to plot & how to plot it for pnum,plot_arg in enumerate(to_plot): sharex = ax if do_sharex else None title = plot_type = plot_arg.plot_type ax = create_subplots(figs, fig, sharex, n_rows, n_cols, pnum, args.fig, sep_figs, log_scale, title) if plot_type == 'time_series': for resnum,reskey in enumerate(plot_arg.keys): ax, color = plot_time_series(ax, sim, reskey, resnum, args, labels=labels, colors=colors, plot_burnin=plot_burnin) if['data']: plot_data(sim, ax, reskey, args.scatter, color=color) # Plot the data title_grid_legend(ax, title, grid, commaticks, setylim, args.legend, elif plot_type == 'type_dist': ax = plot_type_bars(sim, ax, plot_arg.year, args) title = f'{title}, {int(plot_arg.year)}' title_grid_legend(ax, title, grid, commaticks, setylim, args.legend, elif plot_type == 'age_dist': for resnum,reskey in enumerate(plot_arg.keys): ax = plot_age_dist(sim, ax, reskey, plot_arg.year, args) title = f'{title}, {int(plot_arg.year)}' title_grid_legend(ax, title, grid, commaticks, setylim, args.legend, output = tidy_up(fig, figs, do_save, fig_path, do_show, args) return output
[docs]def plot_scens(to_plot=None, scens=None, do_save=None, fig_path=None, fig_args=None, plot_args=None, scatter_args=None, axis_args=None, fill_args=None, legend_args=None, date_args=None, show_args=None, style_args=None, n_cols=None, grid=False, commaticks=True, setylim=True, log_scale=False, colors=None, labels=None, do_show=None, sep_figs=False, fig=None, ax=None, plot_burnin=False,**kwargs): ''' Plot the results of a scenario -- see Scenarios.plot() for documentation ''' # Handle inputs args = handle_args(fig_args=fig_args, plot_args=plot_args, scatter_args=scatter_args, axis_args=axis_args, fill_args=fill_args, legend_args=legend_args, show_args=show_args, date_args=date_args, style_args=style_args, **kwargs) to_plot, n_cols, n_rows = handle_to_plot('scens', to_plot, n_cols, sim=scens.base_sim, check_ready=False) # Since this sim isn't run # Do the plotting with hpo.with_style( fig, figs = create_figs(args, sep_figs, fig, ax) default_colors = sc.gridcolors(ncolors=len(scens.sims)) for pnum,plot_arg in enumerate(to_plot): title = ax = create_subplots(figs, fig, ax, n_rows, n_cols, pnum, args.fig, sep_figs, log_scale, title) reskeys = sc.promotetolist(plot_arg.keys) # In case it's a string for reskey in reskeys: res_t = scens.res_yearvec resdata = scens.results[reskey] for snum,scenkey,scendata in resdata.enumitems(): sim = scens.sims[scenkey][0] # Pull out the first sim in the list for this scenario bi = 0 if plot_burnin else int(sim['burnin']) genotypekeys = sim.result_keys('genotype') sexkeys = sim.result_keys('sex') if reskey in genotypekeys: ng = sim['n_genotypes'] genotype_colors = sc.gridcolors(ng) for genotype in range(ng): res_y = color = genotype_colors[genotype] label = sim['genotypes'][genotype] ax.fill_between(res_t, scendata.low[genotype,:], scendata.high[genotype,:], color=color, **args.fill) # Create the uncertainty bound ax.plot(res_t[bi:], res_y[genotype,bi:], label=label, c=color, **args.plot) # Plot the actual line elif reskey in sexkeys: n_sexes = 2 sex_colors = ['#4679A2', '#A24679'] sex_labels = ['males', 'females'] for sex in range(n_sexes): # Colors and labels res_y =[sex, :] color = sex_colors[sex] label = reskey + sex_labels[sex] ax.fill_between(res_t[bi:], scendata.low[genotype, bi:], scendata.high[genotype, bi:], color=color, **args.fill) # Create the uncertainty bound ax.plot(res_t[bi:], res_y[bi:], label=label, c=color, **args.plot) # Plot the actual line else: res_y = color = set_line_options(colors, scenkey, snum, default_colors[snum]) # Choose the color label = set_line_options(labels, scenkey, snum, # Choose the label ax.fill_between(res_t[bi:], scendata.low[bi:], scendata.high[bi:], color=color, **args.fill) # Create the uncertainty bound ax.plot(res_t[bi:], res_y[bi:], label=label, c=color, **args.plot) # Plot the actual line if['interventions']: plot_interventions(sim, ax) # Plot the interventions if['legend']: title_grid_legend(ax, title, grid, commaticks, setylim, args.legend,, pnum==0) # Configure the title, grid, and legend -- only show legend for first return tidy_up(fig, figs, do_save, fig_path, do_show, args)
[docs]def plot_scen_age_results(analyzer_ref=0, to_plot=None, scens=None, do_save=None, fig_path=None, fig_args=None, plot_args=None, scatter_args=None, axis_args=None, fill_args=None, legend_args=None, date_args=None, show_args=None, style_args=None, n_cols=None, grid=False, commaticks=True, setylim=True, log_scale=False, colors=None, labels=None, do_show=None, sep_figs=False, fig=None, ax=None, plot_burnin=False, plot_type='sns.boxplot', **kwargs): ''' Plot age results of a scenario''' # Import Seaborn here since slow if sc.isstring(plot_type) and plot_type.startswith('sns'): import seaborn as sns plot_func = getattr(sns, plot_type.split('.')[1]) else: plot_func = plot_type # Handle inputs args = handle_args(fig_args=fig_args, plot_args=plot_args, scatter_args=scatter_args, axis_args=axis_args, fill_args=fill_args, legend_args=legend_args, show_args=show_args, date_args=date_args, style_args=style_args, **kwargs) # Get the analyzer details from the base sim base_analyzer = scens.sims[0][0].get_analyzer(analyzer_ref) if not len(base_analyzer.results): errormsg = 'Cannot plot since no age results were recorded.' raise ValueError(errormsg) base_res = base_analyzer.results[0] result_keys = base_analyzer.result_keys.keys() all_dates = [[date for date in r.keys() if date != 'bins'] for r in base_analyzer.results.values()] dates_per_result = [len(date_list) for date_list in all_dates] n_plots = sum(dates_per_result) n_rows, n_cols = sc.get_rows_cols(n_plots) # Construct dataframe for result storage n_runs = scens['n_runs'] # Do the plotting with hpo.with_style( fig, figs = create_figs(args, sep_figs, fig, ax) pnum = 0 age_labels = {} for rn,reskey in enumerate(result_keys): age_bins = base_analyzer.results[reskey]['bins'] age_labels[reskey] = [str(int(age_bins[i])) + '-' + str(int(age_bins[i + 1])) for i in range(len(age_bins) - 1)] age_labels[reskey].append(str(int(age_bins[-1])) + '+') for tp in all_dates[rn]: # Construct a dataframe with things in the most logical order for plotting bins = [] scen_names = [] values = [] n_bins = len(base_res['bins']) for bno, bin in enumerate(base_res['bins']): for sno in range(len(scens.scenarios)): for rep in range(n_runs): bins.append(bin) scen_key = scens.sims.keys()[sno] scen_names.append(scens.scenarios[scen_key]['name']) values.append(scens.sims[sno][rep].get_analyzer(analyzer_ref).results[reskey][tp][bno]) replicates = np.arange(n_runs).tolist() * n_bins * len(scens.scenarios) resdict = dict(bin=bins, scen_name=scen_names, replicate=replicates, value=values) resdf = pd.DataFrame(resdict) # Start plot ax = pl.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, pnum+1) ax = plot_func(ax=ax, x="bin", y="value", hue="scen_name", data=resdf, dodge=True) ax.legend([], [], frameon=False) # Temporarily turn off legend title = f'{base_analyzer.result_properties[reskey].name} - {int(float(tp))}' if['legend']: title_grid_legend(ax, title, grid, commaticks, setylim, args.legend,, pnum == 0) # Configure the title, grid, and legend -- only show legend for first ax.set_xlabel("Age group") ax.set_xticklabels(age_labels[reskey]) ax.set_ylabel("") pnum +=1 return tidy_up(fig, figs, do_save, fig_path, do_show, args)
[docs]def plot_result(key, sim=None, fig_args=None, plot_args=None, axis_args=None, scatter_args=None, date_args=None, style_args=None, grid=False, commaticks=True, setylim=True, color=None, label=None, do_show=None, do_save=False, fig_path=None, fig=None, ax=None, plot_burnin=False, **kwargs): ''' Plot a single result -- see ``hpv.Sim.plot_result()`` for documentation ''' # Handle inputs sep_figs = False # Only one figure fig_args = sc.mergedicts({'figsize':(8,5)}, fig_args) axis_args = sc.mergedicts({'top': 0.95}, axis_args) args = handle_args(fig_args=fig_args, plot_args=plot_args, scatter_args=scatter_args, axis_args=axis_args, date_args=date_args, style_args=style_args, **kwargs) # Gather results res = sim.results[key] res_t = sim.results['year'] bi = 0 if plot_burnin else int(sim['burnin']) if color is None: color = res.color # Do the plotting with hpo.with_style( fig, figs = create_figs(args, sep_figs, fig, ax) # Reuse the figure, if available if ax is None: # Otherwise, make a new one try: ax = fig.axes[0] except: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, label='ax1') if label is None: label = if res.low is not None and res.high is not None: ax.fill_between(res_t[bi:], res.low[bi:], res.high[bi:], color=color, **args.fill) # Create the uncertainty bound ax.plot(res_t[bi:], res.values[bi:], c=color, label=label, **args.plot) plot_interventions(sim, ax) # Plot the interventions title_grid_legend(ax,, grid, commaticks, setylim, args.legend, # Configure the title, grid, and legend return tidy_up(fig, figs, sep_figs, do_save, fig_path, do_show, args)
def plot_heatmap(sweep, xx, yy, x=None, y=None, xi=None, yi=None, to_plot=None, xpar=None, ypar=None, npts=None, zscales=1, add_contours=True, contour_args=None, cmap='plasma', fig_args=None, plot_args=None, axis_args=None, legend_args=None, show_args=None, style_args=None, fig=None, ax=None, do_save=None, do_show=None, fig_path=None): ''' Plot heatmaps ''' # Handle inputs axis_args = sc.mergedicts(axis_args, dict(wspace=0.05, right=0.9)) # Set right margin to be smaller args = handle_args(fig_args=fig_args, plot_args=plot_args, axis_args=axis_args, contour_args=contour_args, legend_args=legend_args, show_args=show_args, style_args=style_args) # Figure out axes n_plots = len(to_plot) n_rows, n_cols = sc.get_rows_cols(n_plots) n_cols_true = 2*n_cols # Add one more columns per column, for storing the heatmap colorbars width_ratios = [20, 1]*n_cols npts = npts or 100 scale = 0.08 # Handle scale factors if sc.isnumber(zscales): zscales = [zscales]*n_plots # Plot with hpo.with_style( fig = pl.figure(**args.fig) gs = fig.add_gridspec(n_rows, n_cols_true, width_ratios=width_ratios) pl.subplots_adjust(**args.axis) pn, coln = 0, 0 for rn in range(n_rows): for cn in range(0,n_cols*2,2): # Increment by two columns each time # Deal with precision zscale = zscales[pn] precision = zscale/10 rounding_factor = -int(np.log10(precision)) res_to_plot = to_plot[pn] z = np.array(sweep.resdf[res_to_plot]) / zscale z_min = min(z) z_max = max(z) zz = sc.gauss2d(x, y, z, xi, yi, scale=scale, xscale=1, yscale=1, grid=True) scolors = sc.vectocolor(z, cmap=cmap, minval=z_min, maxval=z_max) # Plot heatmap axa = fig.add_subplot(gs[rn, cn]) ima = axa.contourf(xx, yy, zz, cmap=cmap) #, levels=np.linspace(z_min, z_max, npts)) # Optionally add scatter if (x is not None) and (y is not None) and (scolors is not None): axa.scatter(x, y, marker='o', c=scolors, edgecolor=[0.3] * 3, s=50, linewidth=0.1, alpha=0.5) if add_contours: axa.contour(xx, yy, zz, **args.contours) axa.set_xlabel(xpar) axa.set_ylabel(ypar) # Get the right information in the title title = sweep.res_labels[res_to_plot] # Result label title += f', {int(sweep.from_year)}-{int(sweep.to_year)}' if zscale != 1: if zscale == 100: title += ' (hundreds)' elif zscale == 1000: title += ' (thousands)' elif zscale == 10000: title += ' (0000s)' elif zscale == 100000: title += ' (00000s)' elif zscale == 1000000: title += ' (M)' axa.set_title(title) # Colorbar axc = fig.add_subplot(gs[rn, cn+1]) pl.colorbar(ima, cax=axc) pn += 1 return tidy_up(fig, do_save, fig_path, do_show, args) # def plot_compare(df, log_scale=True, fig_args=None, axis_args=None, style_args=None, grid=False, # commaticks=True, setylim=True, color=None, label=None, fig=None, # do_save=None, do_show=None, fig_path=None, **kwargs): # ''' Plot a MultiSim comparison -- see MultiSim.plot_compare() for documentation ''' # # Handle inputs # sep_figs = False # fig_args = sc.mergedicts({'figsize':(8,8)}, fig_args) # axis_args = sc.mergedicts({'left': 0.16, 'bottom': 0.05, 'right': 0.98, 'top': 0.98, 'wspace': 0.50, 'hspace': 0.10}, axis_args) # args = handle_args(fig_args=fig_args, axis_args=axis_args, style_args=style_args, **kwargs) # # Map from results into different categories # mapping = { # 'cum': 'Cumulative counts', # 'new': 'New counts', # 'n': 'Number in state', # 'r': 'R_eff', # } # category = [] # for v in df.index.values: # v_type = v.split('_')[0] # if v_type in mapping: # category.append(v_type) # else: # category.append('other') # df['category'] = category # # Plot # with cvo.with_style( # fig, figs = create_figs(args, sep_figs=False, fig=fig) # for i,m in enumerate(mapping): # not_r_eff = m != 'r' # if not_r_eff: # ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, i+1) # else: # ax = fig.add_subplot(8, 2, 10) # dfm = df[df['category'] == m] # logx = not_r_eff and log_scale # dfm.plot(ax=ax, kind='barh', logx=logx, legend=False) # if not(not_r_eff): # ax.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0,-0.3)) # ax.grid(True) # return tidy_up(fig, figs, sep_figs, do_save, fig_path, do_show, args) #%% Other plotting functions
[docs]def plot_people(people, bins=None, width=1.0, alpha=0.6, fig_args=None, axis_args=None, plot_args=None, style_args=None, do_show=None, fig=None): ''' Plot statistics of a population -- see People.plot() for documentation ''' # Handle inputs if bins is None: bins = np.arange(0,101) # Set defaults color = [0.1,0.1,0.1] # Color for the age distribution n_rows = 4 # Number of rows of plots offset = 0.5 # For ensuring the full bars show up gridspace = 10 # Spacing of gridlines zorder = 10 # So plots appear on top of gridlines # Handle other arguments fig_args = sc.mergedicts(dict(figsize=(18,11)), fig_args) axis_args = sc.mergedicts(dict(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.05, top=0.95, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.35), axis_args) plot_args = sc.mergedicts(dict(lw=1.5, alpha=0.6, c=color, zorder=10), plot_args) style_args = sc.mergedicts(style_args) # Compute statistics min_age = min(bins) max_age = max(bins) edges = np.append(bins, np.inf) # Add an extra bin to end to turn them into edges age_counts = np.histogram(people.age, edges)[0] with hpo.with_style(style_args): # Create the figure if fig is None: fig = pl.figure(**fig_args) pl.subplots_adjust(**axis_args) # Plot age histogram pl.subplot(n_rows,2,1), age_counts, color=color, alpha=alpha, width=width, zorder=zorder) pl.xlim([min_age-offset,max_age+offset]) pl.xticks(np.arange(0, max_age+1, gridspace)) pl.xlabel('Age') pl.ylabel('Number of people') pl.title(f'Age distribution ({len(people):n} people total)') # Plot cumulative distribution pl.subplot(n_rows,2,2) age_sorted = sorted(people.age) y = np.linspace(0, 100, len(age_sorted)) # Percentage, not hard-coded! pl.plot(age_sorted, y, '-', **plot_args) pl.xlim([0,max_age]) pl.ylim([0,100]) # Percentage pl.xticks(np.arange(0, max_age+1, gridspace)) pl.yticks(np.arange(0, 101, gridspace)) # Percentage pl.xlabel('Age') pl.ylabel('Cumulative proportion (%)') pl.title(f'Cumulative age distribution (mean age: {people.age.mean():0.2f} years)') # Calculate contacts lkeys = people.layer_keys() n_layers = len(lkeys) contact_counts = sc.objdict() for lk in lkeys: layer = people.contacts[lk] p1ages = people.age[layer['f']] p2ages = people.age[layer['m']] contact_counts[lk] = np.histogram(p1ages, edges)[0] + np.histogram(p2ages, edges)[0] # Plot contacts layer_colors = sc.gridcolors(n_layers) share_ax = None for w,w_type in enumerate(['total', 'percapita', 'weighted']): # Plot contacts in different ways for i,lk in enumerate(lkeys): contacts_lk = people.contacts[lk] members_lk = contacts_lk.members n_contacts = len(contacts_lk) n_members = len(members_lk) if w_type == 'total': weight = 1 total_contacts = 2*n_contacts # x2 since each contact is undirected ylabel = 'Number of contacts' participation = n_members/len(people) # Proportion of people that have contacts in this layer title = f'Total contacts for layer "{lk}": {total_contacts:n}\n({participation*100:.0f}% participation)' elif w_type == 'percapita': age_counts_within_layer = np.histogram(people.age[members_lk], edges)[0] weight = np.divide(1.0, age_counts_within_layer, where=age_counts_within_layer>0) mean_contacts_within_layer = 2*n_contacts/n_members if n_members else 0 # Factor of 2 since edges are bi-directional ylabel = 'Per capita number of contacts' title = f'Mean contacts for layer "{lk}": {mean_contacts_within_layer:0.2f}' elif w_type == 'weighted': weight =['beta'] total_weight = np.round(weight*2*n_contacts) ylabel = 'Weighted number of contacts' title = f'Total weight for layer "{lk}": {total_weight:n}' ax = pl.subplot(n_rows, n_layers, n_layers*(w+1)+i+1, sharey=share_ax), contact_counts[lk]*weight, color=layer_colors[i], width=width, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha) pl.xlim([min_age-offset,max_age+offset]) pl.xticks(np.arange(0, max_age+1, gridspace)) pl.xlabel('Age') pl.ylabel(ylabel) pl.title(title) if w_type == 'weighted': share_ax = ax # Update shared axis return handle_show_return(fig=fig, do_show=do_show)