Source code for idmtools_platform_local.cli.experiment
"""idmtools cli experiment tools.
Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
from typing import Optional, Tuple, List, Any, Dict
import click
import requests
from tabulate import tabulate
from idmtools_platform_local.cli.utils import parent_status_to_progress, urlize_data_path
from idmtools_platform_local.client.experiments_client import ExperimentsClient
from idmtools_platform_local.config import API_PATH
EXPERIMENTS_URL = f'{API_PATH}/experiments'
[docs]def prettify_experiment(experiment: Dict[str, Any]):
Prettifies a JSON Experiment object for printing on a console.
This includes
- Making a pretty progress bar
- URL-ifying the data paths
- sorting the columns
experiment: JSON representation of the Experiment(from API)
Prettify experiment
experiment['progress'] = parent_status_to_progress(experiment['progress'])
experiment['data_path'] = urlize_data_path(experiment['data_path'])
column_order = ("experiment_id", "created", "progress", "tags", "extra_details", "updated", "data_path")
return {co: experiment[co] for co in column_order}
[docs]def status(id: Optional[str], tags: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]]):
List the status of experiment(s) with the ability to filter by experiment id and tags.
id (Optional[str]): Optional ID of the experiment you want to filter by
tags (Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]]): Optional list of tuples in form of tag_name tag_value to user to filter
experiments with
from idmtools_cli.cli.utils import show_error
if id is None:
experiments = ExperimentsClient.get_all(tags=tags, per_page=100)
experiments = ExperimentsClient.get_one(id, tags=tags)
experiments = [experiments]
experiments = list(map(lambda x: prettify_experiment(x), experiments))
print(tabulate(experiments, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', showindex=False))
except RuntimeError as e:
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
show_error(f"Could not connect to the local platform: {e.request.url}. Is the local platform running?")
[docs]def extra_commands():
"""This ensures our local platform specific commands are loaded."""
from idmtools_cli.cli.experiment import experiment
from idmtools_cli.cli.utils import show_error
import idmtools_platform_local.cli.local # noqa: 40F1
@experiment.command(help="Delete an experiment, and optionally, its data")
@click.option('--data/--no-data', default=False, help="Should we delete the data as well?")
def delete(experiment_id: str, data: bool):
Delete an experiment, and optionally, its data.
experiment_id (str): ID of exp to delete
data (bool): If true, specifies data folder for experiment should be deleted, otherwise it will be kept
print(f'Deleting Experiment: {experiment_id}')
exp: Dict = None
exp = ExperimentsClient.get_one(experiment_id)
except RuntimeError as e:
# Check with user they really want to delete data
if (data and click.confirm('Deleting exp data is irreversible. '
'Are you sure you want to delete all exp data?')):
data = True
print(f'Deleting {exp["data_path"]}')
elif data:
data = False
response = ExperimentsClient.delete(experiment_id, data)
if response:
print('Experiment removed successfully')
except RuntimeError as e: