idmtools_platform_local.infrastructure.service_manager module#
idmtools service manager. Manages all our local platform services.
Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
- class idmtools_platform_local.infrastructure.service_manager.DockerServiceManager(client: DockerClient, host_data_directory: str = '/home/docs/.local_data', network: str = 'idmtools', redis_image: str = 'redis:5.0.4-alpine', heartbeat_timeout: int = 15, redis_port: int = 6379, runtime: str | None = 'runc', redis_mem_limit: str = '256m', redis_mem_reservation: str = '32m', postgres_image: str = 'postgres:11.4', postgres_mem_limit: str = '128m', postgres_mem_reservation: str = '32m', postgres_port: str | None = 5432, workers_image: str | None = None, workers_ui_port: int = 5000, workers_mem_limit: str | None = None, workers_mem_reservation: str = '64m', run_as: str | None = None, enable_singularity_support: bool = False, _services: Dict[str, BaseServiceContainer] | None = None)[source]#
Provides single interface to manage all the local platform services.
- client: DockerClient#
- cleanup(delete_data: bool = False, tear_down_brokers: bool = False) NoReturn [source]#
Stops the containers and removes the network.
Optionally the postgres data container can be deleted as well as closing any active Redis connections.
- Parameters:
delete_data – Delete postgres data
tear_down_brokers – True to close redis brokers, false otherwise
- Returns:
- create_services(spinner=None) NoReturn [source]#
Create all the components of local platform.
Our architecture is as depicted in the UML diagram below
- Returns:
- wait_on_ports_to_open(ports: List[str], wait_between_tries: int | float = 0.2, max_retries: int = 5, sleep_after: int | float = 0.5) bool [source]#
Polls list of port attributes(eg postgres_port, redis_port and checks if they are currently open.
We use this to verify postgres/redis are ready for our workers
- Parameters:
ports – List of port attributes
wait_between_tries – Time between port checks
max_retries – Max checks
sleep_after – Sleep after all our found open(Postgres starts accepting connections before actually ready)
- Returns:
True if ports are ready
- stop_services(spinner=None) NoReturn [source]#
Stops all running IDM Tools services.
- Returns:
- get(container_name: str, create=True) Container [source]#
Get the server with specified name.
- Parameters:
container_name – Name of container
create – Create if it doesn’t exists
- Returns:
- get_container_config(service: BaseServiceContainer, opts=None)[source]#
Get the container config for the service.
- Parameters:
service – Service to get config for
opts – Opts to Extract. Should be a fields object
- Returns:
Container config
- restart_all(spinner=None) NoReturn [source]#
Restart all the services IDM-Tools services.
- Returns:
- static is_port_open(host: str, port: int) bool [source]#
Check if a port is open.
- Parameters:
host – Host to check
port – Port to check
- Returns:
True if port is open, False otherwise
- static stop_service_and_wait(service) bool [source]#
Stop server and wait.
- Parameters:
service – Service to stop
- Returns:
- get_network() Network [source]#
Fetches the IDM Tools network.
- Returns:
(Network) Return Docker network object
- __init__(client: DockerClient, host_data_directory: str = '/home/docs/.local_data', network: str = 'idmtools', redis_image: str = 'redis:5.0.4-alpine', heartbeat_timeout: int = 15, redis_port: int = 6379, runtime: str | None = 'runc', redis_mem_limit: str = '256m', redis_mem_reservation: str = '32m', postgres_image: str = 'postgres:11.4', postgres_mem_limit: str = '128m', postgres_mem_reservation: str = '32m', postgres_port: str | None = 5432, workers_image: str | None = None, workers_ui_port: int = 5000, workers_mem_limit: str | None = None, workers_mem_reservation: str = '64m', run_as: str | None = None, enable_singularity_support: bool = False, _services: Dict[str, BaseServiceContainer] | None = None) None #