You can use the idmtools simulation
command to get the status of simulations
for the local platform. To see the list of options type the following at a command prompt.
$ idmtools simulation --platform Local status --help
2024-09-26 01:36:06,554 build-2507891-project-11010-institute-for-disease-modeling-idmto root[709] DEBUG idmtools core version: 1.7.11
2024-09-26 01:36:06,554 build-2507891-project-11010-institute-for-disease-modeling-idmto user[709] VERBOSE INI File Used: /home/docs/checkouts/
2024-09-26 01:36:06,629 build-2507891-project-11010-institute-for-disease-modeling-idmto idmtools.registry.functions[709] DEBUG {<module 'idmtools.plugins.item_sequence' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>, <module 'idmtools.plugins.git_commit' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>, <module 'idmtools.plugins.uuid_generator' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>}
2024-09-26 01:36:06,629 build-2507891-project-11010-institute-for-disease-modeling-idmto idmtools_cli.cli.init[709] DEBUG Cookie cutter project list: {'reproducible-science': ProjectTemplate(name='reproducible-science', url='gh:mkrapp/cookiecutter-reproducible-science', description='A boilerplate for reproducible and transparent science with close resemblances to the philosophy of Cookiecutter Data Science: A logical, reasonably standardized, but flexible project structure for doing and sharing data science work.', info=''), 'docker-science': ProjectTemplate(name='docker-science', url='[email protected]:docker-science/cookiecutter-docker-science.git', description='This project is a tiny template for machine learning projects developed in Docker environments. In machine learning tasks, projects glow uniquely to fit target tasks, but in the initial state, most directory structure and targets in Makefile are common. Cookiecutter Docker Science generates initial directories which fits simple machine learning tasks.', info=''), 'data-science': ProjectTemplate(name='data-science', url='', description='A logical, reasonably standardized, but flexible project structure for doing and sharing data science work.', info='')}
Usage: idmtools simulation status [OPTIONS]
List of statuses for simulation(s) with the ability to filter by id,
experiment_id, status, and tags.
For Example Get the status of simulations for the platform using the local
platform defaults, you would run idmtools simulation --platform Local status
Another example would be to use a platform defined in a configuration block
while also filtering tags where a == 0 idmtools simulation --config-block
Local status --tags a 0
Multiple tags idmtools simulation --config-block Local status --tags a 0
--tags a 3
--id TEXT Filter status by simulation ID
--experiment-id TEXT Filter status by experiment ID
--tags TEXT... Tag to filter by. This should be in the form name
value. For example, if you have a tag type=PythonTask
you would use --tags type PythonTask. In addition, you
can provide multiple tags, ie --tags a 1 --tags b 2.
This will perform an AND based query on the tags
meaning only jobs contains ALL the tags specified will
be displayed
--help Show this message and exit.