Source code for idmtools.utils.file

utilities for files.

Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
import os
from io import BytesIO
from os import DirEntry
from typing import Iterable, Generator, List, Union

[docs]def scan_directory(basedir: str, recursive: bool = True, ignore_directories: List[str] = None) -> Iterable[DirEntry]: """ Scan a directory recursively or not. Args: basedir: The root directory to start from. recursive: True to search the sub-folders recursively; False to stay in the root directory. ignore_directories: Ignore directories Returns: An iterator yielding all the files found. """ for entry in os.scandir(basedir): if entry.is_file(): yield entry elif recursive: if ignore_directories is None or not in ignore_directories: yield from scan_directory(entry.path)
[docs]def file_content_to_generator(absolute_path, chunk_size=128) -> Generator[bytearray, None, None]: """ Create a generator from file contents in chunks(useful for streaming binary data and piping). Args: absolute_path: absolute path to file chunk_size: chunk size Returns: Generator that return bytes in chunks of size chunk_size """ with open(absolute_path, 'rb') as i: while True: res = if res == b'': break else: yield res
[docs]def content_generator(content: Union[str, bytes], chunk_size=128) -> Generator[bytearray, None, None]: """ Create a generator from file contents in chunks(useful for streaming binary data and piping). Args: content : file content chunk_size : chunk size Returns: Generator that return bytes in chunks of size chunk_size """ if isinstance(content, str): content_io = BytesIO(content.encode()) else: content_io = BytesIO(content) while True: chunk = if chunk == b'': break else: yield chunk