CLI Container Platform#

The main container-related commands in idmtools can be accessed using idmtools container. To view the top-level commands, use --help:

$ idmtools container --help
INI File Found: /home/docs/checkouts/
Usage: idmtools container [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Container Platform CLI commands.

  Args:     all: Bool, show all commands

  Returns:     None

  --all   Show all commands
  --help  Show this message and exit.

  cancel   Cancel an Experiment/Simulation job.
  history  View the job history.
  jobs     List running Experiment/Simulation jobs.
  status   Check the status of an Experiment/Simulation.

To review all the commands available for the idmtools container, use the --all option:

$ idmtools container --all --help
INI File Found: /home/docs/checkouts/
Usage: idmtools container [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Container Platform CLI commands.

  Args:     all: Bool, show all commands

  Returns:     None

  --all   Show all commands
  --help  Show this message and exit.

  cancel            Cancel an Experiment/Simulation job.
  clear-history     Clear the job history.
  clear-results     Clear job results files and folders.
  get-detail        Retrieve Experiment history.
  history           View the job history.
  history-count     Get the count of count histories.
  inspect           Inspect a container.
  install           pip install a package on a container.
  is-running        Check if an Experiment/Simulation is running.
  jobs              List running Experiment/Simulation jobs.
  list-containers   List all available containers.
  packages          List packages installed on a container.
  path              Locate Suite/Experiment/Simulation file directory.
  ps                List running processes in a container.
  remove-container  Remove stopped containers.
  status            Check the status of an Experiment/Simulation.
  stop-container    Stop running container(s).
  sync-history      Sync the file system with job history.
  verify-docker     Verify the Docker environment.
  volume            Check the history volume.