idmtools.core.interfaces.ientity module

class idmtools.core.interfaces.ientity.IEntity(_uid: uuid.UUID = None, platform_id: uuid.UUID = None, _platform: IPlatform = None, parent_id: uuid.UUID = None, _parent: IEntity = None, status: idmtools.core.enums.EntityStatus = None, tags: Dict[str, Any] = <factory>, item_type: idmtools.core.enums.ItemType = None, _platform_object: Any = None)

Bases: idmtools.core.interfaces.iitem.IItem

Interface for all entities in the system.

platform_id: uuid.UUID = None

Platform ID

parent_id: uuid.UUID = None

Item’s Parent ID

status: idmtools.core.enums.EntityStatus = None

Item’s Status

tags: Dict[str, Any]

Item’s tags

item_type: idmtools.core.enums.ItemType = None

Item Type

update_tags(tags: dict = None) → NoReturn

Shortcut to update the tags with the given dictionary :param tags: New tags

post_creation() → None

Called after the actual creation of the entity.

classmethod from_id(item_id: Union[str, uuid.UUID], platform: IPlatform = None, **kwargs) → IEntity
property parent
property platform
get_platform_object(force=False, **kwargs)
property done
property succeeded