idmtools.entities.ianalyzer module

class idmtools.entities.ianalyzer.IAnalyzer(uid=None, working_dir: Optional[str] = None, parse: bool = True, filenames: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Bases: object

An abstract base class carrying the lowest level analyzer interfaces called by


initialize() → NoReturn

Call once after the analyzer has been added to the AnalyzeManager.

Add everything depending on the working directory or unique ID here instead of in __init__.

per_group(items: List[idmtools.core.interfaces.iitem.IItem]) → NoReturn

Call once before running the apply on the items.


items – Objects with attributes of type ItemId. IDs of one or more higher-level hierarchical objects can be obtained from these IDs in order to perform tasks with them.



filter(item: Union[idmtools.entities.iworkflow_item.IWorkflowItem, idmtools.entities.simulation.Simulation]) → bool

Decide whether the analyzer should process a simulation.


item – An IItem to be considered for processing with this analyzer.


A Boolean indicating whether simulation should be analyzed by this analyzer.

abstract map(data: Dict[str, Any], item: Union[idmtools.entities.iworkflow_item.IWorkflowItem, idmtools.entities.simulation.Simulation]) → Any

In parallel for each simulation, consume raw data from filenames and emit selected data.

  • data – A dictionary associating filename with content for simulation data.

  • itemIItem object that the passed data is associated with.


Selected data for the given item.

abstract reduce(all_data: Dict[Union[idmtools.entities.iworkflow_item.IWorkflowItem, idmtools.entities.simulation.Simulation], Any]) → Any

Combine the map() data for a set of items into an aggregate result.


all_data – A dictionary with entries for the item ID and selected data.

destroy() → NoReturn

Call after the analysis is done.

class idmtools.entities.ianalyzer.BaseAnalyzer(uid=None, working_dir: Optional[str] = None, parse: bool = True, filenames: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Bases: idmtools.entities.ianalyzer.IAnalyzer