idmtools_platform_local.infrastructure.postgres module

class idmtools_platform_local.infrastructure.postgres.PostgresContainer(container_name: str = 'idmtools_postgres', image: str = 'postgres:11.4', client: docker.client.DockerClient = None, config_prefix: str = 'postgres_', network: str = None, host_data_directory: str = None, port: int = 5432, mem_limit: str = '128m', mem_reservation: str = '32m', run_as: str = None, password: str = 'idmtools', data_volume_name: str = 'idmtools_local_postgres')

Bases: idmtools_platform_local.infrastructure.base_service_container.BaseServiceContainer

host_data_directory: str = None
port: int = 5432
mem_limit: str = '128m'
mem_reservation: str = '32m'
run_as: str = None
image: str = 'postgres:11.4'
container_name: str = 'idmtools_postgres'
password: str = 'idmtools'
data_volume_name: str = 'idmtools_local_postgres'
config_prefix: str = 'postgres_'
get_configuration() → Dict

Returns the docker config for the postgres container


(dict) Dictionary representing the docker config for the postgres container

create(spinner=None) → docker.models.containers.Container
create_postgres_volume() → NoReturn

Creates our postgres volume Returns: