Welcome to idmtools

IDM Modeling Tools is a collection of Python scripts and utilities created to streamline user interactions with disease models. This framework provides the user with tools necessary to complete projects, starting from the creation of input files (if required), to calibration of the model to data, to commissioning and running simulations, through the analysis of results. Modelers can use idmtools to run models locally or send suites of simulations to an HPC or other computing source. This framework is free, open-source, and model agnostic: it can be used to interact with a variety of models, such as custom models written in R or Python, or IDM’s own EMOD.

idmtools workflow

idmtools includes a variety of options for each step of the modeling process. Because of this, the tool suite was developed in a modular fashion, so that users can select the utilities they wish to use. In order to simplify the desired workflow, facilitate the modeling process, and make the model (and its results) reusable and sharable, idmtools allows the user to create assets. Assets can be added at any level of the process, from running a specific task, through creating a simulation, to creating a experiment. This allows the user to create inputs based on their specific needs: they can be transient, or sharable across multiple simulations.

Exact workflows for using idmtools is user-dependent, and can include any of the tasks listed below.