Assetize Outputs

Assetizing outputs allows you to create an Asset Collection from the outputs of a previous Experiment, Simulation, Workitem and other Asset Collections. In Addition, you can create assets from multiple items of these type. For examples, 3 simulations and an Asset Collection, or an experiment and a workItem. Assetize Outputs is implemented as a workitem that depends on other items to complete before running.

AssetizeOutputs using glob patterns to select or deselect files. See for details on glob patterns. The default configuration is set to Assetize all outputs, “**” pattern, and exclude the “StdOut.txt”, “StdErr.txt”, and “WorkOrder.json” files.

You can see a list of files that will be assetized without assetizing them by using the dry_run parameter. The file list will be in the output of the work item.

See the Cookbook for examples of Assetizing outputs

Also review the class details idmtools_platform_comps.utils.assetize_output.assetize_output.AssetizeOutput

You can also run this command from the CLI. For details, see COMPS CLI reference Errors ——

NoFileFound - This means the patterns you specified resulted in no files found. Review your patterns. CrossEnvironmentAssetizeNotSupport - This occurs when you attempt to assestize an item in a COMPS environment that does not match that of the workitem. Use the same environment for your workitem as you did for your original item AtLeastOneItemToWatch - You cannot run assetize without linking at least one item DuplicateAsset - The resulting asset collection would have duplicate assets. See the error for a list of duplicate assets. This often occurs when assetizing either Experiments or multiple items. With Experiments, this can be avoided by using the simulation_prefix_format_str to place the assets into sub-folders. When processing multiple work items with files that would overlap, you can use work_item_prefix_format_str. For other cases, you may need to do multiple runs and exclude patterns. For example, if you are assetizing trying to combine two AssetCollections with a single file that overlaps.