You can use the experiment
command to get the status of and to delete experiments for the local platform.
Local platform must be running to use these commands. To see the list of commands and options for status
, type the following at a command prompt.
$ idmtools experiment --platform Local status --help
INI File Used: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/institute-for-disease-modeling-idmtools/checkouts/v1.6.2/docs/idmtools.ini
Usage: idmtools experiment status [OPTIONS]
List the status of experiment(s) with the ability to filter by experiment
id and tags
Some examples: Get the status of simulations for the platform using the
local platform defaults, you would run
idmtools simulation --platform Local status
Another example would be to use a platform defined in a configuration
block while also filtering tags where a == 0
idmtools experiment --config-block COMPS2 status --tags a 0
Multiple tags:
idmtools experiment --config-block COMPS2 status --tags a 0 --tags a 3
--id TEXT Filter status by experiment ID
--tags TEXT... Tag to filter by. This should be in the form name value. For
example, if you have a tag type=PythonTask you would use
--tags type PythonTask. In addition, you can provide
multiple tags, ie --tags a 1 --tags b 2. This will perform
an AND based query on the tags meaning only jobs contains
ALL the tags specified will be displayed
--help Show this message and exit.
To see the list of commands and options for delete
, type the following at a command prompt.
$ idmtools experiment --platform Local delete --help
INI File Used: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/institute-for-disease-modeling-idmtools/checkouts/v1.6.2/docs/idmtools.ini
Usage: idmtools experiment delete [OPTIONS] EXPERIMENT_ID
Delete an experiment, and optionally, its data
--data / --no-data Should we delete the data as well?
--help Show this message and exit.