Additional Changes¶
#1671 - experiment post creation hooks NOT get invoked
#1581 - We should default console=on for logging when use alias platform
#1614 - User logger should only be used for verbose or higher messages
#1806 - batch load module with wrong variable
#1807 - get_children missing status refresh
#1811 - Suite metadata not written when an experiment is run directly on slurm platform
#1812 - Running a suite does not run containing children (experiments)
#1820 - Handle empty status messages
#1774 - need a patch release to update pandas requirement
#1757 - Suite to_dict method NO need to output experiments details
#1749 - Update pluggy requirement from ~=0.13.1 to ~=1.0.0
#1794 - Bump pipreqs from 0.4.10 to 0.4.11
#1867 - Update sqlalchemy requirement from ~=1.4.39 to ~=1.4.41
#1870 - Update yaspin requirement from <2.2.0,>=1.2.0 to >=1.2.0,<2.3.0
#1873 - Update docker requirement from <5.1.0,>=4.3.1 to >=4.3.1,<6.1.0
#1878 - Update natsort requirement from ~=8.1.0 to ~=8.2.0
#1880 - Update diskcache requirement from ~=5.2.1 to ~=5.4.0
#1882 - Update flask requirement from ~=2.1.3 to ~=2.2.2
#1883 - Update backoff requirement from <1.11,>=1.10.0 to >=1.10.0,<2.2
#1885 - Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 in /idmtools_platform_local/idmtools_webui
#1795 - Update twine requirement from ~=3.4.1 to ~=4.0.1
#1830 - Update pytest requirement from ~=6.2.4 to ~=7.1.3
#1831 - Update pytest-xdist requirement from ~=2.2 to ~=2.5
#1868 - Update flake8 requirement from ~=4.0.1 to ~=5.0.4
#1874 - Update allure-pytest requirement from <2.10,>=2.8.34 to >=2.8.34,<2.11
#1884 - Update junitparser requirement from ~=2.1.1 to ~=2.8.0
#1750 - Slurm Documentation skeleton
Feature Request¶
#1038 - Slurm experiment operations needs updating with newest API
#1039 - Slurm needs to implement some basic asset operations
#1040 - Slurm Simulations operations is out of date
#1041 - Implement suite operations on Slurm Platform
#1675 - File Operations: Link Operations
#1676 - Move metadata operation to its own class for future API
#1678 - Retry logic for slurm
#1693 - Abstract file operations in a way the underlying implementation can be changed and shared across platforms
#1697 - Create a new metadata operations API
#1717 - Formalize shell script for SLURM job submission
#1737 - Cleanup Metadata Operations
#1738 - Integrate Metadata, FileOperations, and Slurm Script into Slurm Platform
#1758 - Document how to cancel jobs on slurm using slurm docs
#1764 - Update the sbatch script to dump the SARRAY job id
#1765 - Update the simulation script to dump the Job id into a file within each simulation directory
#1770 - Develop base singularity image
#1822 - COMPSPlatform suite operation: platform_create returns Tuple[COMPSSuite, UUID]