
Adding simulations to an existing experiment

import os

from idmtools.builders import SimulationBuilder
from idmtools.core.platform_factory import Platform
from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment
from idmtools.entities.templated_simulation import TemplatedSimulations
from idmtools_models.python.json_python_task import JSONConfiguredPythonTask

# load up an existing experiment with completed simulations
with Platform('BELEGOST'):
    # Create First Experiment
    builder = SimulationBuilder()
                                 [i * i for i in range(5)])
    model_path = os.path.join("..", "..", "python_model", "inputs", "python_model_with_deps", "Assets", "model.py")
    sims_template = TemplatedSimulations(base_task=JSONConfiguredPythonTask(script_path=model_path))

    experiment = Experiment.from_template(sims_template)

    # You could start with experiment = Experiment.from_id(....)
    # create a new sweep for new simulations
    sims_template = TemplatedSimulations(base_task=JSONConfiguredPythonTask(script_path=model_path))
    builder = SimulationBuilder()
                                 [i * i for i in range(6, 10)])

    # If you are adding a large amount of simulations through a Template, it is recommended to do the following to keep generator use and lower memory footprint
    # sims_template.add_simulations(experiment.simulations)
    # experiment.simulations = simulations

    # run all simulations in the experiment that have not run before and wait

Adding simulations to an existing experiment with new common assets

import os

from idmtools.builders import SimulationBuilder
from idmtools.core.platform_factory import Platform
from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment
from idmtools.entities.templated_simulation import TemplatedSimulations
from idmtools_models.python.json_python_task import JSONConfiguredPythonTask

# load up an existing experiment with completed simulations
with Platform('BELEGOST'):
    # Create First Experiment
    builder = SimulationBuilder()
                                 [i for i in range(5)])
    model_path = os.path.join("..", "..", "python_model", "inputs", "python_model_with_deps", "Assets", "model.py")
    sims_template = TemplatedSimulations(base_task=JSONConfiguredPythonTask(script_path=model_path))

    experiment = Experiment.from_template(sims_template)

    # Currently it is important you wait on existing Simulations to finish provision when changing assets later
    # idmtools cannot detect this state at the moment and it can leave to unexpected behaviour

    # You could start with experiment = Experiment.from_id(...., copy_assets=True)
    # Changing the Common Assets
    experiment.assets = experiment.assets.copy()
    # Add new simulations to the experiment
    model_path = os.path.join("..", "..", "python_model", "inputs", "python_model_with_deps", "Assets", "newmodel2.py")
    sims_template = TemplatedSimulations(base_task=JSONConfiguredPythonTask(script_path=model_path))
    builder = SimulationBuilder()
                                 [i for i in range(6, 10)])

    # If you are adding a large amount of simulations through a Template, it is recommended to do the following to keep generator use and lower memory footprint
    # sims_template.add_simulations(experiment.simulations)
    # experiment.simulations = simulations

    # run all simulations in the experiment that have not run before and wait
    experiment.run(wait_until_done=True, regather_common_assets=True)

Creating experiments with one simulation

When you want to run a single simulation instead of a set, you can create an experiment directly from a task.

from idmtools.core.platform_factory import Platform
from idmtools.entities.command_task import CommandTask
from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment

platform = Platform('BELEGOST')
task = CommandTask(command="python --version")
experiment = Experiment.from_task(task=task, name="Example of experiment from task")

Creating an experiment with a pre- and post- creation hook

Prior to running an experiment or a work item, you can add pre or post creation hooks to the item.

import os
import sys
import typing
from idmtools.builders import SimulationBuilder
from idmtools.core.platform_factory import Platform
from idmtools.entities.experiment import Experiment
from idmtools.entities.templated_simulation import TemplatedSimulations
from idmtools_models.python.json_python_task import JSONConfiguredPythonTask
from idmtools.utils.entities import save_id_as_file_as_hook
from time import time
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from idmtools_platform_comps.comps_platform import COMPSPlatform

# Define our base task
task = JSONConfiguredPythonTask(script_path=os.path.join("..", "..", "python_model", "inputs", "python_model_with_deps",
                                                         "Assets", "model.py"), parameters=(dict(c=0)))
ts = TemplatedSimulations(base_task=task)

# Build sweeps for our simulations
builder = SimulationBuilder()

class setParam:
    def __init__(self, param):
        self.param = param

    def __call__(self, simulation, value):
        return simulation.task.set_parameter(self.param, value)

builder.add_sweep_definition(setParam("a"), [1, 2, 3])
builder.add_sweep_definition(setParam("b"), [1, 2])


# Create our experiment
experiment = Experiment.from_template(ts, name=os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1])

# Add our pre-creation and post-creation hooks:
#   Our pre-creation hook adds the date as a tag to our experiment
#   Our post-creation hook saves the experiment ID within a file titled '{item.item_type}.{item.name}.id' (within current directory)
ran_at = str(time())

def add_date_as_tag(experiment: Experiment, platform: 'COMPSPlatform'):
    experiment.tags['date'] = ran_at

# Add a pre/post creation hook to either an experiment or a work item using the 'add_pre_creation_hook' or 'add_post_creation_hook' methods

with Platform('BELEGOST'):
    sys.exit(0 if experiment.succeeded else -1)