"""idmtools general status.
Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
import ntpath
import re
from logging import getLogger, DEBUG
from typing import List, Dict, Union, Generator, Optional
from uuid import UUID
from COMPS import Client
from COMPS.Data import Simulation, SimulationFile, AssetCollectionFile, WorkItemFile, OutputFileMetadata, Experiment
from COMPS.Data.AssetFile import AssetFile
from COMPS.Data.Simulation import SimulationState
from COMPS.Data.WorkItem import WorkItemState, WorkItem
from requests import RequestException
from idmtools.core import EntityStatus, ItemType
from idmtools.core.interfaces.ientity import IEntity
from idmtools.entities.iplatform import IPlatform
ASSETS_PATH = "Assets\\"
logger = getLogger(__name__)
chars_to_replace = ['/', '\\', ':', "'", '"', '?', '<', '>', '*', '|', "\0", "(", ")", '`']
clean_names_expr = re.compile(f'[{re.escape("".join(chars_to_replace))}]')
[docs]def fatal_code(e: Exception) -> bool:
Uses to determine if we should stop retrying based on request status code.
e: Exception to check
True is exception is a request and status code matches 404
if isinstance(e, RequestException):
return e.response.status_code == 404
return False
[docs]def convert_comps_status(comps_status: SimulationState) -> EntityStatus:
Convert status from COMPS to IDMTools.
comps_status: Status in Comps
if comps_status == SimulationState.Succeeded:
return EntityStatus.SUCCEEDED
elif comps_status in (SimulationState.Canceled, SimulationState.CancelRequested, SimulationState.Failed):
return EntityStatus.FAILED
elif comps_status == SimulationState.Created:
return EntityStatus.CREATED
return EntityStatus.RUNNING
[docs]def convert_comps_workitem_status(comps_status: WorkItemState) -> EntityStatus:
Convert status from COMPS to IDMTools.
Created = 0 # WorkItem has been saved to the database
CommissionRequested = 5 # WorkItem is ready to be processed by the next available worker of the correct type
Commissioned = 10 # WorkItem has been commissioned to a worker of the correct type and is beginning execution
Validating = 30 # WorkItem is being validated
Running = 40 # WorkItem is currently running
Waiting = 50 # WorkItem is waiting for dependent items to complete
ResumeRequested = 60 # Dependent items have completed and WorkItem is ready to be processed by the next available worker of the correct type
CancelRequested = 80 # WorkItem cancellation was requested
Canceled = 90 # WorkItem was successfully canceled
Resumed = 100 # WorkItem has been claimed by a worker of the correct type and is resuming
Canceling = 120 # WorkItem is in the process of being canceled by the worker
Succeeded = 130 # WorkItem completed successfully
Failed = 140 # WorkItem failed
comps_status: Status in Comps
work_item_canceled = (WorkItemState.Canceled, WorkItemState.CancelRequested, WorkItemState.Failed)
work_item_created = [
WorkItemState.Created, WorkItemState.Resumed, WorkItemState.CommissionRequested, WorkItemState.Commissioned
if comps_status == WorkItemState.Succeeded:
return EntityStatus.SUCCEEDED
elif comps_status in work_item_canceled:
return EntityStatus.FAILED
elif comps_status == work_item_created:
return EntityStatus.CREATED
return EntityStatus.RUNNING
[docs]def clean_experiment_name(experiment_name: str) -> str:
Enforce any COMPS-specific demands on experiment names.
experiment_name: name of the experiment
Returns:the experiment name allowed for use
experiment_name = clean_names_expr.sub("_", experiment_name)
return experiment_name.encode("ascii", "ignore").decode('utf8').strip()
[docs]def get_file_from_collection(platform: IPlatform, collection_id: UUID, file_path: str) -> bytearray:
Retrieve a file from an asset collection.
platform: Platform object to use
collection_id: Asset Collection ID
file_path: Path within collection
>>> import uuid
>>> get_file_from_collection(platform, uuid.UUID("fc461146-3b2a-441f-bc51-0bff3a9c1ba0"), "StdOut.txt")
Object Byte Array
print(f"Cache miss for {collection_id} {file_path}")
# retrieve the collection
ac = platform.get_item(collection_id, ItemType.ASSETCOLLECTION, raw=True)
# Look for the asset file in the collection
file_name = ntpath.basename(file_path)
path = ntpath.dirname(file_path).lstrip(ASSETS_PATH)
for asset_file in ac.assets:
if asset_file.file_name == file_name and (asset_file.relative_path or '') == path:
return asset_file.retrieve()
[docs]def get_file_as_generator(file: Union[SimulationFile, AssetCollectionFile, AssetFile, WorkItemFile, OutputFileMetadata],
chunk_size: int = 128, resume_byte_pos: Optional[int] = None) -> \
Generator[bytearray, None, None]:
Get file as a generator.
file: File to stream contents through a generator
chunk_size: Size of chunks to load
resume_byte_pos: Optional start of download
Generator for file content
if isinstance(file, OutputFileMetadata):
url = file.url
url = file.uri
i = url.find('/asset/')
if i == -1:
raise RuntimeError('Unable to parse asset url: ' + url)
if resume_byte_pos:
header = {'Range': 'bytes=%d-' % resume_byte_pos}
header = {}
response = Client.get(url[i:], headers=header, stream=True)
yield from response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size)
[docs]class Workitem(object):
"""SimpleItem to define workitem for proxy purposes.
- TODO deprecate this if possible
[docs]def get_asset_for_comps_item(platform: IPlatform, item: IEntity, files: List[str], cache=None, load_children: List[str] = None, comps_item: Union[Experiment, Workitem, Simulation] = None) -> Dict[str, bytearray]:
Retrieve assets from an Entity(Simulation, Experiment, WorkItem).
platform: Platform Object to use
item: Item to fetch assets from
files: List of file names to retrieve
cache: Cache object to use
load_children: Optional Load children fields
comps_item: Optional comps item
Dictionary in structure of filename -> bytearray
# Retrieve comps item
if load_children is None:
load_children = ["files", "configuration"]
if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
logger.debug(f"Loading the files {files} from {item}")
if item.platform is None:
item.platform = platform
if comps_item is None:
comps_item = item.get_platform_object(True, load_children=load_children)
if len(files) == 0:
transients = []
assets = None
all_paths = set(files)
assets = set(path for path in all_paths if path.lower().startswith("assets"))
transients = all_paths.difference(assets)
# Create the return dict
ret = {}
# Retrieve the transient if any
if isinstance(comps_item, (Simulation, WorkItem)):
if transients or len(files) == 0:
transient_files = comps_item.retrieve_output_files(paths=transients)
ret = dict(zip(transients, transient_files))
ret = dict()
# Take care of the assets
if assets and comps_item.configuration:
# Get the collection_id for the simulation
collection_id = comps_item.configuration.asset_collection_id
if collection_id:
# Retrieve the files
for file_path in assets:
# Normalize the separators
normalized_path = ntpath.normpath(file_path)
if cache is not None:
ret[file_path] = cache.memoize()(get_file_from_collection)(platform, collection_id, normalized_path)
ret[file_path] = get_file_from_collection(platform, collection_id, normalized_path)
return ret
[docs]def update_item(platform: IPlatform, item_id: str, item_type: ItemType, tags: dict = None, name: str = None):
"""Utility function to update existing COMPS experiment/simulation/workitem's tags.
For example, you can add/update simulation's tag once its post-process is done to mark the simulation with
more meaningful text with tag/name
platform: Platform
item_id: experiment/simulation/workitem id
item_type: The type of the object to be retrieved
tags: tags dict for update
name: name of experiment/simulation/workitem
comps_item = platform.get_item(item_id, item_type, raw=True)
current_tags = comps_item.tags
if tags is not None:
if name is not None:
comps_item.name = name