Source code for idmtools_platform_local.cli.local

"""idmtools local platform group.

Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
import time

import click
import docker
import stringcase as stringcase
from colorama import Fore

from idmtools_cli.cli.entrypoint import cli
from idmtools_platform_local.cli.utils import get_service_info
from idmtools_platform_local.infrastructure.docker_io import DockerIO
from idmtools_platform_local.infrastructure.service_manager import DockerServiceManager

[docs]class LocalCliContext: """Local CLI Context.""" do: DockerIO = None sm: DockerServiceManager = None
[docs] def __init__(self, config=None): """Constructor.""" client = docker.from_env() if config is None: config = dict() = DockerIO() = DockerServiceManager(client, **config)
cli_command_type = LocalCliContext pass_do = click.make_pass_decorator(LocalCliContext)
[docs]def stop_services(cli_context: LocalCliContext, delete_data): """Stop services.""" if delete_data: delete_data = click.confirm( f'Do you want to remove all data associated with the local platform?({})', abort=True)"Commands related to managing the local platform") @click.option('--run-as', default=None, help="Change the default user you run docker containers as. " "Useful is situations where you need to access docker with sudo. " "Example values are \"1000:1000\"") @click.pass_context def local(ctx, run_as): """Local command group. We create our local platform context here. """ config = dict() if run_as: config['run_as'] = run_as ctx.obj = LocalCliContext(config) @local.command() @click.option("--delete-data/--no-delete-data", default=False) @pass_do def down(cli_context: LocalCliContext, delete_data): """Shutdown the local execution platform(and optionally delete data.""" stop_services(cli_context, delete_data) @local.command() @click.option("--delete-data/--no-delete-data", help="SHold the local platform be deleted", default=False) @pass_do def stop(cli_context: LocalCliContext, delete_data): """Stop the local platform.""" stop_services(cli_context, delete_data) @local.command() @pass_do def start(cli_context: LocalCliContext): """Start the local execution platform.""" try: time.sleep(4) import webbrowser from idmtools_platform_local.config import get_api_path"/api", "")) except Exception as e: click.echo(f"Could not open in web browser: {str(e)}") pass @local.command() @pass_do def restart(cli_context: LocalCliContext): """Restart the local execution platform.""" @local.command() @click.option("--logs/--no-logs", default=False) @click.option("--diff/--no-diff", default=False) @click.option('--output-filename', default=None, help="Output filename") @pass_do def info(cli_context: LocalCliContext, logs: bool, diff: bool, output_filename: str): # noqa: D103 i = get_service_info(, diff, logs) if output_filename is not None: with open(output_filename, 'w') as logout: logout.write(i) else: print(i) @local.command() @pass_do def status(cli_context: LocalCliContext): """ Check the status of the local execution platform. """ for c in ['redis', 'postgres', 'workers']: container =, create=False) container_status_text(stringcase.titlecase(c), container)
[docs]def container_status_text(name, container): """ Print container status in color based on state. Args: name: Name to display container: Container to status Returns: None """ if container: click.echo( f'{name: >10}: [{Fore.GREEN}{container.status}{Fore.RESET}] [{ >17}] [{container.short_id}] [{container.labels}]') else: click.echo(f'{name: >10}: [{Fore.RED}down{Fore.RESET}]')