Source code for idmtools_platform_local.local_platform
"""idmtools local platform.
Copyright 2021, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All rights reserved.
import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from logging import getLogger
from typing import List, Optional
from idmtools.core import ItemType
from idmtools.core.system_information import get_data_directory
from idmtools.entities.iplatform import IPlatform
from idmtools.entities.platform_requirements import PlatformRequirements
from idmtools.utils.entities import get_dataclass_common_fields
from idmtools_platform_local.infrastructure.docker_io import DockerIO
from idmtools_platform_local.infrastructure.service_manager import DockerServiceManager
from idmtools_platform_local.platform_operations.experiment_operations import LocalPlatformExperimentOperations
from idmtools_platform_local.platform_operations.simulation_operations import LocalPlatformSimulationOperations
logger = getLogger(__name__)
op_defaults = dict(default=None, compare=False, metadata={"pickle_ignore": True})
supported_types = [PlatformRequirements.DOCKER, PlatformRequirements.GPU, PlatformRequirements.SHELL,
PlatformRequirements.NativeBinary, PlatformRequirements.LINUX]
class LocalPlatform(IPlatform):
Represents the platform allowing to run simulations locally.
#: Directory where data for local platform such as files and postgres data will be stored
host_data_directory: str = field(default=get_data_directory(), metadata={"help": "Where to store the local platform files"})
#: Name of the docker network to use
network: str = field(default='idmtools')
#: What redis image should we use
redis_image: str = field(default='redis:5.0.9-alpine')
#: Port for redis to bind to
redis_port: int = field(default=6379)
#: Runtime. Defaults to runc, but can be set to nvidia-docker
runtime: Optional[str] = field(default=None)
#: Memory limit for redis
redis_mem_limit: str = field(default='128m')
#: How much memory should redis preallocate
redis_mem_reservation: str = field(default='64m')
#: Postgres image to use
postgres_image: str = field(default='postgres:11.9')
#: Postgres memory limit
postgres_mem_limit: str = field(default='64m')
#: How much memory should postgres reserve
postgres_mem_reservation: str = field(default='32m')
#: What port should postgres listen to
postgres_port: Optional[str] = field(default=5432)
#: Memory limit for workers
workers_mem_limit: str = field(default='16g', metadata={"help": "Memory limits for the workers (16g = 16 Gigabytes)"})
#: How much memory should the workers pre-allocate
workers_mem_reservation: str = field(default='128m')
#: Workers image to use. Defaults to version compatible with current idmtools version
workers_image: str = field(default=None)
#: Workers UI port
workers_ui_port: int = field(default=5000)
#: Heartbeat timeout
heartbeat_timeout: int = field(default=15)
#: Default timeout when talking to local platform
default_timeout: int = field(default=45, metadata={"help": "Timeout (in seconds) when communicating with the local platform"})
#: Launch experiments created in the browser
launch_created_experiments_in_browser: bool = field(default=False)
#: allows user to specify auto removal of docker worker containers
auto_remove_worker_containers: bool = field(default=True)
#: Enables singularity support. This requires elevated privileges on docker and should only be used when using singularity within workflows. This feature is in BETA so it may be unstable
enable_singularity_support: bool = field(default=False)
# We use this to manage our docker containers
_sm: Optional[DockerServiceManager] = field(**op_defaults, repr=False, init=False)
_do: DockerIO = field(**op_defaults, repr=False, init=False)
_experiments: LocalPlatformExperimentOperations = field(**op_defaults, repr=False, init=False)
_simulation: LocalPlatformSimulationOperations = field(**op_defaults, repr=False, init=False)
_platform_supports: List[PlatformRequirements] = field(default_factory=lambda: copy.deepcopy(supported_types),
repr=False, init=False)
def __post_init__(self):
logger.debug("Setting up local platform")
self.supported_types = {ItemType.EXPERIMENT, ItemType.SIMULATION}
def __init_interfaces(self):
Create our interfaces.
Here, we try to load the service manager. If not defined, we create it and assure all our containers are running before continuing.
# Start our docker services
if self._sm is None:
# import docker here to avoid need to do it later
import docker
client = docker.from_env()
opts = get_dataclass_common_fields(self, DockerServiceManager)
self._sm = DockerServiceManager(client, **opts)
self._do = DockerIO(self.host_data_directory)
self._experiments = LocalPlatformExperimentOperations(platform=self)
self._simulations = LocalPlatformSimulationOperations(platform=self)
[docs] def cleanup(self, delete_data: bool = False, shallow_delete: bool = False, tear_down_brokers: bool = False):
Cleanup the platform.
If delete data is true, the local platform data is deleted.
If shallow delete is true, just the data within the local platform data directory is deleted.
If tear down brokers is true, the task brokers talking to the server are destroyed.
delete_data: Should data be deleted
shallow_delete: Should just the files be deleted
tear_down_brokers: Should we destroy our brokers
self._sm.cleanup(delete_data, tear_down_brokers=tear_down_brokers)
self._do.cleanup(delete_data, shallow_delete=shallow_delete)