What’s new#

All notable changes to the codebase are documented in this file. Changes that may result in differences in model output, or are required in order to run an old parameter set with the current version, are flagged with the term “Regression information”.

Version 2.0.0 (2024-10-01)#


Version 2.0 contains several major changes. These include: module-specific timesteps and time-aware parameters (including a day/year unit flag for modules, and ss.dur() and ss.rate() classes for parameters), and changes to module types and integration (e.g. renaming update() and apply() methods to step();).

Time-aware parameters and modules#

  • Added ss.dur(), ss.rate(), and ss.time_prob() classes, for automatic handling of time units in simulations. There are also convenience classes ss.days(), ss.years(), ss.perday(), ss.peryear(), and ss.beta() for special cases of these.

  • ss.dur() and ss.rate(), along with modules and the sim itself, have a unit parameter which can be 'day', 'week', 'month', or 'year' (default). Modules now also have their own timestep dt. Different units and timesteps can be mixed and matched. Time parameters have a to() method, e.g. ss.dur(1, 'year').to('day') will return ss.dur(365, unit='day').

  • The ss.Sim parameter n_years has been renamed dur; sim.yearvec is now sim.timevec, which can have units of days (usually starting at 0), dates (e.g. '2020-01-01'), or years (e.g. 2020). sim.abs_tvec is the translation of sim.timevec as a numeric array starting at 0, using the sim’s units (usually 'day' or 'year'). For example, if sim.timevec is a list of daily dates from '2022-01-01' to '2022-12-31', sim.abs_tvec will be np.arange(365).

  • Each module also has its own mod.timevec; this can be different from the sim if it defines its own time unit and/or timestep. mod.abs_tvec always starts at 0 and always uses the sim’s unit.

  • There is a new Loop class which handles the integration loop. You can view the integration plan via sim.loop.to_df() or sim.loop.plot(). You can see how long each part of the sim took with sim.loop.plot_cpu().

  • There are more advanced debugging tools. You can run a single sim timestep with sim.run_one_step() (which in turn calls multiple functions), and you can run a single function from the integration loop with sim.loop.run_one_step().

Module changes#

  • Functionality has been moved from ss.Plugin to ss.Module, and the former has been removed.

  • ss.Connector functionality has been moved to ss.Module. ss.Module objects can be placed anywhere in the list of modules (e.g., in demographics, networks, diseases, interventions), depending on when you want them to execute. However, ss.Connector objects are applied after Disease.step_state() and before Network.step().

  • Many of the module methods have been renamed; in particular, all modules now have a step() method, which replaces update() (for demographics and networks), apply() (for interventions and analyzers), and make_new_cases() (for diseases). For both the sim and modules, initialize() has been renamed init().

  • All modules are treated the same in the integration loop, except for diseases, which have step_state() and step_die() methods.

  • The Starsim module states.py has been moved to arrays.py, and network.py has been moved to networks.py.

State and array changes#

  • ss.Arr, ss.TimePar, and ss.Result all inherit from the new class ss.BaseArr, which provides functionality similar to a NumPy array, except all values are stored in arr.values (like a pd.Series).

  • Whereas before, computations on an ss.Arr usually returned a NumPy array, calculations now usually return the same type. To access the NumPy array, use arr.values.

  • There is a new ss.State class, which is a subtype of ss.BoolArr. Typically, ss.State is used for boolean disease states, such as infected, susceptible, etc., where you want to automatically generate results (e.g. n_infected). You can continue using ss.BoolArr for other agent attributes that you don’t necessarily want to automatically generate results for, e.g. ever_vaccinated.

Results changes#

  • Results are now defined differently. They should be defined in ss.Module.init_results(), not ss.Module.init_pre(). They now take the module name, number of points, and time vector from the parent module. As a result, they are usually initialized via ss.Module.define_results(res1, res2) (as opposed to mod.results += [res1, res2] previously). define_results() automatically adds these properties from the parent module; they can still be defined explicitly if needed however.

  • Because results now store their own time information, they can be plotted in a self-contained way. Both ss.Result and ss.Results objects now have plot() and to_df() methods.

Demographics changes#

  • Fixed a bug in how results were defined for ss.Births and ss.Deaths.

  • The ss.Pregnancy module has been significantly rewritten, including: (1) Agents now have a parent which indicates the UID of the parent; (2) Women now track child_uid; (3) On neonatal death, the pregnancy state of the mother is corrected; (4) Pregnancy rates now adjusted for infecund rather than pregnant; (4) Pregnancy now has a burn-in, which defaults to True; (5) Pregnancy has a p_neonatal_death parameter to capture fetal and neonatal death if the mother dies.

  • Slots now has a minimum, default of 100, to account for small initial population sizes that grow dramatically over time.

Computational changes#

  • There have been several performance improvements. The default float type is now np.float32. Transmission is now handled by a specialized Infection.compute_transmission() method. Several additional functions now use Numba, including fastmath=True, which leverages Intel’s short vector math library.

  • A new ss.multi_random() distribution class has been added, that allows random numbers to be generated by two (or more) agents. It largely replaces ss.combine_rands() and is 5-10x faster.

  • A new ss.gamma() distribution has also been added.

  • Distributions have a new jump_dt method that jumps by much more than a single state update.

  • ss.parallel() and ss.MultiSim.run() now modify simulations in place by default. Instead of sims = ss.parallel(sim1, sim2).sims; sims[0].plot(), you can now simply do ss.parallel(sim1, sim2); sim1.plot().

Other changes#

  • Data can now be supplied to a simulation; it will be automatically plotted by sim.plot().

  • ss.Calibration has been significantly reworked, and now includes more flexible parameter setting, plus plotting (calib.plot_sims() and calib.plot_trend()). It also has a debug argument (which runs in serial rather than paralell), which can be helpful for troubleshooting issues.

  • MultiSim now has display methods brief() (minimal), show() (moderate), and disp (verbose).

  • sim.export_df() has been renamed sim.to_df().

  • Most classes now have to_json() methods (which can also export to a dict).

  • Fixed a bug in how the InfectionLog is added to disease modules.

  • Sim.gitinfo has been replaced with Sim.metadata (which includes git info).

  • Infection.validate_beta() is now applied on every timestep, so changes to beta during the simulation are now honored.

  • sim.get_intervention() and sim.get_analyzer() have been removed; use built-in ndict operations (e.g., the label) to find the object you’re after.

  • requires has been removed from modules, but ss.check_requires() is still available if needed. Call it manually from init_pre() if desired, e.g. a PMTCT intervention might call ss.check_requires(self.sim, ['hiv', 'maternalnet']).

  • For networks, contacts has been renamed edges except in cases where it refers to an agent’s contacts. For example, network.contacts has been renamed network.edges, but ss.find_contacts() remains the same.

  • Networks now have a to_graph() method that exports to NetworkX.

  • ss.diff_sims() can now handle MultiSim objects.

  • Sim._orig_pars has been removed.

  • ss.unique() has been removed.

Regression information#

  • Note: the list here covers major changes only; in general, Starsim v1.0 scripts will not be compatible with Starsim v2.0.

  • Results from Starsim v2.0 will be stochastically (but not statistically) different from Starsim v1.0.

  • All duration and rate parameters should now be wrapped with ss.dur() and ss.rate(). Events that represent probabilities over time (i.e. hazard rates) can also be wrapped with ss.time_prob(), although this is similar to ss.rate() unless the value is relatively large.

  • ss.Plugin has been removed. Use ss.Module instead.

  • init_results() is now called by init_pre(), and does not need to be called explicitly.

  • default_pars() has been renamed define_pars().

  • add_states() has been renamed define_states()

  • initialize() has been renamed init().

  • Demographics.update() has been renamed Demographics.step().

  • Network.update() has been renamed Network.step().

  • Disease.update_pre() has been renamed Disease.step_state().

  • Disease.make_new_cases() has been renamed Disease.step().

  • Disease.update_death() has been renamed Disease.step_die() (which is now called by People.step_die()).

  • Infection._set_cases() has been renamed Infection.set_outcomes().

  • Intervention.apply(sim) has been renamed Intervention.step(); ditto for Analyzer.

  • Module.step() no longer takes sim as an argument (e.g., replace intervention.apply(sim) with intervention.step()).

  • All modules now have methods for start_step(), finish_step(), init_results(), and update_results().

  • Network.contacts has been renamed Network.edges.

  • sim.get_intervention() and sim.get_analyzer() have been removed; simply call directly instead (e.g. replace sim.get_intervention('vaccine') with sim.interventions['vaccine']).

  • requires is no longer an attribute of modules; call the ss.check_requires() function directly if needed.

  • People.resolve_deaths() has been renamed People.check_deaths()

  • ss.unique() has been removed.

  • GitHub info: PR 626

Version 1.0.3 (2024-09-26)#

  • Fixes a bug in which some intervention parameters (e.g. eligibility) do not get set properly.

  • GitHub info: PR 639

Version 1.0.2 (2024-09-25)#

  • Fixes a bug in which random numbers drawn from auto-jumped distributions would overlap with random numbers drawn from subsequent timesteps.

  • GitHub info: PR 639

Version 1.0.1 (2024-07-22)#

  • Adds a new distribution, ss.rand_raw(), that samples raw integers from the random number bit generator, for use with calculating transmission. This version is roughly 20-30% faster than the previous implementation.

  • Adds interpolation to age-standardized fertility rate (ASFR) data.

  • Adds flexibility to ART initiation.

  • GitHub info: PR 593

Version 1.0.0 (2024-07-10)#

  • Official release of Starsim!

  • Adds a Calibration class, based on Optuna, to facilitate the calibration of Starsim models.

  • Adds mean(), median(), and plot() methods to MultiSim.

  • Adds low and high attributes to Result objects.

  • Adds a flatten() method to Results, allowing nested Results objects to be turned into flat dictionaries.

  • Removes duplicate UIDs among new infections, and adds a unique() method to ss.uids.

  • Fixes a bug that prevented ss.lognorm_im() from using callable parameters.

  • Updates the default Sim string representation to be a single line; the more verbose version is available via sim.disp().

  • GitHub info: PR 581

Version 0.5.10 (2024-07-03)#

  • Adds two new common-random-number-safe networks. The first is an Erdős-Rényi network that is similar to RandomNet but parameterized differently. The second is a 2D spatial network with connectivity between agents within a given radius; these agents can also optionally move.

  • GitHub info: PR 575

Version 0.5.9 (2024-06-30)#

  • Added a ss.histogram() distribution, which allows generating new random values from an empirical histogram.

  • When binned age data is provided to specify the initial ages for new agents, the ages are now distributed throughout the year/bin rather than new agents being assigned integer ages

  • Initial age data is now accepted as a pd.Series rather than a pd.DataFrame where the index corresponds to the age values, thereby avoiding the need for specific dataframe column names to be used to specify the age and value

  • GitHub info: PR 572

Version 0.5.8 (2024-06-30)#

  • Revert to making infection logging disabled by default. However, the infection log will now always be created so disease subclasses can override logging behaviour where required (e.g., to capture additional metadata)

  • Backwards-compatibility notes: Logging has been moved from an argument to Disease to pars. Existing code such as Disease(log=True) should be changed to Disease(pars={'log':True}). The ‘log’ option can be added to the pars passed to any subclass e.g., ss.HIV(pars={...,log=True}).

  • GitHub info: PR 573

Version 0.5.7 (2024-06-27)#

  • Implemented a new ss.combine_rands() function based on a bitwise-XOR, since the previous modulo-based approach could introduce correlations between pairs of agents.

  • GitHub info: PR 546

Version 0.5.6 (2024-06-22)#

  • ss.Infection.make_new_cases() now returns the index of the network associated with each transmission event

  • If a People object is provided to the Arr constructor, the arrays will be pre-initialized to index the current UIDs in the People object. This enables construction of temporary Arr instances that can be used to perform intermediate calculations (e.g., inside Intervention.apply() or within a module update step)

  • Deprecated Arr(raw=...) argument to simplify initialization, as in practice the raw variable is not directly set, and this update also introduces a new pathway for initializating the raw attribute

  • ss.uids.to_numpy() now returns a view rather than a copy

  • ss.bernoulli.filter() now supports ss.BoolArr as an input, where the filtering will operate on the uids returned by ss.BoolArr.uids

  • ss.uids() supports construction from set objects (via np.fromiter())

  • GitHub info: PR 565

Version 0.5.5 (2024-06-19)#

  • Added labels to Result and state (Arr) objects.

  • Added Numba decorator to find_contacts to significantly increase performance.

  • Fixed bug when comparing uids and BoolArr objects.

  • GitHub info: PR 562

Version 0.5.4 (2024-06-18)#

  • Adjusted RandomNet to avoid connections to unborn agents and use random rounding for half edges

  • Adds get_analyzers and get_analyzer

  • Refactor how data is pre-processed for births/pregnancy/death rates, giving about a 10% decrease in run time for the STIsim HIV model

  • BoolArr.uids is automatically called when doing set operations on uids with a BoolArr

  • GitHub info: PR 555

Version 0.5.3 (2024-06-10)#

  • ss.uids class implements set operators to facilitate combining or otherwise operating on collections of UIDs

  • FloatArr.isnan and FloatArr.notnan return BoolArr instances rather than UIDs (so as to facilitate logical operations with other BoolArr instances, and to align more closely with np.isnan)

  • Arr.true() and Arr.false() are supported for all Arr subclasses

  • BoolArr.isnan and Boolarr.notnan are also implemented (although since BoolArr cannot store NaN values, these always return False and True, respectively)

  • GitHub info: PR 544

Version 0.5.2 (2024-06-04)#

  • Renames network.contacts to network.edges.

  • For modules (including diseases, networks, etc.), renames initialize() to init_pre() and init_vals() to init_post().

  • Renames ss.delta() to ss.constant().

  • Allows Arr objects to be indexed by integer (which are assumed to be UIDs).

  • Fixes bug when using callable parameters with ss.lognorm_ex() and ss.lognorm_im().

  • Fixes bug when initializing ss.StaticNet().

  • Updates default birth rate from 0 to 30 (so demographics=True is meaningful).

  • Adds min_age and max_age parameters to the Pregnancy module (with defaults 15 and 50 years).

  • Adds an option for the sir_vaccine to be all-or-nothing instead of leaky.

  • Updates baseline test from HIV to SIR + SIS.

  • Fixes issue with infection log not being populated.

  • GitHub info: PR 527

Version 0.5.1 (2024-05-15)#

  • Separates maternal transmission into prenatal and postnatal modules.

  • GitHub info: PR 509

Version 0.5.0 (2024-05-14)#


All inputs to the sim and modules now use a ss.Pars() class, which handles updating and validation. It is now not necessary to ever use pars= (although you still can if you want), so what was previously:

sim = ss.Sim(pars=dict(diseases='sir', networks='random'))

is now just:

sim = ss.Sim(diseases='sir', networks='random')

Updates happen recursively, so distributions etc. can be flexibly updated.

This has significantly changed how modules are initialized; what was previously:

def __init__(self, pars=None, **kwargs):

    pars = ss.omergeleft(pars,
        dur_inf = 6,
        init_prev = 0.01,
        p_death = 0.01,
        beta = 0.5,

    par_dists = ss.omergeleft(par_dists,
        dur_inf = ss.lognorm_ex,
        init_prev = ss.bernoulli,
        p_death = ss.bernoulli,

    super().__init__(pars=pars, par_dists=par_dists, *args, **kwargs)

is now:

def __init__(self, pars=None, **kwargs):
        beta = 0.5,
        init_prev = ss.bernoulli(0.01),
        dur_inf = ss.lognorm_ex(6),
        p_death = ss.bernoulli(0.01),
    self.update_pars(pars, **kwargs)

Parameter changes#

  • Added a ss.Pars class (and a ss.SimPars subclass) that handles parameter creation, updates, and validation.

  • Initialization has been moved from sim.py to parameters.py; ss.Sim.convert_plugins() has been replaced by ss.SimPars.convert_modules().

  • The key method is ss.Pars.update(), which performs all necessary validation on the parameters being updated.

Initialization changes#

  • Previously, the people were initialized first, then the states were initialized and the values populated, then the modules were initialized, and finally the distributions are initialized. This led to circular logic with the states being initialized based on uninitialized distributions. Now, states and modules are linked to the People and Sim objects, but further initialization is not done at this step. This ensures all distributions are created but not yet used. Next, distributions are initialized. Finally, the initial values are populated, and everything is initialized.

  • New methods supporting these changes include ss.link_dists(), dist.link_sim(), dist.link_module(), sim.init_vals(), people.init_vals(), module.init_vals(),

Module changes#

  • Whereas modules previously initialized a dict of parameters and then called super().__init__(pars, **kwargs), they now call super().__init__() first, then self.default_pars(par1=x, par2=y), then finally self.update_pars(pars, **kwargs).

  • What was previously e.g. ss.Module(pars=dict(par=x)) is now ss.Module(par=x).

  • par_dists has been removed; instead, distributions are specified in the default parameters, and are updated via the Pars object.

  • Modules now contain a link back to the Sim object. This means that all methods that used to have sim as an argument now do not, e.g. self.update() instead of self.update(sim).

  • ss.module_map() maps different module types to their location in the sim.

  • ss.find_modules() finds all available modules (including subclasses) in Starsim.

  • Removed ss.dictmerge() and ss.dictmergeleft (now handled by ss.Pars.update()).

  • Removed ss.get_subclasses() and ss.all_subclasses() (now handled by ss.find_modules()).

  • Modules can no longer be initialized with a name key; it must be type (e.g. dict(type='sir') rather than dict(name='sir').

  • Added to_json() and plot() methods to Module.

  • Removed connectors.py; connectors still exist but as an empty subclass of Module.

People and network changes#

  • BasePeople has been removed and merged with People.

  • Time parameters (ti, dt, etc.) have been removed from People. Use sim.ti, sim.dt etc. instead. One consequence of this is that people.request_death() now requires a sim argument. Another is that network methods (e.g. add_pairs()) now take sim arguments instead of people arguments.

  • SexualNetwork is now a subclass of DynamicNetwork.

  • Removed ss.Networks (now just an ss.ndict).

  • Network connectors have been removed.

  • Person has been implemented as a slice of sim.people[i].

  • There is a new parameter use_aging; this defaults to True if demographic modules are supplied, and False otherwise.

Other changes#

  • Boolean arrays have new methods true(), false(), and split(), which return the UIDs for the True values (alias to arr.uids), False values, and both sets of values, respectively. ss.bernoulli.split() has been added as an alias of ss.bernoulli.filter(both=True).

  • All inputs to a sim are now copied by default. To disable, use ss.Sim(..., copy_inputs=False).

  • There is a new Plugin class, which contains shared logic for Interventions and Analyzers. It has a from_func(), which will generate an intervention/analyzer from a function.

  • Diseases no longer have a default value of beta=1 assigned; beta must be defined explicitly if being used.

  • Individual diseases can now be plotted via either e.g. sim.plot('hiv') or sim.diseases.hiv.plot().

  • Distributions can be created from dicts via ss.make_dist().

  • A new function ss.check_sims_match() will check if the results of two or more simulations match.

  • ndict values can be accessed through a call; e.g. sim.diseases() is equivalent to sim.diseases.values().

  • Merged test_dcp.py and test_base.py into test_other.py.

  • Renamed test_simple.py to test_sim.py.

  • Renamed test_dists.py to test_randomness.py.

  • GitHub info: PR 488

Version 0.4.0 (2024-04-24)#

  • Replace UIDArray, ArrayView, and State with Arr, which has different subclasses for different data types (e.g. FloatArr, BoolArr, and IndexArr). States are usually represented by BoolArr (e.g. sir.infected), while other agent properties are represented by FloatArr (e.g. sir.rel_trans).

  • Arrays that had previously been represented using an integer data type (e.g. sir.ti_infected) are now also FloatArr, to allow the use of np.nan. Integer arrays are supported via IndexArr, but these are only intended for use for slots and UIDs.

  • Arr objects automatically skip over dead (or otherwise removed) agents; the “active” UIDs are stored in sim.people.auids, which is updated when agents are born or die. This array is linked to each Arr, so that e.g. sim.people.age.mean() will only calculate the mean over alive agents. To access the underlying Numpy array, use sim.people.age.raw.

  • FloatArr has isnan, notnan, and notnanvals properties. BoolArr has logical operations defined. For example, ~people.female works, but ~people.ti_dead does not; people.ti_dead.notnan works, but people.female.notnan does not.

  • UIDs used to be NumPy integer arrays; they are now ss.uids objects (which is a class, but is lowercase for consistency with np.array(), which it is functionally similar to). Indexing a state by an integer array rather than ss.uids() now raises an exception, due to the ambiguity involved. To index the underlying array with an integer array, use Arr.raw[int_arr]; to index only the active/alive agents, use Arr.values[int_arr].

  • Dead agents are no longer removed, so uid always corresponds to the position in the array. This means that no remapping is necessary, which has a significant performance benefit (roughly 2x faster for large numbers of agents).

  • Renamed omerge to dictmerge and omergeleft to dictmergeleft.

  • GitHub info: PR 456

Version 0.3.4 (2024-04-18)#

  • Default duration of edges in ss.RandomNet changed from 1 to 0; this does not matter if dt=1, but does matter with smaller dt values.

  • Removed ss.HPVNet.

  • new_deaths now counted for cholera.

  • Crude birth and death rates now take dt into account.

  • The ability to use a centralized random number generator has been restored via ss.options(_centralized=True); this option not advised, but can be used for testing.

  • GitHub info: PR 473

Version 0.3.3 (2024-04-16)#

  • Changed Ebola model transmission logic.

  • Fixed bug with module names not being preserved with multiple initialization.

  • GitHub info: PR 463

Version 0.3.2 (2024-04-08)#

  • Change to syphilis model to permit latent transmission.

  • GitHub info: PR 450

Version 0.3.1 (2024-03-31)#

  • Added SIS model.

  • Fixes distribution initialization.

  • Allows interventions and analyzers to be functions.

  • Tidies up tests.

  • Performance improvements in UIDArray (~3x faster for large numbers of agents).

  • GitHub info: PR 428

Version 0.3.0 (2024-03-30)#

New RNGs & distributions#

  • Replaces ss.SingleRNG(), ss.MultiRNG(), ss.ScipyDistribution(), and ss.ScipyHistogram() with a single ss.Dist() class. The starsim.random and starsim.distributions submodules have been removed, and starsim.dists has been added.

  • The ss.Dist class uses np.random.default_rng() rather than scipy.stats by default, although a scipy.stats distribution can be supplied as an alternative. This is up to 4x faster (including, critically, for Bernoulli distributions).

  • Also removes ss.options.multirng (the new version is equivalent to it being always on).

  • Removes duplicate logic for transmission (make_new_cases())

  • Adds new custom distributions such as ss.choice() and ss.delta().

  • These distributions can be called directly, e.g. dist = ss.weibull(c=2); dist(5) will return 5 random variates from a Weibull distribution.

  • Instead of being manually initialized based on the name, the Sim object is parsed and all distributions will be initialized with a unique identifier based on their place in the object (e.g. sim.diseases.sir.pars.dur_inf), which is used to set their unique seed.

Other changes#

  • This PR also fixes bugs with lognormal parameters, and makes it clear whether the parameters are for the implicit normal distribution (ss.lognorm_im(), the NumPy/SciPy default, equivalent to ss.lognorm_mean() previously) or the “explicit” lognormal distribution (ss.lognorm_ex(), equivalent to ss.lognorm() previously).

  • Renames ss.dx, ss.tx, ss.vx to``ss.Dx``, ss.Tx, ss.Vx.

  • Removed set_numba_seed() as a duplicate of set_seed().

  • GitHub info: PR 392

Version 0.2.10 (2024-03-18)#

  • SIR duration of infection now accounts for dt

  • Reworked sir_vaccine to modify rel_sus instead of moving agents from susceptible to recovered.

  • n_years no longer necessarily an integer

  • GitHub info: PR 389

Version 0.2.9 (2024-03-18)#

  • Renames and extends the multirng option in settings, now called ‘rng’, which set how random numbers are handled in Starsim with three options:

    • “centralized” uses the centralized numpy random number generator for all distributions.

    • “single” uses a separate (SingleRNG) random number generator for each distribution.

    • “multi” uses a separate (MultiRNG) random number generator for each distribution.

  • GitHub info: PR 349

Version 0.2.8 (2024-03-13)#

  • Add ss.demo() to quickly create a default simulation.

  • GitHub info: PR 380

Version 0.2.7 (2024-03-09)#

  • Update StaticNet with defaults and correct argument passing

  • GitHub info: PR 339

Version 0.2.6 (2024-02-29)#

  • Make random number streams independent for SIR

  • GitHub info: PR 307

Version 0.2.5 (2024-02-29)#

  • Improve logic for making new cases with multi-RNG

  • GitHub info: PR 337

Version 0.2.4 (2024-02-27)#

  • Improve sim.summarize()

  • Improve sim.plot()

  • Improve SIR model defaults

  • GitHub info: PR 320

Version 0.2.3 (2024-02-26)#

  • Removes STI class

  • Changes default death rate from units of per person to per thousand people

  • Allows ss.Sim(demographics=True) to enable births and deaths

  • Fix pickling of State objects

  • Rename networks.py to network.py, and fix HIV mortality

  • GitHub info: PRs 305, 308, 317

Version 0.2.2 (2024-02-26)#

  • Add the Samples class

  • GitHub info: PR 311

Version 0.2.1 (2024-02-22)#

  • Only remove dead agents on certain timesteps

  • GitHub info: PR 294

Version 0.2.0 (2024-02-15)#

  • Code reorganization, including making networks.py and disease.py to the top level

  • Networks moved from People to Sim

  • Various classes renamed (e.g. FusedArray to UIDArray, STI to Infection)

  • Better type checking

  • Added MultiSim

  • Added cholera, measles, and Ebola

  • Added vaccination

  • More flexible inputs

  • GitHub info: PR 235

Version 0.1.8 (2024-01-30)#

  • Transmission based on number of contacts

  • GitHub info: PR 220

Version 0.1.7 (2024-01-27)#

  • Performance enhancement for disease transmission, leading to a 10% decrease in runtime.

  • GitHub info: PR 217

Version 0.1.6 (2024-01-23)#

  • Adds template interventions and products for diagnostics and treatment

  • Adds syphilis screening & treatment interventions

  • GitHub info: PR 210

Version 0.1.5 (2024-01-23)#

  • Renamed stisim to starsim.

  • GitHub info: PR 200

Version 0.1.4 (2024-01-23)#

  • Adds a syphilis module

  • GitHub info: PR 206

Version 0.1.3 (2024-01-22)#

  • Read in age distributions for people initializations

  • GitHub info: PR 205

Version 0.1.2 (2024-01-19)#

  • Functionality for converting birth & fertility data to a callable parameter within SciPy distributions

  • GitHub info: PR 203

Version 0.1.1 (2024-01-12)#

  • Improving performance of MultiRNG

  • Now factoring the timestep, dt, into transmission calculations

  • GitHub info: PRs 204

Version 0.1.0 (2023-12-10)#

  • Allows SciPy distributions to be used as parameters

  • Optionally use multiple random number streams and other tricks to maintain coherence between simulations

  • Adding functionality to convert death rate data to a callable parameter within a SciPy distribution

  • GitHub info: PRs 170 and 202

Version 0.0.8 (2023-10-04)#

  • Enable removing people from simulations following death

  • GitHub info: PR 121

Version 0.0.7 (2023-09-08)#

  • Refactor distributions to use new Distribution class

  • GitHub info: PR 112

Version 0.0.6 (2023-08-30)#

  • Changes agent IDs from index-based to UID-based

  • Allows states to store their own data and live within modules

  • GitHub info: PR 88

Version 0.0.5 (2023-08-29)#

  • Refactor file structure

  • GitHub info: PRs 77 and 86

Version 0.0.2 (2023-06-29)#

  • Adds in basic Starsim functionality

  • GitHub info: PR 17

Version 0.0.1 (2023-06-22)#

  • Initial version.