Source code for synthpops.config

This module sets the location of the data folder and other global settings.

To change the level of log messages displayed, use e.g.


# %% Housekeeping

import os
import sys
import psutil
import sciris as sc
import logging
from . import version as spv
from . import defaults as spd

__all__ = ['logger',

# %% Logger

# Set the default logging level
default_log_level = ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'CRITICAL'][1]

logger = logging.getLogger('synthpops')

if not logger.hasHandlers(): # pragma: no cover
    # Only add handlers if they don't already exist in the module-level logger
    # This means that it's possible for the user to completely customize *a* logger called 'synthpops'
    # prior to importing SynthPops, and the user's custom logger won't be overwritten as long as it has
    # at least one handler already added.
    debug_handler   = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)  # info_handler will handle all messages below WARNING sending them to STDOUT
    info_handler    = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)  # info_handler will handle all messages below WARNING sending them to STDOUT
    warning_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)  # warning_handler will send all messages at or above WARNING to STDERR

    # Handle levels
    debug_handler.setLevel(0)  # Handle all lower levels - the output should be filtered further by setting the logger level, not the handler level
    info_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO)  # Handle all lower levels - the output should be filtered further by setting the logger level, not the handler level
    debug_handler.addFilter(type("ThresholdFilter", (object,), {"filter": lambda x, logRecord: logRecord.levelno < logging.INFO})())  # Display anything INFO or higher
    info_handler.addFilter(type("ThresholdFilter", (object,), {"filter": lambda x, logRecord: logRecord.levelno < logging.WARNING})())  # Don't display WARNING or higher

    # Set formatting and log level
    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s %(asctime)s.%(msecs)d %(filename)s:%(lineno)d%(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S')
    for handler in [debug_handler, info_handler, warning_handler]:
    logger.setLevel(default_log_level)  # Set the overall log level

[docs]def checkmem(unit='mb', fmt='0.2f', start=0, to_string=True): ''' For use with logger, check current memory usage ''' process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) mapping = {'b': 1, 'kb': 1e3, 'mb': 1e6, 'gb': 1e9} try: factor = mapping[unit.lower()] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(f'Unit {unit} not found') mem_use = process.memory_info().rss / factor - start if to_string: output = f'{mem_use:{fmt}} {unit.upper()}' else: output = mem_use return output
# %% Functions
[docs]def version_info(): print(f'Loading SynthPops v{spv.__version__} ({spv.__versiondate__}) from {spd.settings.thisdir}') print(f'Data folder: {spd.settings.datadir}') try: gitinfo = sc.gitinfo(__file__) print(f'Git information:') sc.pp(gitinfo) except: pass # Don't worry if git info isn't available return
def set_metadata(obj): ''' Set standard metadata for an object ''' obj.version = spv.__version__ obj.created = obj.git_info = sc.gitinfo(__file__, verbose=False) return
[docs]def set_location_defaults(country_location=None): # read the confiuration file data = spd.default_data if country_location in data.keys(): loc = data[country_location] spd.reset_settings(loc) # default_household_size_1_included = False if 'household_size_1' not in loc.keys() else loc['household_size_1'] # spd.reset_settings_by_key('household_size_1_included', default_household_size_1_included) elif country_location is None: logger.debug(f"Setting default location information with {spd.default_data['defaults']}.") # logger.warning(f"Setting default location information with {spd.default_data['defaults']}.") # we may want to set as a warning instead loc = data['defaults'] spd.reset_settings(loc) else: logger.warning(f"synthpops has no defaults for {country_location}. You can use sp.reset_settings() to set the default location information for the keys: {spd.settings.keys()}")
# initially set defaults for the usa set_location_defaults()
[docs]def set_datadir(root_dir, relative_path=None): ''' Set the data folder and relative path to the user-specified location. On startup, the datadir and rel_path are set to the conventions used to store data. datadir is the root directory to the data, and relative_path is a list of sub directories to the data --> to change the location of the data the user is able to supply a new root_dir and new relative path. If the user uses a similar directory path model that we use e.g. root_dir/demographics/contact... the user can change datadir without changing relative path, by passing in relative_path = None (default) -- note, mostly deprecated but still functional if needed. Args: root_dir (str) : new root directory for the data folder to point to relative_path (str) : new relative path to the root_dir Returns: str: path to the updated settings.datadir ''' datadir = root_dir if relative_path is not None: spd.reset_settings_by_key('relative_path', relative_path)'Done: data directory set to {root_dir}.')'Relative Path set to {spd.settings.relative_path}.') spd.reset_settings_by_key('datadir', datadir) return spd.settings.datadir
[docs]def set_nbrackets(n): '''Set the number of census brackets -- usually 16, 18 or 20.'''"set_nbrackets n = {n}") spd.reset_settings_by_key('nbrackets', n) if spd.settings.nbrackets not in spd.settings.valid_nbracket_ranges: logger.warning(f'Note: current supported bracket choices are {spd.settings.valid_nbracket_ranges}, use {spd.settings.nbrackets} at your own risk.')'Done: number of brackets is set to {n}.') return spd.settings.nbrackets
[docs]def validate_datadir(verbose=True): ''' Check that the data folder can be found. ''' if os.path.isdir(spd.settings.datadir):"The data folder {spd.settings.datadir} was found.") else: if spd.settings.datadir is None: raise FileNotFoundError(f'The datadir has not been set; use synthpops.set_datadir() and try again.') else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'The folder "{spd.settings.datadir}" does not exist.')