emodpy_generic.interventions.emergence module

emodpy_generic.interventions.emergence.basicEmergenceEvent(camp, genome=0, clade=0, start_day=1, nods=[])[source]

Seed infection at a particular time by importing a new infected individual.

Note that this function imports 20 individuals age 5. This could be made configurable but is not yet because this was created with a particular use case in mind. All other values are set to schema defaults.

  • genome – Genome of new infection.

  • clade – Clade of new infection.

  • start_day – WHEN: Day to start campaign event.

  • nods – WHERE: List of nodes at which infections will be seeded.


Campaign event that can be added to campaign.

emodpy_generic.interventions.emergence.basicSIAEvent(camp, cov=1.0, genome=0, clade=0, start_day=1, nods=[])[source]

Seed infection at a particular time by infected existing individuals (or agents really) in the simulation.

Note that the targeted ages are 0-5 years, not configurable without code change.

  • clade – Clade of new infection.

  • genome – Genome of new infection.

  • cov – WHO. Percentage of population to infect (given other targeting constrants).

  • start_day – WHEN: Day to start campaign event.

  • nods – WHERE: List of nodes at which infections will be seeded.


Campaign event that can be added to campaign.

emodpy_generic.interventions.emergence.new_intervention_as_file(timestep, filename=None)[source]

This function mostly exists for testing so one can exercise the functionality in a single function call.