Source code for emodpy.bamboo_api_utils

import logging
import requests
import json
import os
import stat
import pickle
import time
import keyring
import platform
import datetime
import tempfile
import mimetypes
import shutil
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

"""Bamboo API utilities library.

This library is designed to make interacting with the Bamboo API easier. It has several sub-components.

BambooConnection is a class which wraps connections to the IDM bamboo server. It handles login sessions and basic 
interactions like get requests and downloading files. The easiest way to use it is through the bamboo_connection() 
method which automatically tracks a singleton style instance.


    login('[email protected]', 'mypassword')

    This logs into the bamboo server and starts a session.
    Without a username and password the login() function will attempt to pull stored credentials via keyring. 
    Credentials can be saved using:
    save_credentials('username', 'password') 
    req = bamboo_connection().make_api_get_request('result/MYPROJ-MYPLAN/123', json=True)
    result_info = json.loads(req.content)

    This makes a git request to the 'result' API with values of 'MYPROJ-MYPLAN' for the plan key and '123' for the build 
    number and indicating the output should be in json format, with the request object as the return value. The output 
    of this API call is then in the .content member of the request which in this case is a plain-text string of json 
    formatted data that can be loaded into a json object via json.loads()  
    The remainder of this module is in the form of classes of static methods providing convenience functions for getting 
    information on builds that have run, build artifacts, and exporting build plans as java specs, check the comments for 
    each class for more information:


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def bamboo_connection(): global __BAMBOO_CONNECTION__ if not __BAMBOO_CONNECTION__: __BAMBOO_CONNECTION__ = BambooConnection() return __BAMBOO_CONNECTION__
[docs]class BambooConnection(object): """Bamboo API config and basic functionality/connectivity wrapper. Automatically probes the most likely endpoint locations (with and without https, with and without port numbers). Important functions: - login: logs into the bamboo api, caches the login token so you don't have to pass creds for every req. in a session - get_bamboo_api_url: translate a relative API URL into a fully qualified URL - normalize_url: detect whether a URL is relative or not, translate relative URLs to fully qualified ones - make_get_request: makes a request to the specified API url, adds some convenient error and login handling - download_file: downloads a file from the specified artifacts url to a location on disk """ # bamboo end-point parts __BAMBOO_SERVER__ = '' # 'idm-bamboo.internal.idm.ctr' __BAMBOO_PORT__ = '' # currently default of :80 on non-ssl __BAMBOO_PATH__ = '/bamboo' __SSL_VERIFY__ = True __HTTP__ = 'http://' __HTTPS__ = 'https://' __DEFAULT_TIMEOUT__ = 30 __RETRY_WAIT__ = 30 __MIN_RETRY_WAIT__ = 5 __LOGIN_RETRIES__ = 3 # bamboo credentials keyring settings (optional) __BAMBOO_API_KEYRING_SVC__ = 'bamboo_api' __BAMBOO_API_LOGIN__ = '_api_login_' def __init__(self): self._server = None # allows for a different level of debugging than the whole module self._session_cookie = None self.logged_in = False @property def server(self) -> str: """str: Keeps track of a single instance of the server base url. (e.g. http://idm-bamboo:8085)""" if not self._server: self._server = self.find_server() return self._server @property def session_cookie(self) -> requests.cookies: """str: Automatically load and instance the login session cookie jar.""" if not self._session_cookie: self._session_cookie = self.load_session_cookie() return self._session_cookie
[docs] def get_server_url(self, ssl: bool = True, useport: bool = False) -> str: """Get a particular variant of the server url w/ or w/o ssl and port (e.g. False/False -> http://idm-bamboo) Args: ssl (bool): whether to use ssl, default to using ssl useport (bool): whether to use the port, default to not use port Returns: str: endpoint url """ server_url = '' if ssl: server_url += self.__HTTPS__ else: server_url += self.__HTTP__ server_url += self.__BAMBOO_SERVER__ if not ssl and useport and self.__BAMBOO_PORT__: server_url += ':' + self.__BAMBOO_PORT__ if self.__BAMBOO_PATH__: server_url += self.__BAMBOO_PATH__ return server_url
[docs] def find_server(self) -> str: """Explore all possible server urls, return the first one found to exist. Returns: str: server url """ logger.debug('Determining bamboo server url...') # Try without port first for useSSL in [True, False]: for usePort in [False, True]: url = self.get_server_url(useSSL, usePort) logger.debug(f'Checking ({url})') if self.url_exists(url): logger.debug(f'Success! Found endpoint: {url}') return url raise ConnectionError('Unable to connect to Bamboo service endpoint url.')
[docs] def url_exists(self, url: str) -> bool: """Try a simple get request given an endpoint url, return whether it was successful (code 200). Args: url (str): url to issue a test request to Returns: bool: whether or not a request to the url succeeds (w/ status 200) """ try: r = requests.get(url, timeout=self.__DEFAULT_TIMEOUT__, verify=self.__SSL_VERIFY__) logger.debug(f'{url} response: {r.status_code}') if r.status_code == 200: return True except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # swallowing exceptions is intended, an exception means "the url doesn't exist" pass return False
@property def session_cookie_filename(self) -> str: """File where bamboo session cookie is stored. Returns: str: fully qualified file path of session cookie file """ return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.bamboo_session_cookie')
[docs] def get_bamboo_url(self, relative_url: str) -> str: """Add bamboo server, port, and protocol to bamboo url. Args: relative_url (str): relative url (artifact link or api url) Returns: str: fully qualified url """ # base server url is hardcoded with /bamboo already, remove it from the relative_url for prefix in ['bamboo', '/bamboo']: if relative_url.startswith(prefix): relative_url = relative_url[len(prefix):] if relative_url.startswith('/'): return f'{self.server}{relative_url}' else: return f'{self.server}/{relative_url}'
[docs] def get_bamboo_api_url(self, relative_url: str, json: bool = False, params: dict = {}) -> str: """ Get fully qualified bamboo api url from a relative url w/ given json mode and appending all parameters. Args: relative_url (str): api url (e.g. project/<project-key>) json (bool): whether to get results in json format (otherwise, default is xml) params (dict): name/value dictionary of query parameters Returns: str: fully qualified url that a request can be issued against """ url = f'rest/api/latest/{relative_url}' if json: url += '.json' if params: url += '?' + '&'.join([f'{name}={val}' for (name, val) in params.items()]) logger.debug(f"Bamboo API URL: {url}") return self.get_bamboo_url(url)
[docs] def save_credentials(self, username: str, password: str): """Save bamboo api login credentials using keyring. Args: username (str): bamboo api login username (e.g. [email protected]) password (str): bamboo api login password """ # delete stored password first (solves some weird behavior w/ keyring on linux sometimes) try: keyring.delete_password(self.__BAMBOO_API_KEYRING_SVC__, self.__BAMBOO_API_LOGIN__) keyring.delete_password(self.__BAMBOO_API_KEYRING_SVC__, username) except keyring.errors.PasswordDeleteError: # ignore delete error if passwords don't already exist pass keyring.set_password(self.__BAMBOO_API_KEYRING_SVC__, self.__BAMBOO_API_LOGIN__, username) keyring.set_password(self.__BAMBOO_API_KEYRING_SVC__, username, password)
[docs] def ensure_logged_in(self): """Check if a login session exists using saved cookies, if not login using keyring stored creds.""" if not self.logged_in: if self.login_session_exists(): logger.debug('Existing login session found.') self.logged_in = True else: logger.debug('No existing login session found.') self.login()
[docs] def login_session_exists(self) -> bool: """Test whether an existing session cookie exists and an active login session exists. Returns: bool: whether an active login session exists """ try: r = self._make_get_request_internal(self.get_bamboo_api_url('project')) if r.status_code == 200: return True except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # we're trying to find out if something is working or not, exceptions might happen if it's not, that's fine pass return False
[docs] def login(self, username: str = None, password=None) -> bool: """Login to the bamboo api. If username or password are not provided, use stored credentials from keyring. Args: username (str): bamboo api login username (e.g. [email protected]) password (str): bamboo api login password Returns: bool: success/failure """ if not username or not password: import keyring if not username: username = keyring.get_password(self.__BAMBOO_API_KEYRING_SVC__, self.__BAMBOO_API_LOGIN__) if not username: raise PermissionError('Unable to get credentials for bamboo API.') password = keyring.get_password(self.__BAMBOO_API_KEYRING_SVC__, username) success = False # sometimes the initial login process is slow or fails, allow for retries after a delay retries = 0 original_logging_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel() try: while not success: start = try: success = self._login_internal(username, password) if success: self.logged_in = True return success except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.warning('Failed to login to bamboo.') if retries >= self.__LOGIN_RETRIES__: logger.error('Retries exhausted!') raise logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) retries += 1 logger.debug(f'Retrying ({retries} of {self.__LOGIN_RETRIES__})...') seconds_passed = ( - start).total_seconds() remaining_wait_seconds = self.__RETRY_WAIT__ - seconds_passed if remaining_wait_seconds < self.__MIN_RETRY_WAIT__: remaining_wait_seconds = self.__MIN_RETRY_WAIT__ logger.debug(f'Waiting {round(remaining_wait_seconds)}s') time.sleep(remaining_wait_seconds) finally: logger.setLevel(original_logging_level) return success
def _login_internal(self, username: str = None, password=None) -> bool: """Internal implementation of bamboo api login using provided username and password. Wraps return values from bamboo w/ more helpful error handling, stores session cookie to disk so api calls in the same session don't need to keep providing the username/password. Args: username (str): bamboo api login username (e.g. [email protected]) password (str): bamboo api login password Returns: bool: success/failure """ url = f'{self.server}/rest/api/latest/?os_authType=basic' logger.debug(f'Logging in via: {url}') r = requests.get(url, auth=(username, password), timeout=self.__DEFAULT_TIMEOUT__, verify=self.__SSL_VERIFY__) if r.status_code == 200: self.write_session_cookie(r.cookies) self._session_cookie = r.cookies logger.debug('Login success!') return True else: logger.debug(f'Login Status Code: {r.status_code}') print(f'Login Status Code: {r.status_code}') if r.status_code == 401: raise PermissionError("Bamboo API returned status code 401, unauthorized.") raise ValueError("Unable to query bamboo API w/ url '{url}', status code {r.status_code}: {r.content}") return False
[docs] def normalize_url(self, url: str) -> str: """Determine whether a url is relative or fully qualified, translate relative urls to fully qualified versions. Args: url (str): relative or fully qualified url Returns: str: fully qualified url """ if url.startswith(self.__HTTP__) or url.startswith(self.__HTTPS__): request_url = url else: request_url = self.get_bamboo_url(url) return request_url
[docs] def make_get_request(self, url: str, retries: int = 3) -> requests.Response: """Make a get request against the bamboo server. Args: url (str): relative or fully qualified url Returns: requests.Response: request object returned from requests.get() """ self.ensure_logged_in() try: return self._make_get_request_internal(url) except PermissionError: self.login() return self._make_get_request_internal(url)
def _make_get_request_internal(self, url: str) -> requests.Response: """Make a get request against the bamboo server (do not automatically ensure login). Args: url (str): relative or fully qualified url Returns: requests.Response: request object returned from requests.get() """ request_url = self.normalize_url(url) logger.debug(f"Getting url '{request_url}'") r = requests.get(request_url, cookies=self.session_cookie, verify=self.__SSL_VERIFY__) logger.debug(f'Status code: {r.status_code}') if r.status_code == 401: raise PermissionError("Bamboo API returned status code 401, unauthorized.") elif r.status_code != 200: raise ValueError(f"Unable to query bamboo API w/ url '{url}', status code {r.status_code}: {r.content}") if '<title>Log in as a Bamboo user - Bamboo Continuous Integration Build Server</title>' in r.text: raise PermissionError('Not logged in to bamboo') return r
[docs] def make_api_get_request(self, relative_url: str, json: bool = False, params: dict = {}) -> requests.Response: """Translate relative api url to the fully qualified bamboo api url, make a get request against it. Args: relative_url (str): url relative to the bamboo api endpoint (e.g. 'result/MYPROJ-MYPLAN/123') to make the request against json (bool): whether to return results in json params (dict): name/value dictionary of additional parameters to pass Returns: requests.Response: request object returned from requests.get() """ return self.make_get_request(self.get_bamboo_api_url(relative_url, json=json, params=params))
[docs] def download_file(self, url: str, destination: str) -> list: """Download a specific artifact file (from the full artifact url provided) to disk. Streams the download to avoid common 'gotchas' with downloading via http. Args: url (str): url to download destination (str): destination path or filename where the artifact is to be downloaded to Returns: (str): local filename of file that has been downloaded """ self.ensure_logged_in() destination_filename = destination # if a folder instead of a file is provided as a destination, use the filename of the artifact if os.path.isdir(destination) or destination.endswith(os.path.sep): url_parts = url.split('/') if len(url_parts) > 0: destination_file = url_parts[-1] else: destination_file = 'New_File' destination_filename = os.path.join(destination, destination_file) destination_filename = os.path.abspath(destination_filename) dest_folder = os.path.dirname(destination_filename) if dest_folder: os.makedirs(dest_folder, exist_ok=True) download_url = self.normalize_url(url) file_req = requests.get(download_url, stream=True, cookies=self.session_cookie, verify=self.__SSL_VERIFY__) if file_req.status_code == 200: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb', delete=False) as download_dest: logger.debug(f'Writing downloaded file from {download_url} to file {destination_filename}') for chunk in file_req.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: download_dest.write(chunk) if file_req.is_redirect and self._file_is_login_page( raise PermissionError( f"Login error: attempted to download artifact file '{download_url}' but only downloaded login prompt page instead.") shutil.move(, destination_filename) file_req.close() return destination_filename else: raise RuntimeError(f"Error while attempting to download artifact '{download_url}', status code: {file_req.status_code}")
def _file_is_login_page(self, filename: str) -> bool: """Helper method for determining whether a given downloaded artifact file appears to actually be the bamboo login promp page instead. Args: filename (str): downloaded filename Returns: (bool): whether the downloaded file is the bamboo login prompt or not """ try: if os.path.isfile(filename): file_size = os.path.getsize(filename) if file_size < 512 * 1024: # file is less than half a megabyte mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] if mime_type.startswith('text/'): with open(filename, 'r') as test_file: file_contents = soup = BeautifulSoup(file_contents, 'html.parser') if len("a[href*=atlassian\.com\/software\/bamboo\/]")) > 0 and \ len("form#loginForm[action*=\/userlogin\.action]")) > 0: return True except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # getting this info isn't critical, it just provides better error messages, so swallowing exceptions is fine pass return False
[docs]class BuildInfo(object): """A collection of methods for getting data on build results."""
[docs] @classmethod def build_passed(cls, plan_key: str, build_num: int) -> bool: """Determine whether a given build succeeded or not. Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) build_num (int): build number to retrieve results for Returns: bool: whether the build succeeded """ req = bamboo_connection().make_api_get_request(f'result/{plan_key}/{build_num}', json=True) return cls.successful_build_result(json.loads(req.content))
[docs] @staticmethod def successful_build_result(result) -> bool: """Analyze a build result json object and determine if it corresponds to a successful build Args: result: json build result Returns: bool: whether the build was successful """ if result and 'state' in result: logger.debug('Build state: {}'.format(result['state'])) return result['state'] == 'Successful' return False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_build_info(plan_key: str, index: int): """Retrieve the build info in json format for a given build plan with a relative index (0=latest) Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) index (int): index of build to retrieve info for (0=latest, 1=2nd most recent, etc.) Returns: build info results json """ logger.debug(f"Getting build info for build {plan_key} at index {index} (nth newest)") req = bamboo_connection().make_api_get_request(f'result/{plan_key}/', json=True, params={'expand': f'results%5B{index}%5D.result', 'max-results': '100000'}) req_json = json.loads(req.content) if 'results' in req_json: results_json = req_json['results'] if 'result' in results_json: if len(results_json['result']) > 0: return results_json['result'][0] raise RuntimeError(f'Unable to find build result for {plan_key} at index {index}')
[docs] @classmethod def get_latest_successful_build(cls, plan_key: str, scheduled_only: bool = True, max_iterations: int = 100): """Find the latest successful build within the last max_iterations builds for a given plan. Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) scheduled_only (bool): only count automatically run scheduled or triggered builds as successful max_iterations (int): maximum number of older builds to look through Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: build_num (str): build number of last successful build build_info: json data structure of build info for that build """ # TODO: should probably have a timeout condition or something scheduled_type = '' if scheduled_only: scheduled_type = ' (scheduled)' logger.debug(f'Finding latest successful{scheduled_type} build for {plan_key}') for build_index in range(max_iterations): build_info = cls.get_build_info(plan_key, build_index) if cls.successful_build_result(build_info): logger.debug('Found successful build.') if scheduled_only: if build_info['buildReason'] == 'Scheduled' or build_info['buildReason'].startswith('Changes by'): logger.debug('Build was scheduled.') return build_info['buildNumber'], build_info else: logger.debug('Not a scheduled build.') else: return build_info['buildNumber'], build_info else: logger.debug('Build was not successful') raise ValueError(f'Could not find a successful build for {plan_key} within the latest {max_iterations} runs.')
[docs] @classmethod def get_latest_build(cls, plan_key: str): """Get the build info for the most recently run build for a given plan. Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: build_num (str): build number of last successful build build_info: json data structure of build info for that build """ build_info = cls.get_build_info(plan_key, 0) logger.debug(f'Build info: {build_info}') return build_info['buildNumber'], build_info
[docs]class BuildArtifacts(object): """A collection of methods for finding and interacting with build artifacts.""" ERADICATION_EXE = 'Eradication.exe' SCHEMA_JSON = 'schema.json' REPORTER_PLUGINS = 'Reporter-Plugins'
[docs] @classmethod def find_artifacts_by_name(cls, plan_key: str, build_num: int, artifact: str) -> list: """Find all urls for files of an artifact of a given name for a specific build. Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) build_num (int): build number to retrieve artifact urls for artifact (str): artifact name/id Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of artifact urls that can be downloaded """ artifact = artifact.replace(' ', '-') # New url format url = f'/browse/{plan_key}-{build_num}/artifact/shared/{artifact}' logger.debug(f"Getting artifacts for '{url}'") return cls._find_artifact_internal(url)
[docs] @classmethod def find_artifacts(cls, plan_key: str, build_num: int, artifact_list: list) -> list: """Find all urls for files of a list of artifacts for a specific build. Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) build_num (int): build number to retrieve artifact urls for artifact_list (list): list of artifact names/ids Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of artifact urls that can be downloaded """ artifacts = list() for artifact_name in artifact_list: artifacts.extend(cls.find_artifacts_by_name(plan_key, build_num, artifact_name)) return artifacts
[docs] @classmethod def find_build_essential_artifacts(cls, plan_key: str, build_num: int) -> list: """Find all 'build essential' artifact urls (Eradication, schema, reporters) for a specific build Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) build_num (int): build number to retrieve artifact urls for Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of artifact urls that can be downloaded """ return cls.find_artifacts(plan_key, build_num, [cls.ERADICATION_EXE, cls.SCHEMA_JSON, cls.REPORTER_PLUGINS])
[docs] @classmethod def find_all_artifacts(cls, plan_key: str, build_num: int) -> list: """Find all artifact urls (Eradication, schema, reporters) for a specific build Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) build_num (int): build number to retrieve artifact urls for Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of artifact urls that can be downloaded """ url = f'/browse/{plan_key}-{build_num}/artifact/shared/' logger.debug(f"Getting all artifacts for '{url}'") return cls._find_artifact_internal(url)
[docs] @classmethod def find_all_artifact_names(cls, plan_key: str, build_num: int) -> list: """Find all artifact names (e.g. 'Eradication.exe') for a specific build (can be plugged into find_artifacts() to get actual urls that can be downloaded) Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) build_num (int): build number to retrieve artifact urls for Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of artifact names that can be downloaded """ url = f'/artifact/{plan_key}/shared/build-{build_num}/' logger.debug(f"Getting all artifact names for '{url}'") result = bamboo_connection().make_get_request(url) artifact_soup = BeautifulSoup(result.text, 'html.parser') table = artifact_soup.find_all('tr') if len(table) > 0: # remove first "Parent Directory" entry table.pop(0) artifact_names = [] for row in table: url, is_file = cls._get_url_from_row(row) artifact_names.append(url.split('/')[-1]) return artifact_names
@classmethod def _find_artifact_internal(cls, url: str) -> list: """Internal implementation of getting actual artifact urls with a starting artifact url. Enumerates all directory entries, drills down into each, returns only the full file urls found. Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of artifact urls that can be downloaded """ result = bamboo_connection().make_get_request(url) artifact_soup = BeautifulSoup(result.text, 'html.parser') table = artifact_soup.find_all('tr') urls = [] for row in table: url, is_file = cls._get_url_from_row(row) if is_file: urls.append(url) elif url: urls.extend(cls._find_artifact_internal(url)) return urls @staticmethod def _get_url_from_row(table_row) -> str: """Internal implementation for retrieving an artifact url for a row of data in the html page of the landing page. Args: table_row: html of a row entry from the artifact page (BeautifulSoup object) Returns: str: url of the link on the row """ columns = table_row.find_all('td') if len(columns) != 3: return (None, None) first_url = columns[0].select('a')[0] if first_url.get_text().startswith('Parent Directory'): return (None, None) is_file = columns[0].select('img')[0]['alt'] == '(file)' return (first_url['href'], is_file)
[docs] @classmethod def download_artifact_to_file(cls, plan_key: str, build_num: int, artifact, destination: str) -> list: """Download files found for a named artifact to the filepath provided. Additional files found will be downloaded as _2, _3, _4, etc. For example, if there are 3 files for 'Eradication.exe' the first will be Eradication.exe, the second will be Eradication_2.exe, the third Eradication_3.exe. Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) build_num (int): build number to retrieve artifact urls for artifact (list or str): list (or string) of artifact names destination (str): destination path or filename where the artifact is to be downloaded to Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of local filenames of files that have been downloaded """ artifact_list = artifact if isinstance(artifact_list, str): artifact_list = [artifact] artifact_name = ', '.join(artifact_list) artifact_urls = cls.find_artifacts(plan_key, build_num, artifact_list) downloaded_files = [] if len(artifact_urls) > 0: # TODO: add name of artifact from url to log downloaded_file = bamboo_connection().download_file(artifact_urls[0], destination) downloaded_files.append(downloaded_file) logger.debug(f"Downloaded artifact '{artifact_name}' from build {plan_key}#{build_num} to '{downloaded_file}'") if len(artifact_urls) > 1: filename_conflict = not os.path.isdir(destination) if filename_conflict: base_name = os.path.basename(destination) # note: this code still works when there is no extension name, ext = os.path.splitext(base_name) for i in range(1, len(artifact_urls)): filenum = i + 1 if filename_conflict: destination_file = os.path.join(destination, f'{name}_{filenum}{ext}') else: destination_file = destination downloaded_file = bamboo_connection().download_file(artifact_urls[i], destination_file) logger.debug(f"Downloaded additional artifact '{artifact_name}' #{filenum} from build {plan_key}#{build_num} to '{downloaded_file}'") downloaded_files.append(downloaded_file) return downloaded_files
[docs] @classmethod def download_artifacts_to_path(cls, plan_key: str, build_num: int, artifact, destination_path: str) -> list: """Download all the files for a given artifact and build to a specific folder, using their original filenames. Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) build_num (int): build number to retrieve artifact urls for artifact (list or str): list (or string) of artifact names destination_path (str): path to destination folder where files are to be downloaded Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of local filenames of files that have been downloaded """ artifact_list = artifact if isinstance(artifact_list, str): artifact_list = [artifact] artifact_name = ', '.join(artifact_list) artifact_urls = cls.find_artifacts(plan_key, build_num, artifact_list) # create destination path directory as necessary, raise error on downloading multiple files to a single file artifact_count = len(artifact_urls) if artifact_count > 1: if not os.path.isdir(destination_path): if os.path.isfile(destination_path): raise ValueError(f'Attempt to download multiple artifacts ({artifact_count}) to single file path: ({destination_path})') elif not os.path.exists(destination_path): os.makedirs(destination_path, exist_ok=True) downloaded_files = [] for url in artifact_urls: downloaded_file = bamboo_connection().download_file(url, destination_path) logger.debug(f"Downloaded file from artifact '{artifact_name}' from build {plan_key}#{build_num} to '{downloaded_file}'") downloaded_files.append(downloaded_file) return downloaded_files
[docs] @classmethod def download_latest_good_Eradication_exe(cls, plan_key: str, destination: str) -> str: """Find the latest successful build for a specified plan, download the Eradication.exe artifact to a specified path. Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) destination (str): destination path or filename where the artifact is to be downloaded to Returns: str: build number of build that was found and had its artifact downloaded """ (build_num, build_info) = BuildInfo.get_latest_successful_build(plan_key) cls.download_eradication_exe(plan_key, build_num, destination) return build_num
[docs] @classmethod def download_latest_good_schema_json(cls, plan_key: str, destination: str) -> str: """Find the latest successful build for a specified plan, download the schema.json artifact to a specified path. Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) destination (str): destination path or filename where the artifact is to be downloaded to Returns: str: build number of build that was found and had its artifact downloaded """ (build_num, build_info) = BuildInfo.get_latest_successful_build(plan_key) cls.download_schema_json(plan_key, build_num, destination) return build_num
[docs] @classmethod def download_eradication_exe(cls, plan_key: str, build_num: str, destination: str) -> str: """Download Eradication.exe artifact from a specific build. Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) build_num (str): build number to download from destination (str): destination path or filename where the artifact is to be downloaded to """ artifact_urls = cls.find_artifacts(plan_key, build_num, [cls.ERADICATION_EXE]) if len(artifact_urls) > 0: downloaded_file = bamboo_connection().download_file(artifact_urls[0], destination) cls.make_exe_executable(downloaded_file) return downloaded_file return None
[docs] @classmethod def make_exe_executable(cls, file_path: str): """On linux change the file permissions on a binary to make it executable Args: file_path (str): binary file to mark as executable """ if platform.system() == 'Linux': file_stat = os.stat(file_path) os.chmod(file_path, file_stat.st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
[docs] @classmethod def download_schema_json(cls, plan_key: str, build_num: str, destination: str) -> str: """Download schema.json artifact from a specific build. Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) build_num (str): build number to download from destination (str): destination path or filename where the artifact is to be downloaded to """ artifact_urls = cls.find_artifacts(plan_key, build_num, [cls.SCHEMA_JSON]) if len(artifact_urls) > 0: return bamboo_connection().download_file(artifact_urls[0], destination)
[docs] @classmethod def download_from_bamboo_url(cls, url: str, destination: str): """ Download Eradication.exe/Eradication directly from bamboo url Assume you already done login Args: url destination (str): destination path or filename where the artifact is to be downloaded to Returns: str: local file path that have been downloaded """ downloaded_file = bamboo_connection().download_file(url, destination) logger.debug(f"Downloaded from bamboo artifact url {url} to {destination}") return downloaded_file
[docs]class BuildPlans(object): """Collection of methods for getting information on build plans."""
[docs] @staticmethod def export_spec(plan_key: str) -> str: """Export a specific build plan to java specs. Args: plan_key (str): bamboo plan key (including project key) Returns: str: full text of the .java file for the plan spec, if the plan was found (empty string if not) """ url = 'exportSpecs/plan.action?buildKey=' + plan_key export_req = bamboo_connection().make_get_request(url) if export_req and export_req.status_code == 200: soup = BeautifulSoup(export_req.text, 'html.parser') specs_textarea = soup.find('textarea', {'name': 'exportItem'}) if specs_textarea: return specs_textarea.text return ''
[docs] @staticmethod def get_plans_for_project(project_key: str) -> list: """Return a list of all the build plans for every plan in the project. Args: project_key (str): bamboo project key Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of plan keys for each plan that was found in the project """ plans = [] r = bamboo_connection().make_api_get_request(f'project/{project_key}', json=True, params={'expand': 'plans'}) if r and r.status_code == 200: rjson = json.loads(r.text) if 'plans' in rjson and 'plan' in rjson['plans']: plans_json = rjson['plans']['plan'] for plan in plans_json: plans.append(plan['key']) return plans
[docs]def login(username=None, password=None): """Pass through to BambooConnection.login()""" bamboo_connection().login(username, password)
[docs]def save_credentials(username, password): """Pass through to BambooConnection.save_credentials()""" bamboo_connection().save_credentials(username, password)