emodpy documentation#
emodpy is a collection of Python scripts and utilities created to streamline user interactions with EMOD and idmtools. Additional functionality for interacting with EMOD is provided in the emod_api package and idmtools packages.
See idmtools for a diagram showing how idmtools and each of the related packages are used in an end-to-end workflow using EMOD as the disease transmission model.
- Installation
- Create simulations
- Create input files
- Run simulations
- Calibrate simulations
- Parameter sweeps and model iteration
- Introduction to analyzers
- Output reports
- Serialization
- API reference
- emodpy package
- emodpy.analyzers package
- emodpy.defaults package
- emodpy.generic package
- emodpy.interventions package
- emodpy.reporters package
- emodpy.bamboo module
- emodpy.bamboo_api_utils module
- emodpy.collections_utils module
- emodpy.emod_campaign module
- emodpy.emod_file module
- emodpy.emod_task module
- emodpy.utils module
- emodpy package
- Frequently asked questions
- Glossary
- Changelog
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