Source code for emodpy.defaults.ep4.dtk_pre_process


import os
# import sys
import json

# CURRENT_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(__file__)
# LIBRARY_PATH = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIRECTORY, "..", "site-packages")  # Need to site_packages level!!!
# sys.path.insert(0, LIBRARY_PATH)  # Very Important!

# import emod_api.config.dtk_pre_process_adhocevents as adhoc  # the code in this emod_api submodule should be updated then we can use it instad of having our own modified version.

[docs]def convert_plugin_reports(config_json): # Could do a nifty for loop but obsessing about copy-pasting can sometimes lead to unnecessarily opaque code crf = "" if "Custom_Reports_Filename" in config_json["parameters"]: crf = config_json["parameters"]["Custom_Reports_Filename"] if os.path.exists(crf): report_json = None with open(crf) as crf_handle: # could just read string, do replace, and write string but seems nasty to skip json parsing.... report_json_str = json.dumps(json.load(crf_handle)) event_map = config_json["parameters"]["Event_Map"] for replacement, event in event_map.items(): report_json_str = report_json_str.replace(f'"{event}"', f'"{replacement}"') report_json = json.loads(report_json_str) with open("custom_reports_xform.json", "w") as report_json_handle: report_json_handle.write(json.dumps(report_json, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) config_json["parameters"]["Custom_Reports_Filename"] = "custom_reports_xform.json" return config_json
[docs]def application(json_config_path): # Check if config.json has "Adhoc_Events". If so, process config_json = json.load(open(json_config_path, "r")) # campaign is written with GP_EVENT_XXX's but custom_reports need to be modified. if "Event_Map" in config_json["parameters"] and len(config_json["parameters"]["Event_Map"]) > 0: event_map = config_json["parameters"]["Event_Map"] config_json = convert_plugin_reports(config_json) config_json_str = json.dumps(config_json) for replacement, event in event_map.items(): config_json_str = config_json_str.replace(f'"{event}"', f'"{replacement}"') config_json = json.loads(config_json_str) config_json["parameters"]["Event_Map"] = event_map with open("config_xform.json", "w") as new_config: json.dump(config_json, new_config) return "config_xform.json" # return adhoc.do_mapping_from_events( json_config_path, adhoc_events ) else: return json_config_path